'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

April 9, 2014

'Iconic': Asmodeus and Astaroth

Asmodeus and Astaroth
Oklahoma   Spring, 2014
Asmo, Star

Caleb the renown spy who requested and was granted removal from the tribe of Judah as well as the caravan of the Israelite troop of survivors who were heading into the land of Abraham's Canaan. Caleb descendants, as it is taught in Eastern Studies, are the people who subdued the Canaan from the promise land settlers, Israeli, as noted in the book of 1 Kings, Holy Bible. Caleb was much more faithful to the One God worships then the Israeli travelers, so it's little wonder that his descendants would have tried to re-introduce the inner temple rituals that Moses used.

From that middle eastern super event histories the two DIDs Asmodeus and Astaroph. became the favorites of the middle eastern country of Israel. Asmodeus, as king, was introduced to that Calebian culture during the reign of King Solomon. Solomon allegedly had taken on the demon while experimenting with the inner temple rituals. Solomon, for whatever reason, 'took on' the demon Asmodeus during an evocation ritual and wasn't able to get back into the outer or right side of the brain.  Astaroth, illustrated in the second set of two images below,  is the other demon who is retained into the promised land, but he is more a favorite meal as Asmodeus like the favor of the meat. Why Asmodeus feed Astaroth demons to the people of Israel is not really known other then the fact that Astaroth's lemen is made of copper, and the copper smelts in ancient Israel are abounding in number. Large amounts of ingested copper and its sources will damage the inner ear along with the dense hearing abilities; therefore, eating the flesh of Astaroth would be a contact source of the mineral copper.

At this Dover link the page has a magnifier that can be used to fully view the image...they will also let persons buy the images for a little as 99 cents. These illustrations are from that site. Along with the images was this short summary of these images, "The Victorians were enthralled by fairies and angels, and their fascination with benevolent spirits is reflected in their art." The artist from the Victorian era handled the public publication of the DID longitudinal studies from America. It is through these stories and images that any further studies will derive their comments or conclusion from.

Again, the first set of images are of Asmodeus...the second set is of Astaroth...Good Luck!