'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

October 30, 2013

'Definitions': Alfenon: The Parade Name on Bruce

Alfenon: The Parade Name on Bruce
Oklahoma   10/30/2013

Alfenon. The parade is the place where the name 'Alfenon' becomes known. When a Bruce, Al Qaeda member rolls down the road in a parade, they think in the terms of an Alfenon'. 'Alfenon' will work very slowly giving very little effort even to the smaller of details. Food, clothing, with health and sanitation as the three main issues that an 'Alfenon' considers to be valid for working through...and, usually only if it'is to maintain their living arrangements if those arrangements are safe with food, clothing, etc. But more importantly, the Bruce, Al Qaeda will never again do as the Al Qaeda tell them to do. Pulling from a well-of-resources that they accursed over the years, 'Alfenon' are able to locate the many others who rode in such a parade...within just a couple of years, Bruce will included his favorite female impersonator to ride along with him, and into a new life style so to say. Using somewhat of a Dilem pattern arrangement, this twosome manages to place themselves somewhere into, whether knowingly or not, the third person resources to advance the parade couple's new lifestyle. Even if Bruce does convince the other male counterpart, it is the female look-a-like that will be the fixative into the new lifestyle reentry. updated oct 31, 2013.