'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 31, 2013

'Definitions': Slave

Oklahoma   7/31/2013

Slave. Al Qaeda. Worldwide. This word, when used continually, causes a stop in the brain patterns causing a person's mind to be dulled by the constant hearing the vibrating sounds ('Amdusias') that the word 'slave' makes when continually pronounced. It is believed that with that continual use (Sounds) in the US today, 2013 is a legal maneuver by gangsters who are attempting to dulled the senses to the word in the hopes to create a better legal position for individuals who are being, or about, to be prosecuted for the crime of slavery.

The dynamics of slavery in the USA so shortly after both the American Civil War and World War II posed a threat as the persons on whom slavery was, and is, being imposed caused a concern. The hopes to both have the word 'sl;ave' marginalized and create a verbal placement in the American culture, encouraged religious zealots to force branches of slavery onto the American population at large. So much so, that in which ever direction the legal case would go in, the religious Converso organization would still have one of the three attempts to secure a slavery conduit.