'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

August 29, 2014

'FYI': The Apollo/Montezuma's Revenge

The Apollo/Montezuma's Revenge
Oklahoma   Fall, 2014

After uncovering and oracle based Apollo type temple in a private bathroom, a few facts about that discovery should be noted. The way in which the 'revenge' was handled is also notable because of the nations and personalities who assisted the criminals.

Within the embed is the technique that is being used to settle the cannibals who eat human bowel and urine. Forced enemas or diarrhea with urine linkage was the expected. Stages of the Viking was being used a the temple attendants in this Apollo type feces worship.

After the uncovering, the attendants were witnessed as making requests from observers for questions with the answer to be given by the person sitting on the toilet. A female sound was used by a unknown person, believed to be a church nun, who was faking as the presence of the toilet sitting, unsuspecting oracle victim. It was after the uncovering of the faking of a temple oracle worship that arrests were made...with that both Mexico and Canada offered threats concerning the entire ritual. Listed below is the revenge attack order.

More bathroom information:
Slowly over the past six years,
the fact that Greece had set up an Apollonian temple in the  bathroom of an apartment complex where a child ritual sacrifice had taken place. In the apartment building that was used for illegal immigrants from Mexico to sell drugs and other contraband, one apartment has the temple arrangements for feces connections by way of the toilet plumbing. The bathroom itself was decorated in
a biblical theme using mainly accessories from a local
 Walmart. On the wall behind the bath's entrance door
 is a picture of Jesus, or a possible Christian disciple,
being hugged by an angel. A bbile (NLT) was placed
on the back of the toilet's tank...along with a few other religious decorations. Artificial plants are placed in containers and hanging from clear holders. The arrangement resembles an outdoor outhouse one such as with a wooden, boxed-in look shrouded with camouflage leaves, etc.

The following order was used, and is still repeating, to defend the position this Taliban,  Al Qaeda attack is worked.

Attack Order:

  • Greece - Orthodox Church Ruler
  • Rome - Catholic Church Clergy
  • India - Viking and odors and gases
  • Korea - Pandas with threats of murder, etc. 

August 28, 2014

'Aliens On Us': Alien Baby Face

'Aliens On Us'
Alien Baby Face
Oklahoma   Fall, 2014

Couldn't resist publishing the baby face that was found my the corner of a KAPB member's eye.

It isn't known why the image was left there but all the same it seemed like and Ok thing to publish.

Before this image was taken a small frame in the shape of a saucer was present. Soon after that impression settled this image of an Alien presence became visible.

Out there somewhere is a wee person who's looking out at you from the corner of an eye.

August 26, 2014

'Art-a-Fact': Sphinxes in Greece

Sphinxes in Greece
Oklahoma   Fall, 2014

Sphinxes Emerge From Huge Ancient Greek Tomb
AUG 21, 2014 BY ROSSELLA LORENZIhttp://news.discovery.com/history/archaeology/sphinxes-emerge-from-huge-ancient-greek-tomb-140821.htm?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=dnewsnewsletter#mkcpgn=emnws1

Notes from original e-mailing
Is Greece a mountain top survivor or a sub-culture of Egypt? This discovery strongly suggests that Eastern Studies is on target with the claim that Greece is a sub-culture of the oldest civilizations on the African continent. ES claims Greece is a collection of personas that created the historical data base known in the world today as Ancient History of Mankind. Greece being the monolith for religions and social orders. - kla

Two headless sphinxes emerged from a massive burial site in northern Greece as archaeologists began removing large stones from the tomb’s sealing wall.The headless, wingless 4.8-foot-high sphinxes each weigh about 1.5 tons and bear traces of red coloring on their feet. They would have been 6.5 feet high with their heads, the Greek Culture Ministry said in a statement.The statues are believed to have been placed there to guard the burial, which is the largest tomb ever uncovered in Greece.
The tomb dates back to around 325-300 B.C., at the end of the reign of warrior-king Alexander the Great. It lies in the ancient city of Amphipolis, in Greece’s northeastern Macedonia region about 65 miles from the country’s second-biggest city, Thessaloniki.
The city, an Athenian colony, was conquered by Philip II of Macedon, Alexander’s father, in 357 B.C. Prominent generals and admirals of Alexander had links with Amphipolis. It’s here that Alexander’s wife Roxana and his son Alexander IV were killed in 311 B.C. on the orders of his successor, King Cassander.

August 23, 2014

'Vehicles': Yellow Cruiser, Sparkle Black SUV, and the Flesh Toned Matador

Yellow Cruiser, Sparkle Black SUV, and the Flesh Toned Matador
Oklahoma   Fall, 2014

Inquisition means Inquisitors.

These yellow cars are driven by members of the Al Qaeda that work in the torture side of the crime business. The yellow roadsters come in all shape and sizes depending on the way each likes to torture and kill girls and women.

What's unique about these yellow bumble bees is that over the years they are slowly beginning to resemble the original Roman and Spanish monks who ran the Dark Age Inquisition of Europe. Crime figures would pay close attention to the little daces the front and grill-work to forming into as the auto industry integrates this buggies into the American culture, but, still and all, they do advertise 'Torture', 'Killing Females', and 'Christian Church'. No matter how it's looked at, it's still a 'Sales Ad-On-Wheels'. OUCH!

One of the Inquisitor's buddies is the Black Sparkler SUV. They do the foot work, one-on-one conversations with the victim. Usually wearing similar color of clothing, the fem character will incorporate the color of 'pink', suggesting a CIA involvement. The male worker will generally have curly red hair, he too will act in accordance to behavior suggesting a member of the CIA.

The Age of Enlightenment has suddenly gone black.

Lastly, the 'Flesh Toned Matador'. This color is used by leaders. Primary Dukes. Dukes operate the businesses run by the Yellow ((Inquisition) Taliban.

Dukes are the 'set on it' Goetias, and they will guard like a living hell magnet anything the Yellow tells them to, other then the octopus, or anything resembling an octopus, which Dukes hate with a passion.

Most cinema movies about these Goatiaa can be dangerous as the ego factor is very high for Inquistas and Dukes/Monks. But, the movie entitled, Gangs of New York is considered to be a very good resource to see the many different colors associated with the upper Inquisition Al Qaeda members.

August 22, 2014

'Taliban Raiders': Taliban: From Hence They Came

'Taliban Raiders'
Taliban: From Hence They Came
Oklahoma   Fall, 2014

Because KAPB discovered the Taliban lurking around its publication business, there was no reason not to write a post about how they may have gotten started. Though the history may look as ancient history, some of the fractions, such as Atheism and Hindu, are were not formed until the latter 1800's. Even though this is a fact, the use of the system to develop a complete Al Qaeda Taliban set would have been used.

Modern day Taliban members are many times referred to as prophets. Why has been a question asked by many. KAPB has some information that is related in the biblical interest, and that is what the post will try to uncover.

In the Holy Bible's Book of 2 Samuel King Saul well before he was crowned discovered that prophets were the pre-forecasters for the Jewish nation...remember Judaism is the child religion of the parent worships called Zoroastrian.

This form of Buddhism is also known
as Yellow Chinese Buddhism because
 of the from of stoic worships given
 to the learned in this order.
So, Saul was interested in the prophets of Israel who were the prophets of Zoroastrian.

Continuing, Saul saw that the sons of Israel went into a seminary type of school that sat on top of a mountain. When the sons of Israel came down the path the Israelite called the sons 'Prophets'. Saul was not a son of Israel, but all the same wanted to be a Prophet, so Saul offered the priests and prophets some money to let him go to and learn that trade at that mountain top seminary. Hence, Saul became a Prophet.
Yellow Emperor. This Emperor is
given the credit for adding
civil order to China. Some
say the entire world is
structured by the attitudes of
this world leader.

Today, it's noticed that each Taliban member has a focused point of view at are similar in nature to the other members of the Middle-Eastern Taliban branches. Why? Because each division of the Taliban order must have been indoctrinated through the seminary type religious rearing.

Therefore, the use of 'tassels', 'belts', 'buckles', 'frocks', and 'yamaka' are present with the different divisions of the Taliban order. The picture with this post should help the readers see evidence there and use the seminary connection to their best advantage.

From Buddhism on into Christianity, Christians have served an important role in the formations of the Taliban armies. French Pagan Christian priests, as they were called the the Church of Rome, established a co-gender, or Argonaut, society. Rome Ruler after Rome Ruler pushed the co-personage lifestyle that they learned from the Greco-Roman sub-philosophies developed over the course of 1000 years...beginning perhaps at the Etruscan Olympic Games where Dionysus, wine, and pigs were the sport. Women of all ages traveled to entertain and debouch with song, merriment, and unfettered love.

As mentioned above, 'tassels', 'belts', 'buckles', 'frocks', and 'yamaka' are all icons inside of Taliban's quiet and selective army. Several photos should give some insight to what this may mean for those in these generations.

Tassels. First noticed by Queen Hatsheput of Pre-Ancient Egypt, the tassel slowly became the icon for women. The Queen herself wore the ornament as a symbol of fertility. She too may very well be a first in a co-gender society as both she and her husband wore the same ornaments during two separate reigns: thereby, suggesting a duel throne...first her husband and then the Queen herself.

Whichever the way, tassels are important feature in seminary prophets and must be worn in religious rituals at all times.

Belts and Buckels. Belts, as designed, were introduced for the simply reason 'as to hold the instrument'. The buckles had to convey a message of it was considered to be unholy. Therefore, all buckles must have a message of faith. Each division of the 'Taliban Raiders' therefore will have the icon of their personal seminary embedded into it.

Frocks. Frocks have the greatest influence in the Seminary Prophets, which some refer to as a Taliban. These frocks symbolize the devote faith that covers the heart and shields the soul from damnation. Without the frock a prophet would have no entrance into heaven. 

Frocks are everything from the feminine pinafore and Telnyashka, bridal gowns, both long and no-sleeved vests, two-sided aprons, and military/hunting carriages.  Frocks is one of the first things King Saul noticed about the seminary prophet, and the same thing he would try to wear when attempting to contact the God Almighty. 

As the the 'Yamaka', or head dress, it has to be yellow at some point or another. 
A color yellow is symbolic for the Taliban warrior in all nations, if any other story is known, it will be a false one. 

Yellow is the accolade of the Divine and honored. As with the Yellow Emperor, so it goes with the Seminary Prophets..Yellow!

During the Spanish Inquisition, the
'Dwarf' Inquisitor,  or judge, who wore
the formal 'yellow' head gear.
Worn by Jews

This yellow hat at the right is the type worn by Jews during both the Roman and Spanish Inquisition. The Jews who worn these yellow hats lived mainly in Rome, but they were seen elsewhere around the Holy Roman Empire.

Yellow is also one of the four primary colors worn by Taliban women. Remember, the color yellow is meant to symbolize orderly civilization and good fortune. It was through the Chinese ancient extra-enhanced sciences that mankind formed a earth on which fortune could thrice. Wherefore, yellow, as worn by Taliban women, would indicate success, good fortune, and high rank because of the Arts...whether designed or stolen.

Finally, something very important should be mentioned. All Taliban members has had to serve in a form of athletics. From the earliest times, Olympic Games, with its wine, women, and song, into the Dark Age Inquisition/Witch Hunters, where women and girls were assaulted, hunted and killed in acts of debauchery and lithograph pornography until today were hidden pro-sport females intermingle with fashionable high society posing as if they were men.

Each one along the series of evolution wore yellow to symbolize their fortune, faith, and to the conquer.

August 19, 2014

'Definitions': Sitting Governor Rick Perry Indicted

Sitting Governor Rick Perry Indicted
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Rick Perry is listed in the KAPB Definitions. He, along with several other governors have been a constant rashy area for most of us at this book publishing company. The Governor's Office across the United State should be discontinued simply because They have become outdated. There are several other government offices that should be classified as 'out of date', and they too should be closed. We at KAPB, know that one day all of these antiquated government positions will be shut down due to the corruption that they service.

Texas' Perry charged with coercion for veto threat - The Washington Post

August 18, 2014

'FYI': Converso Language 2014

Converso Language 2014
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

As more trespassers were questioned and a rapport was developed, more information was offered by the invading persons. Though several different types of persons were identified, the main concentration was from the three universities that have been a center theme to the blog entitled 'Plutonium.'

Trying to communicate with students and facility members, it was noticed that a language barrier was either deliberate or indirectly being used. That lack of english word definitions cause the intentional and directed conversations to be delayed until the state's central security computer could discern the meaning of both what was being said and what was being understood.

Below is a small list of words that has become the main connection with trespassers when trying to communicate with legal authorities. Just what the intention with this filtered set is unknown, but the central focus is to introduce slavery, attempts to congeal a state of slavery, as well as, to develop a mutual understanding, with a religious focus of slavery, as presented by the trespassers.

Automobile ... Cass
Cathedral ... University
Child ... Food
Computer ... Home
Father ... (there was no word used by the trespassers)
Fire ... Fire
Mother ... Corpse
School - Place
Student ... Worker ... Nig_er
Trespass ... Go
Update ... Usurper
Wife ... Slave

'Aliens On Us': Comet Probe

'Aliens On Us'
Comet Probe
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

One of the primary embeds is the 'Comet Probe.' It will normally be near the end of the removal of most of the alien embeds and implants, such as the Spyrex balls, etc.

The photo with the post is the last stages of it's removal. The tail of the comet is perhaps a fiber used to either stabilize the comet or help in it's transmission. Which ever reason for it being attached, it comes off in such as way as resembling scotch tape pulling off. The round pit is the area that needs constant attention as the matter rises to the skin surface each time it erupts. With a final burst both the center and protruding fiber can be yanked loose.

The visible swelling developed very soon after the probe was removed, and it remained swollen for nearly week before it became to go down.  The second wound is another 'Comet Probe' that has not fully developed, but the fiber is beginning to pull to the surface. Each time the center mass is removed a swelling does develop.

August 15, 2014

'FYI': Seven Elements in the Dark World: Within the Legal Professions

Goetia Pyramid: Seven Elements in the Dark World: Within the Legal Professions
Oklahoma   Summer, 2013

There are several distinctive characteristics in the Goatia demon elements with the legal professions. Each has their own type of job description, and each must only do their own work or confusion, conflict, and jealousy will disrupt the clans.

Pyramid here means in the order of appearance when the Goetia legal professionals are working a community or state.
  • Familiars ... police officers who ran off from duty
  • Entity ... clerk who fails to respond to clerical emergencies
  • Saint ... judge who turns into a goetia character for use by satanist movements
  • Principle ... main character who works in the legal profession but is not a lawyer or judge
  • Principalities ... clerks who work for judges in the dark side
  • Prince ... authority figure who is also a prostitute, such as a SuSa* clan at a law school 
  • Pulpier ... a worker for a prince
*SuSa is the first string players in major sports that homes and controls the activities of the team players. SuSa are the fancy prostitutes that will be the madam of whorehouses located on or around college and university campuses. The location of the SuSa residence is generally an on-campus church rectory or club center.

Notes from the 2013 post:
With the constant interruptions, legal maneuvers, and disruptions KAPB arrived at an understanding of the possibilities that the so-called last days theories Armageddon should include law enforcement. If first is last, etc. then law enforcement could serve as a last days member because the Levi tribe(law giver priest) was one of the first listed as not being at Jewish gathering to rebuild and reclaim Canaan, Israel, etc.

KAPB  feels that the listed below shows the biblical iconic terms in which law enforcement personal, both active and debunked, who have followed different scripture examples of contrary sociological behaviors. They have been dubbed as having a goetia/schizophrenic frame of mind.

August 13, 2014

'FYI': Converso Poets, or Taliban Conversation

Converso Poets, or Taliban Conversation
Oklahoma  Summer, 2013

These are the poets of the Converso movement. The list with this post is the seven organizations and how each of them like everyday life to be presented to them. It's very interesting and perhaps useful for those who are studying the civil order, communication, and understanding.

Atheist ... Vignette
Buddhist ... Storyteller
Christian ... Operetta, or Crescendo
Hindu ... Saga
Islam ... Prose, or Probe
Jewish ... Cartoon
Greek Multi-God ... Stage Plays, mainly Drama

'FYI': Weekly Food for the Mini-Me

Weekly Food for the Mini-Me
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Do you remember when it was a must to eat certain foods on certain days? Fired Chicken on Wednesday, Fish on Friday, and Ham and Cheese omelet on Sunday, was the weekly diet for most Americans during the post industrial era of the mid 1900's.  Most people say catholic church is Fish on Friday, but does that church get the credit for the establishment of that routine? No.

A weekly food list was constructed by the Eastern Studies after long scriptural research when a schizophrenic (mini-me) kept intruding into the monasteries of Eastern Turkey. The fraters (something like a monk) finally found what they were looking for nested in among the New Testament books, and passed the information on to clergy working in the Eastern Catholic outreach programs when the food system worked to uproot the intruder.

 After about four months of eating just a small morsel of  the weekday food set on a list of obligations (or, called 'fasting') would send the m\Mini-Me packing. Any time during a 24 hour period will work. The results will be that the 'Mini'Me' will be sent packing.

'FYI' has that list and wants to share it with readers...
Sunday - Cheese ... out of bag, toaster sandwich, and, yes, the Ham and Cheese Omelet
Monday - Hot dog ... bite the end off, on a bun, or rolled in mac and cheese
Tuesday - Spaghetti ... just thrown together, out of a can, or pocket pita
Wednesday - Chicken ... fried wing, grilled breast, or pot pie
Thursday - Pizza ... pizza bites, pizza bread, or pizza shop delivery
Friday - Fish ... nuggets, sticks, or fish cakes
Saturday - Pork ... chops, strips, or pork sausage (lite)

Thanks for Viewing...

Save This for Me - America's Great Outdoors, "If it isn't God's backyard, then he certainly...


Searching for the American Pyramid mega-computer
As in studying the ancient artifacts from around the world, the United States is a giant landmass with very little attention to any possible ancient 'extraterrestrial encounters'. If it's a closely guarded secret or simply ' no information available', the USA needs to step up and make a claim, even if it's seems ridicules. 

This picture is of a pyramid mountain in the Glacier National Park.
Pyramid mountains on other continents home the locations of lost colonies believed to once be mountain top sites used by inter-planetary travelers. Though those sites are now radio-active and only passable by using a HabNat suit, evidence proves that ancient nuclear plants, mega-computer, or Iridium storage was the primary function in those mountain top colonies. 

Die to the fact that the USA consistently recovers from one natural and man-made disaster, the belief that a much called 'Mega-computer' is the preserver of this continent, as well as, the United States. Glacier National Park and the mountain featured in this Outdoor Tumbler is said to be one of three mega-mountains that might home the North-American Pyramid computer. lost in time because of the disastrous developments of man-kind on this planet. 

Save This for Me - RNS-ELEPHANT-ISRAEL | Religion News Service

August 7, 2014

'Taliban Raiders'': Taliban's Pussy Cats

'Taliban Raiders'
Taliban's Pussy Cats
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

Two more can be added to the list of robbers of the Riverwind Casino...OSU and McDonald's Restaurant.

OSU. Oklahoma State University! Just after the post on the Taliban Bed Buddies, OSU pops up on the TV (DVD) and start in with the verbal assaults that OU (University of Oklahoma) uses. OSU claims now that they own OU, but refuses to pay off the trillions owed in maritime fines. Questioning OSU, they only said the sale would be cancelled and finalized as such if OU continued to mention the international fines to the OUS staff of professors who were on the air ways.

McDonald's did most of the public baggering with Kode chariots leading the pack of dogs (in bullet silver ford falcons) around the town following players who had witnessed the robbery. The McD manager from the Alameda location is still in the forefront with the prostitutes standing in among look-a-likes to make claims over the casino witnesses within the following 24 hours.

OSU would be the second of the three possible schools who would have connections to the murder crimes that happened in Norman, Oklahoma. The third school is believed to be Christian University where most of the professors took classes at. Christian University sits between OU and OSU.

All members of the Taliban hiding in Norman, OK use the same type of jesters to make claims of slavery over the witness of the Riverwind Casino.

OSU called Mexico who called OU who called Mexico who called Madrid when Felix Juan wCortez was identified. Felix Juan wCortez is the comparable Spanish group to the Jewish Taliban. Madrid, Spain called in the Goetia Haagenti. While the Taliman look like aphid, the Haagenti look similar to shrimp.

August 6, 2014

'Taliban Raiders': Taliban Bed Buddies

'Taliban Raiders'
Taliban Bed Buddies
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Wild Card Crazy!

This is very well possibility a photo
of Mike is the stage of
"Urban'. It is here that magic and
conjuring are the essentials
in their mindset.
What ever the reason, the Taliban has mooned the State of Oklahoma. Running around in red, black and white cars and trucks, while their dictator, gushing with orders, for the City of Norman, OK to witness the strength of the Jews. 

TV commercials in Oklahoma
are featuring Muslims taunting
viewers about the cattle
industry set off a volley of
comments yesterday,.
All the information KAPB has is that the WPT (World Poker Tour) and Mike Sexton, did an on-air confession to being the Taliban while wearing his Poker Stars logo shirt. Learning that that home owner had been added to Requiem, KPAB's live on-air reality channel, the television lite up like a dendera bulb. WPT went into a frenzy and demanded on-air attention at KPAB, something of which the managing editor had little time to give.  

At the Riverwind Casino, four thugs from the University of Oklahoma, via Bob Stoops, literally robbed the Poker Room at that casino. The card robbers confessed to be Taliban, Bob Stoops turns and confesses to being Taliban, and then ESPN adds itself into the huddle of Taliban militants. Prostitutes were jumping out of cars barking orders at females while law enforcement taunts back at them with the word 'Taliban'.

"Male football players...Beware!" quotes
from the Sir Caption OU Athletics.
The Taliban said they used WPT to deal drugs and that WPT was going to continue to. Contracts were signed to sell stories on OU Referee corruption, heroin was to be deal as Neuro, and invisible guns was the threat of the hour.