'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

August 15, 2014

'FYI': Seven Elements in the Dark World: Within the Legal Professions

Goetia Pyramid: Seven Elements in the Dark World: Within the Legal Professions
Oklahoma   Summer, 2013

There are several distinctive characteristics in the Goatia demon elements with the legal professions. Each has their own type of job description, and each must only do their own work or confusion, conflict, and jealousy will disrupt the clans.

Pyramid here means in the order of appearance when the Goetia legal professionals are working a community or state.
  • Familiars ... police officers who ran off from duty
  • Entity ... clerk who fails to respond to clerical emergencies
  • Saint ... judge who turns into a goetia character for use by satanist movements
  • Principle ... main character who works in the legal profession but is not a lawyer or judge
  • Principalities ... clerks who work for judges in the dark side
  • Prince ... authority figure who is also a prostitute, such as a SuSa* clan at a law school 
  • Pulpier ... a worker for a prince
*SuSa is the first string players in major sports that homes and controls the activities of the team players. SuSa are the fancy prostitutes that will be the madam of whorehouses located on or around college and university campuses. The location of the SuSa residence is generally an on-campus church rectory or club center.

Notes from the 2013 post:
With the constant interruptions, legal maneuvers, and disruptions KAPB arrived at an understanding of the possibilities that the so-called last days theories Armageddon should include law enforcement. If first is last, etc. then law enforcement could serve as a last days member because the Levi tribe(law giver priest) was one of the first listed as not being at Jewish gathering to rebuild and reclaim Canaan, Israel, etc.

KAPB  feels that the listed below shows the biblical iconic terms in which law enforcement personal, both active and debunked, who have followed different scripture examples of contrary sociological behaviors. They have been dubbed as having a goetia/schizophrenic frame of mind.