August 17, 2015

Endocrine: Into Another Sepsis World, Pt 4

Into Another Sepsis World, Pt. 4
Summer 2015

Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4

The Metamorphosis

Metamorphosis is the transformation any living creature that has the ability to sublocate itself into another self. Sepsis, though a disease, has a throne of ideas,
phenonmenons, and creatures that are the result of it's physological metamorphoic abilities. The results of the noxious gases that that disease omits during it's life cycle.

Beginning with the color purple, the feces stool is effected first. In the rainbow image posted here, the upper dark area of the rainbow is purple. 

The original rainbow photo is from a science release about the effects of a sudden outbreak of sepsis in a small town...the only thing that had changed in that village was a new prison had been built. 

For some reason the village persons became infected with sepsis once the newly designed prison was fully functioning. Ill managed ghetto, sewers, and gang areas has the tendency to create environments suitable for the quick spread of sepsis. Between the influx of homosexual prisoners, the gangs which follow prison systems, and the usual poor prison 
managements, that small village was intoxicated with free based feces of those heavily developed sepsis hosts. Hundreds of villagers became infected many of which died because of those unmanaged radical conditions.

From a newly infected persons a huge band of creatures will evolve, while the older hosting sepsis will yield deeply defined beasts including plant (ivy) and animals of prey. 

Very little is ever said of the metamorphosis of a disease let alone sepsis, but it does exist. Humanity has been taught to love unquestionably...simply don't ask, so it's don't tell. Perhaps science is it's own parent, life evolves without the love of self...thus, simple self denial for the purpose of unquestionable life. Right or wrong, that is what, sepsis has become...the rainbow of a God's promise. Ours? Their's! Or has the rainbow been lost in the biblical plowshears of common faith.