'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

August 7, 2015

Trash FLASH:Jeweled Pope, The Medici Brother

Jeweled Pope, The Medici Brother
Summer 2015

Sooner or later evidence indicating the many, many gems aand golden earrings collected from
Western Europe would show up in a picture of a pope. Scholars say the dead martyr is most likely a Medici Brother. The Medici allbut founded, what is today called 'the street people', street slam, and pick pocket racketeers .Americans everyday pass by on street corners members of an elite corp formed to collect thousands of dollars of tax free monies, plus, whatever could be picked off of the unbeknown money givers, The Medici brothers themselves accumulated hundreds of thoundands of dollars which in the late 1400's bought them the seat of power, consecutively, as a pope, for the two brothers.