'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

August 30, 2015

Aliens On Us: Spinal Cord Apparatus

Aliens On Us
Spinal Cord Apparatus
Sept 2015

From the base if the head just above the spinal cord a fluid began to push out of the skin. With it came very small beads.

Searching through a variety of ancient devices, the pictures posted here are very much like the apparatus found on the back of the neck a KAPB member.
Trying to get enough information to post, with the hopes of some feedback, KAPB is posting what is available as of now.

Though sources say the Saladin studies are about the human heart, no real information is a very for the general public.

It is discussed about Saladin being a delusion seen during the withdraw from extreme marijuana addiction...and especially the Hindu Cush strain - KAPB has other posts about this marijuana.

NIH (National Institute of Health) published an ancient Roman medical book that also have drawings of what is though to be a rendition of the spinal cord device.

Whether or not there is a relationship with the U.K., Rome, and Arabia isn't known, but the All Qaeda cluster called '3' has been heavily operating on KAPB members sense the fluids started pushing outward.

As posted over the last few months, After Dog is pretty such the same as all the other stages before it, with the exception that all clusters have passed at least one time through a Goetia dog stage.
These also are in Step 2, and it's believed that their leaders have run off on them.

Lastly, the Franciscan monks seem to be hosting the party. Little surprise.

The device seems easy to have it removed. Some work is entailed, but the pain is lessened when using lavender soaps (boys use Ala Vera) and sanitary water (bleach). Both ends of the spine will have ports...3 or 4 at the bottom of the spinal cord, and 6 or 7 at the neck.