'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

October 20, 2013

'Definitions': Lacy (or Lasis)

Lacy (or Lasis)
Oklahoma   10/20/2013

Lacy. Another cluster reported by the Presidential G.W. Bush, Jr. administration. This group is some what large, but the member are all about the same they just play different parts along the way. This Al Qaeda group is free-base meaning they interact when ever they want to input or engage a victim. They are also all prisoners in some way...either in jail, in transitional situations, probation/parole, and at large fugitive.

The members and other objects that are used:
  • 1. Argonaut - Greek fraction this time.
  • 2. Bar-Jesus - This Sabnock goetia is the same as mentioned in the biblical book of Acts. Lasis (believed to be the formal form of 'Lacy') is mentioned here as an associate with the two disciple and Bar-Jesus.
  • Agares, Sabnock, Fung and Bathin - This are the three DID's that comprise 'Lacy'.  The chosen DID's from these three goetias are ones who like to inject an herbal liquor by the name of Ferrius. By using a pain soother, they are able to withstand the burning caused by the injecting of an alcohol substance. The Bathin is a religious Christian Protestant by the name of Kenneth Copeland. The Sabnock is in the stage of 'Alien' called Splem...it is at this step that a Sabnock will repeatedly do pornography.
  • 4. Kyle Hobbes - With the resent merging between rival motor gangs of 'Finks and Mongols', Hobbes from Australia (Finks) became the USA National President of the Finks. This Foras goetia motor gang will allow an Agares goetia to join their motorcycle pack if the group is small and freshly developing, such as with the resent merger. The merger made the Fink/Mongol (USA) the second larger motorcycle group in the world.
  • 5. Newspapers - Journalism is the favorite workshop place for 'Lacy's' public awareness. Here in Oklahoma, The Oklahoman is the state-wide newspaper that is used to 1. gossip, 2. fornicate, and 3. lie...these three idioms have been identified by country which are Italy, Greece, and France.
  • 6. CIA, FBI, DEA, and ATF - 'Lacy' is the largest crime group where persons from the CIA, FBI, DEA, and ATF are located. Just what they are there for is not quite understood but the numbers for these four law enforcement associations are: FBI - Transgender, CIA - persons born in bastard, ATF - known as some form of incest, and DEA - Deaist lesbian who has the power to use multi guns and equipment of making bombs, etc. 
  • 7. Cheerleaders - Using the Latin term of 'En Dominae' [In the name of], Cheerleaders in 'Lacy' have a separate identity from the average pro-port extra. Because of the Italian membership it would be safe to assume that an evolved arena madam would most likely to this cheerleader.
  • 8. Frontal - Best known in the Jewish religion, a frontal is a prayer locket that is worn over the forehead. Its purpose is to service as a reminder to the laws whether religious or religiously organized.
  • 9. Weatherford Oil Company, Houston, Texas. -  Connected with the Governor's office Weatherford Oil is the street patrol for 'Lacy'. 
  • 10. State-wide Water Conservation Policy - 'Lacy' is suspected by Oklahoma State Police of being the master-mind Al Qaeda group who was involved in the 1994 Federal Court House bombing.
  • 11. Bruce - In 'Lacy' Bruce members are in the stage of Aen.
  • 12. Mormons - There was some evidence that the religious group of LDS (Later Day Saints) were around the building sometime before the bombing. 
  • 13. Bob Stoops - KAPB believes that, after several pass throughs, Stoops is an Al Qaeda cell of its own. It is not fully known just who and how this possible cell is made up.
  • 14. Prostitution - 'Lacy' likes to use transgenders who are in prostitution. 
  • 15. Demagoguery - Based on the three kings of Saul, David, and Solomon, including their wives, concubines and lovers, KAPB believes this religious subject currently details an association to a worship of a select person for this type of a god worship.  Meaning: individual persons are assigned an individual king (one of the three above), and the biblical pattern of each king is the format used today in this king-god-victim type of demagoguery. It is believed that the Al Qaeda king adds any other necessary elements to form his worship kingdom that is funded by the victim's personal assets, such as, academic diploma/degrees, employment status, and personal art/crafts works of multiple levels. 
  • 16. Forge - Forge like to abort negro babies. They will also use the illegal procure of partial birth abortion. Living in a communal situation, Forge will have, fund, and procure abortions of the Negro fetus.
  • 17. Abraham and Sarah - Such as with the biblical impedance of Abraham/Sarah/Hagar, it is believed that the American settlements in among the Native American Indians was much the same. Indian chiefs Osceola (Creek) and Cochise(Apache) are both in a stage of Ken. Much of the stage of Ken he is an impedance. Therefore, the use of a so-called second wife had to have been used to continue on the the linage of Osceola and Cochise, or here said the Abraham factor. This is a part of the 'Lacy' foundation.
  • 18. Parties - These types of parties are used by Bedouin Arabs. As members of the Silk Trade Route, recently busted (Oklahoma, 2013), this crime organization is located primary in the USA. Silk Road in located in China, Silk Fabric is in Russia, and Silk Wear in located in Canada. These are only a few names and locations for this Bedouin Arab members. Parties are assembled by the Sabnock goetia as a 'Class Act' gathering. The private homes of private citizen are viewed during one of the 'Class Act' parties. These Bedouin Arabs are mainly in the stage of Bruce.
  • 19. Greek Orthodox Church - Under the influence of the biblical James the Lesser, this religious order is very assaulting towards women. They believe women are for the sole purpose of child-bearing. They also feel that women outside of child-bearing have no human rights. This Greek religious order also believe women are to provide both same-sex as well as childless opposite sex couples with fresh infants. This religious order believes this procedure should be done without reservation, guile, and guilt. 
  • 20. Katie/Bruce (fung) - Within 'Lacy' both Katie and Bruce (currently both are suspected to be Al Qaeda cells) works for a Greek merchants named Felix Halunlun.
  • 21. Astorah - Astorah works as a gigolo.
These are the Al Qaeda members KAPB found within the crime group known as 'Lacy'. 'Lacy' is a key figure in the USA 9/11 New York, Washington, D.CC., Pennsylvania, and Virginia bombings. The investigations into this Al Qaeda group was brought on by Former President George Bush, Jr. during his administration.