'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

December 12, 2015

Art a Fish: Jesus Fishers

Art a Fact
Jesus Fishers

In the Holy Bible's New Testament, Jesus of Nazareth was written about as if three stages of men and fish were an interest in the mankind studies.

Jesus did spend time in Egypt (libraries of medicine), and he did take over John the Baptist ministry after John died, Jesus felt he was the cause of that death. John's ministry was Syrian via Egypt. With all that info an open mind needs to be used with this photo because historians and Egyptian medical historians say this fish is from persons who's DNA was altered to 'Yam', meaning 'of the sea'. The fish still live in warm waters around the world.

November 12, 2015

Iconic: Bull or Seahorse?

Bull or Seahorse?

In the bayous in the state of Florida, the seahorse live and breed.

Along the shoreline of these water inlets it's very easy to see numbers of seahorse mating during their courting seasons. The round hole ports on the head of the bull in this image resembles those seen on seahorse at mating seasons. Therefore, it may be a statute from an ancient seaside temple. Homer, the Greek author, wrote a lifetime of dramas about the sea and what effects it has on the people who live and work with oceans and rivers, including the waterways of the two.

November 9, 2015

Iconic: The Roman Romulas Statute

The Roman Romulas Statute

KAPB has posted dozens of pages about the Romulas influence on the ancient Roman people. Several posts had pictures of that Goetia character, but not as clear as the images with this post.

A little history for new viewers. In order to create some understanding of the dog god worship of Rome it should be noted that Concords is the name of the upper room in the Vatican...major decision are made there. Concordia is a dog god worshiped up until the late 1800's by the Church. Soon after that period, they returned to the Sol Invictius worship of swapping places to avoid failure. From Egypt, the Romans carried back Seth, some say dog, others say beetle. It was in the mixing of the two, Seth and Romulas, that Sol Invictius became known. Whether Greek, Egyptian, or Roman  the first happenings of a dog god worship in Rome is always debated...for sure Romulas is a Goetia character. Therefore, Romulas (brain) was first, Egyptian medical was second, and Greek mythology is the study of mankind behavior according to the human brain and it behavior over the person.

November 5, 2015

Iconic: Mary Statute

Mary Statute
Nov 2015

Everytime a picture of a statute, let alone Mary, KAPB simply falls to tears. The eyes of the girl in this photo barely filled with stone before the stone mass hardened. Sure was brutal in ancient history. Surpriseingly , these types of statutes can still be found here and there.

October 20, 2015

Flash TRASH: Vintage STD Poster

Vintage STD Poster

This is a great little poster! Vintage WW2 poster warning service men about VD ( verenerial disease). Printed on her dress are the words for VD in the hopes to send signals to just what the girl is doing while she sits staring up at 'pin-up' pictures of men in the military. First time seen, but won't forget it...it will be a favorite.

October 14, 2015

Trash FLASH: National Parks and Ancient Aliens

National Parks and Ancient Aliens
Oct 2015

In Byron National Park is an ancient riverbed lined with sandstone monoliths that nature created to appear somewhat conical wearing a sun hat. Lots of fun!

October 7, 2015

Iconic: The Milky Way and the Church

The Milky Way and the Church

Everyone knows that the Milky Way is the constellation that planet Earth is inside of.

Because of that fact, the gases from this planet at any given time will collect and illuminate as it passes over the hemisphere.

This illustration has wonderful symmetry with the mindset of human behavior. Each time the image has been viewed the clustering of the gases appear different. Psychiatrist will say it is the mindset that configures images in the brain as well as the time of day and the time of the year. So each time the picture is viewed a reader most likely will see something different.
Have fun and thanks for viewing KAPB Plutonium.

September 18, 2015

September 14, 2015

Roots: U.S.Civil War Spies

U.S. Civil War Spies

Like everyone who has connections to any of the surviving soldiers or civilians from the U.S. Civil War (1865), here too is a fabled rumor of Civil War intrigue...The Lost Dispatch, Virginia. Curious of the many stories in that war's history, searching archives, documentaries, etc. simply for a seekers interest, the photos of spies, that is Scouts, of Virginia was located. The vintage photo is below...

September 10, 2015

Art a Fact: Cleopatra (Naser)

Art a Fact
Cleopatra (Naser)

Naser is the name of the girl how was the physical person that the opium delusion Cleopatra was derived from. Naser, the sister of a Ptolemy ruler, is perhaps the most famous because she was, by Egyptian authority, the wife, or consort, of Julius Caesar as well as Roman General Mark Anthony. Anthony is also, like Cleopatra, an opium delusion that is also fused with the use of red grape wine. The image below is that of Naser...

September 6, 2015

Trash FLASH: Massey Fans

Massey Fans
Summer 2015

This little, once favorite, fan eats up electric usage like it's candy. Purchased by the Catholic Church in 2013, the company added extras that use pounds of kilowatts. Nearly quadrupling energy bills, Chatty Cathie's run sermons, religious persecution, and sexual audios through the use of gay, and married, church members.

Cut the Cord, to cut the crap!

August 30, 2015

Aliens On Us: Spinal Cord Apparatus

Aliens On Us
Spinal Cord Apparatus
Sept 2015

From the base if the head just above the spinal cord a fluid began to push out of the skin. With it came very small beads.

Searching through a variety of ancient devices, the pictures posted here are very much like the apparatus found on the back of the neck a KAPB member.
Trying to get enough information to post, with the hopes of some feedback, KAPB is posting what is available as of now.

Though sources say the Saladin studies are about the human heart, no real information is a very for the general public.

It is discussed about Saladin being a delusion seen during the withdraw from extreme marijuana addiction...and especially the Hindu Cush strain - KAPB has other posts about this marijuana.

NIH (National Institute of Health) published an ancient Roman medical book that also have drawings of what is though to be a rendition of the spinal cord device.

Whether or not there is a relationship with the U.K., Rome, and Arabia isn't known, but the All Qaeda cluster called '3' has been heavily operating on KAPB members sense the fluids started pushing outward.

As posted over the last few months, After Dog is pretty such the same as all the other stages before it, with the exception that all clusters have passed at least one time through a Goetia dog stage.
These also are in Step 2, and it's believed that their leaders have run off on them.

Lastly, the Franciscan monks seem to be hosting the party. Little surprise.

The device seems easy to have it removed. Some work is entailed, but the pain is lessened when using lavender soaps (boys use Ala Vera) and sanitary water (bleach). Both ends of the spine will have ports...3 or 4 at the bottom of the spinal cord, and 6 or 7 at the neck.

August 28, 2015

Endocrine: Morgellon's Disease the Amplified Sepsis

Morgellon's Disease the Amplified Sepsis
Fall 2015

Morgellon's Disease is a fairly new disease having been discovered and named within the last 20 years. More and more super nova diseases are appearing in America with very little full story information about any of the super-sized viruses other then the traditional formats.

Ancient Aliens, a History Channel series, covers the Morgellons disease because of the alien like clusters that developed in the Sepsis (fecus) virus after a sepsis sample had been taken into space and exposed to space elements such as gama rays, cosmic dusts, sonic radiation, etc. for about a one and a half years.

A. Aliens reports that viruses exposed in that way increase 700 percent when the samples are returned to earth.

First found in elementary schools, Morgellon's slowly spread to adults throughout communities were young, school age children lived.

Oklahoma State University was involved with studies of sepsis viruses, and later with Morgellon's.

Regretfully, neither that university nor NIH (National Institute of Health) reported that the two, Sepsis and Morgellon's, were the same virus, one was the amplified version of the other.

Trash FLASH: Spotify (Play Station Radio)

Spotify (Play Station Radio)
Fall 2015

Trespassers at KAPB hate Electro music! Using influence, Spotify Radio has cut the length of playtime on their Electric Dreams mood category.

 Offering from the FBI to Play Station turned into channel suggestions to change radio moods to sing alongs aiding the FBI and federal (?) church affiliates a more pleasent radio experience at  Spotify. Sing alongs such as Electric Now category was offered as a beginning following through to be-bop country and western. I'd rather be dead!

FU FBI and for Spotify...I curse your head, your shoulders, your liver, your butt hole....

August 24, 2015

Trash FLASH:Vintage Image of Bedioun Women

Vintage Image of Bedioun Women
Aug 2015

This is an interesting picture. These female resemble the females in the religious movie, Name of the Rose.

Because that Sean Connery movie is about the Franciscan monks, Catharism, and criminal discoveries, it causes the mind to wonder what does it all add up to.

So whata Christian? Jew, Muslim, and Christian. All have a Jesus accord. Have Americans been shoeless with their toes being pulled for a few generations?

August 23, 2015

Iconic: NYC"s Central Park Celebration

NYC's Central Park Celebration

The U.S. state of New York celebrated their Central Park 164th year of the park's establishment in 2015.

At Tumble.com, NYC published the rock work at one of the park's entrances that got the attention of KAPB who found the artwork very interesting. It sort of looks like a couple of meso-american Viracocha gods.

Maybe just us... Happy Celebrations, 2015!

August 19, 2015

Aliens on Us: Spine Beads

Aliens on Us
Spine Beads
Late Summer 2015

Though a pictures exist of the spine device these beads are attached to, KAPB has to located it again...it will be added later.

The beads flow from both the top and bottom of the spine. Surprisingly, the spine doesn't have any reactions while huge clusters of beads are pushed up and down and then out of the skin. The neck area has a lot of exiting wounds as well as the largest holes.

The images attached are from the neck area. At the base of the spine there are only three wounds. Such smaller and drying up quicker, the base area has a few tender moments where the beads need to dry out before removal. Whereas the neck wounds could be removed daily. Tenderness at the neck was the result of constant removals or the yellow fluid that kept the beads moist which formed streams of hardened crystal.

The clusters of beads was attacked while trying to capture the image, but the bead mound was large and the beads very visible before struck with slivers of electricity.

August 18, 2015

Rocks at Cedars: Zoroastrian and Friend, Late Summer 2015

Rocks at Cedars
Late Summer 2015
Norman, Oklahoma

The Zoroastrian and friend rocks in the late summer 2015. An image on the friend rock is very clear while the Zoroaster rock is vague.

August 17, 2015

Endocrine: Into Another Sepsis World, Pt 4

Into Another Sepsis World, Pt. 4
Summer 2015

Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4

The Metamorphosis

Metamorphosis is the transformation any living creature that has the ability to sublocate itself into another self. Sepsis, though a disease, has a throne of ideas,
phenonmenons, and creatures that are the result of it's physological metamorphoic abilities. The results of the noxious gases that that disease omits during it's life cycle.

Beginning with the color purple, the feces stool is effected first. In the rainbow image posted here, the upper dark area of the rainbow is purple. 

The original rainbow photo is from a science release about the effects of a sudden outbreak of sepsis in a small town...the only thing that had changed in that village was a new prison had been built. 

For some reason the village persons became infected with sepsis once the newly designed prison was fully functioning. Ill managed ghetto, sewers, and gang areas has the tendency to create environments suitable for the quick spread of sepsis. Between the influx of homosexual prisoners, the gangs which follow prison systems, and the usual poor prison 
managements, that small village was intoxicated with free based feces of those heavily developed sepsis hosts. Hundreds of villagers became infected many of which died because of those unmanaged radical conditions.

From a newly infected persons a huge band of creatures will evolve, while the older hosting sepsis will yield deeply defined beasts including plant (ivy) and animals of prey. 

Very little is ever said of the metamorphosis of a disease let alone sepsis, but it does exist. Humanity has been taught to love unquestionably...simply don't ask, so it's don't tell. Perhaps science is it's own parent, life evolves without the love of self...thus, simple self denial for the purpose of unquestionable life. Right or wrong, that is what, sepsis has become...the rainbow of a God's promise. Ours? Their's! Or has the rainbow been lost in the biblical plowshears of common faith.

August 14, 2015

Iconic: Fairy Godmother Revealed

Fairy Godmother Revealed
Summer 2015

In post modern America, faries were in just
about everything. As children, there were dandelion fairies, good night fairies, and tooth fairies.

As adults, flying fairies, gay fairies, and fairy fu..k ups. But never had Americans heard of Fairy Godmother.

If any would find a fairy godmother it be Disney...but it was not until the very early 2000's, and well past post modern America. All the same, an image of the Godmother became the norman, and everyone simply have to adjust to the fabled looked of the Fairy Godmother.

Here's to the Godmother of all those who used that icon...

she/he is now known, and that it is she/he who was loved for all ages.

August 12, 2015

Endocrine: Into Another Sepsis World, Pt 3

Into Another Sepsis World, Pt 3
Summer 2015

Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4

The Little Known Flower

 Very few people, to reiterate, very few people know that the flower called 'Joe Pye' grows up out of human waste materials; meaning, feces. Still unknown is the fact that that weed flower is the 'first stage' to today's opium poppies.

When bodies are misburied, fractured, and the feces is deposited in open access, a little flower will grow up from it.

All animals have some kind of flower, mushroom, or both. Persons who engage medically, orally, or sexually with feces will carry the Sepsis virus. Therefore, those who engage with feces the the ways mentioned will develop sepsis, and they will be an opium host. Doesn't leave much in the imagination.