'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

October 22, 2013

Did you know that...

'Did U Know That...


In the book of  Matthew at 1: 1-16 lists the genealogy of Jesus. But, at verse 16 the bible says Joseph was the father of Jesus. So what's this about? Was it...

* to remove Jesus from the notion of a divinity
* required that the head of household, regardless, to be listed in all genealogical records, alien Christians included
* the reinstatement of the pre-marriage law that the Pharisees halted during the ministry of Jesus so that he could know longer teach in the synagogues as he was labeled a bastard. Thus the reinstatement would allow Joseph as the father rather then Jesus be called to be God as Man
* the name 'Joseph' itself was one of the houses listed in 1 Samuel. As their custom, 'all males first' were duly recorded

When Matthew wrote his book any of the above choices could have been correct. Whatever the reason, Joseph is listed as the father of Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew. 


Jesus was never referred to as a Hebrew. And, even though the New Testament apostles preached of him as without fault; that is, infallible, he's never referred to as a Hebrew! Why? 

* Some of the Hebrews fought with Moses about Pharaoh's men sitting on the straw that made the 'bricks'. Many of the new converts to the One God demanded of Moses to beg Pharaoh's forgiveness calling the conversed behavior a disobedience
* Moses refused and the Hebrews became known as Jews ; or, better, 'Conversed'
* New Testament states Jesus the Jew was repayment for the first born dead of Egypt. This made the Jews at fault for their lack of faith and not the Hebrews who didn't beg to return to worship of Pharaoh.

The result makes it perfectly clear that faith without working for salvation it is a dead belief. And at the event of Jesus' birth the story teller wrote that in the stable it was a donkey that sat on the straw.


The entire bible is written in the special language used by dogs. It is! With only a few words from the special feline, or cats, language, the bible was specially written to reflect that idea. Why?

* Abraham, to where genealogies are written from, was from the town of Sodom. Famous with it's connection to Gomorrah.
* Sodom was evil for making demon gods and then having sex with them. Gomorrah was evil for making animals of men. The highest intelligence is the canine(dog).
* As the One God called "I Am" is the victory, conversed men(and women) to the evils of Sodom learned to talk in the language of dogs.

If you ever go and study Veterinary Medicine you will learn that's it's true. The nouns and verbs are all in the special dog language.  p.s...Jesus loves you, woof! 


 Revelations 22: 21 is the single word "Amen". 


* Amun means 'unknown master'. In the first attempt to Christianize opium addicts with the use of wine was in Cairo, Egypt. Conversed lettering with the 'first and last' letters the signature of the author not included the remaining letter are UM. That Egyptian dynasty recorded that they didn't know who it was that they were seeing and sent messages throughout the known world for an answer to who the man that they would see when the sun rose each morning.

* Amen means 'eternal master'. At the conclusion of the holy book of the bible, the religious scholars in Istanbul, Turkey, the first step from Cairo, felt it was a matter of faith to understand what the words mean when   the fruit of the vine, was used to cure opium addiction. Couple with the only few words addicts can see this man speaking encourages converts to freedom and salvation.

 The words this sun/son says to you are "Follow me".


Joseph, the birth father if Jesus Christ, may have been the husband of Mary Madeline.  Contrary to current beliefs of a lover to the messiah Jesus, Mary by Jewish law would have been referred to as an out-cast. Read of it in this After thought: from the Ligature essay of Luke.
" After thought: After much study, it's felt that Mary Madeline my have been Joseph's (father of Jesus Christ) first wife. The bible details the story of how and why Joseph divorced his wife in favor of Mary. Mary tell the story of how she was surrounded by evildoers and witches yet she was chosen to be the mother of a blessed child to be considered a/the messiah. Jesus, as detailed above, lived in among demons and transgressors and among them was Mary Madeline, a barren women therefore she would have been considered as a cast-off wife if Joseph decided to divorce her, which is what he did. Mary Madeline converted to the way of Jesus after he preformed an exorcism and removed her demons, seven in total...this seven demons may be a schism for the seven primary divisions in the religious structures we know today."