'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

August 8, 2015

Roots: Five Crime Fighters of Kara's

Five Crime Fighters of Kara's

Currently there are no published pictures of Kara's five characters that were developed while fighting the gangs at the Cedar Apartments.

Listed in 'Roots', hopefully the names, etc. will be remembered. Images of the five are registered on Service TV, Recquim.

Tin Can - crime fighter who outfit looks something of a tin can...she makes tin can sounds when fighting...identification name is 'Tin Can'...and seems a little immature and daffy.

Emerald Jem - crime fighter...looks like an emerald stone...very pretty...wears green silk flowing gowns...quite but direct in personality.

Uyrea Dwibble - crime fighter...pretty face with somewhat yellow in completion...wears what appears to be an emergency diaper outfit...very mature and responsible personality.

Z Musslika - crime fighter who fights church and the Nazis...wears police action/military special forces with prints of anti church/Nazi slogans...very beautiful face...mature, direct, and dangerous.

Lady Fluck - crime fighter who battles transgenders in fairy stages...uses curse words a lot...wears flowing fairy type clothes...very cute face that is sometimes hooded over...an extreme change over into a fierce killer of faries.