'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

August 22, 2014

'Taliban Raiders': Taliban: From Hence They Came

'Taliban Raiders'
Taliban: From Hence They Came
Oklahoma   Fall, 2014

Because KAPB discovered the Taliban lurking around its publication business, there was no reason not to write a post about how they may have gotten started. Though the history may look as ancient history, some of the fractions, such as Atheism and Hindu, are were not formed until the latter 1800's. Even though this is a fact, the use of the system to develop a complete Al Qaeda Taliban set would have been used.

Modern day Taliban members are many times referred to as prophets. Why has been a question asked by many. KAPB has some information that is related in the biblical interest, and that is what the post will try to uncover.

In the Holy Bible's Book of 2 Samuel King Saul well before he was crowned discovered that prophets were the pre-forecasters for the Jewish nation...remember Judaism is the child religion of the parent worships called Zoroastrian.

This form of Buddhism is also known
as Yellow Chinese Buddhism because
 of the from of stoic worships given
 to the learned in this order.
So, Saul was interested in the prophets of Israel who were the prophets of Zoroastrian.

Continuing, Saul saw that the sons of Israel went into a seminary type of school that sat on top of a mountain. When the sons of Israel came down the path the Israelite called the sons 'Prophets'. Saul was not a son of Israel, but all the same wanted to be a Prophet, so Saul offered the priests and prophets some money to let him go to and learn that trade at that mountain top seminary. Hence, Saul became a Prophet.
Yellow Emperor. This Emperor is
given the credit for adding
civil order to China. Some
say the entire world is
structured by the attitudes of
this world leader.

Today, it's noticed that each Taliban member has a focused point of view at are similar in nature to the other members of the Middle-Eastern Taliban branches. Why? Because each division of the Taliban order must have been indoctrinated through the seminary type religious rearing.

Therefore, the use of 'tassels', 'belts', 'buckles', 'frocks', and 'yamaka' are present with the different divisions of the Taliban order. The picture with this post should help the readers see evidence there and use the seminary connection to their best advantage.

From Buddhism on into Christianity, Christians have served an important role in the formations of the Taliban armies. French Pagan Christian priests, as they were called the the Church of Rome, established a co-gender, or Argonaut, society. Rome Ruler after Rome Ruler pushed the co-personage lifestyle that they learned from the Greco-Roman sub-philosophies developed over the course of 1000 years...beginning perhaps at the Etruscan Olympic Games where Dionysus, wine, and pigs were the sport. Women of all ages traveled to entertain and debouch with song, merriment, and unfettered love.

As mentioned above, 'tassels', 'belts', 'buckles', 'frocks', and 'yamaka' are all icons inside of Taliban's quiet and selective army. Several photos should give some insight to what this may mean for those in these generations.

Tassels. First noticed by Queen Hatsheput of Pre-Ancient Egypt, the tassel slowly became the icon for women. The Queen herself wore the ornament as a symbol of fertility. She too may very well be a first in a co-gender society as both she and her husband wore the same ornaments during two separate reigns: thereby, suggesting a duel throne...first her husband and then the Queen herself.

Whichever the way, tassels are important feature in seminary prophets and must be worn in religious rituals at all times.

Belts and Buckels. Belts, as designed, were introduced for the simply reason 'as to hold the instrument'. The buckles had to convey a message of it was considered to be unholy. Therefore, all buckles must have a message of faith. Each division of the 'Taliban Raiders' therefore will have the icon of their personal seminary embedded into it.

Frocks. Frocks have the greatest influence in the Seminary Prophets, which some refer to as a Taliban. These frocks symbolize the devote faith that covers the heart and shields the soul from damnation. Without the frock a prophet would have no entrance into heaven. 

Frocks are everything from the feminine pinafore and Telnyashka, bridal gowns, both long and no-sleeved vests, two-sided aprons, and military/hunting carriages.  Frocks is one of the first things King Saul noticed about the seminary prophet, and the same thing he would try to wear when attempting to contact the God Almighty. 

As the the 'Yamaka', or head dress, it has to be yellow at some point or another. 
A color yellow is symbolic for the Taliban warrior in all nations, if any other story is known, it will be a false one. 

Yellow is the accolade of the Divine and honored. As with the Yellow Emperor, so it goes with the Seminary Prophets..Yellow!

During the Spanish Inquisition, the
'Dwarf' Inquisitor,  or judge, who wore
the formal 'yellow' head gear.
Worn by Jews

This yellow hat at the right is the type worn by Jews during both the Roman and Spanish Inquisition. The Jews who worn these yellow hats lived mainly in Rome, but they were seen elsewhere around the Holy Roman Empire.

Yellow is also one of the four primary colors worn by Taliban women. Remember, the color yellow is meant to symbolize orderly civilization and good fortune. It was through the Chinese ancient extra-enhanced sciences that mankind formed a earth on which fortune could thrice. Wherefore, yellow, as worn by Taliban women, would indicate success, good fortune, and high rank because of the Arts...whether designed or stolen.

Finally, something very important should be mentioned. All Taliban members has had to serve in a form of athletics. From the earliest times, Olympic Games, with its wine, women, and song, into the Dark Age Inquisition/Witch Hunters, where women and girls were assaulted, hunted and killed in acts of debauchery and lithograph pornography until today were hidden pro-sport females intermingle with fashionable high society posing as if they were men.

Each one along the series of evolution wore yellow to symbolize their fortune, faith, and to the conquer.