'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

October 15, 2013

'Trash FLASH': Weatherford Oil Consultants

'Trash FLASH'
Weatherford Oil Consultants
Oklahoma   10/15/2013

Using much the same techniques as the Alaskan governor's office, while under the leadership of Sarah Palin, Weatherford Oil is currently patrolling the streets of  Norman, Oklahoma shocking women on their breast nipples. While passing under city traffic lights, the Weratherford (Dora) white utility trucks drivers yodel verbal profanities and pitch fire balls of electricity at a female passersby.  Here in Oklahoma these white trucks are not good guys. KAPB is also in the process of tracking an Al Qaeda cell by the name of LACY. Because of the physical assaults made today, plus the verbal assaults on earlier occasions during our LACY track-down, KAPB feels Weatherford Oil Company is most likely a member or a part of the Al Qaeda cell that is listed on the presidential watch list for Al Qaeda suspects.