August 3, 2015

Endocrine: Into Another Sepsis World

Into Another Sepsis World
Summer 2015

Part 1 : Part 2  :  Part 3 :  Part 4

Sepsis is perhaps the least known disease that ranks number one in America. There is a multitude of terms including septic tank, septic odors, and antiseptic. From the generations of the sepsis bacterial plant, or weed, the world's largest pharmaceutical drug of opium is manufactured for both a legal and illegal drug trade.

Recently, the world press released information about a band of gay men who have placed themselves, again, inside of a federal courthouse...and, they quietly assembled several bombs which they intended to use if gay matters were further shunned by the state.

How they got again in this once bombed federal courthouse is unknown, other then sepsis had a role in the logic the the drama. Using dramatic customing and futuristic notions of equality, they assembled a strong gay movement for gay males in the sepsis stage of multiple colors. Surreptitiously,  infecting coworkers with forced body contact and closeness offered a neat avenue for trafficked by human inclusion.

This Plutonium post will be in a four part series that will try to add some information about the stage of 'Rainbow', of which one of the Gay Rights (GAE, Gay Rights and Equality) men were in.

With that brief introduction, some history of the sepsis 'Rainbow' stage is necessary to help in lighten viewers.

The first known evidence of sepsis having a major role in humanity is, as mentioned, the rainbow spoken of the Holy from that Holy God to the surviving people, good or bad is not clearly known other then the rainbow is the direct result of unmanaged feces.

The second major position in the history of sepsis is a boy/girl of 'Fayum'.

Fayum is the absolute favorite of male transgender. Believing in a beauty created by the transferring of male/female hormones, every person who looked even close to this Greek, Egyptian, and Roman deotont was quickly converted to the Goddess Apollo. From there the Fayum girl would adorn tables of kings and queens for 3000 years.

Slowly evolving into a great nation of consorts, Fayum emerged as the number one transgender personality known today in the Gay world of western hemisphere.

Founded among the ancient theaters of Greece and Rome, the anticedent to the Fayum festival stood as the crux to the sepsis world of advancing colors.

Even today the entertainment industry seeps with both characters as the drama of those two worlds stand in a constant ancient battlement for a personal surpremacy.

How did this happen? Perhaps from the Holy God promise. On one side 'life', while on the other 'death'. With sepsis the two different worlds can never meet. There is no mountain now that will enable mankind to seek their enemy to gain control.

The captions in the following images should add more info. KAPB is sorry if this series sounds sad, but one again the Oklahoma Federal Courthouse had bombs in it. We are the 'death' in God's Promise as the feces rainbow broadens it's span across America.