'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

May 11, 2013

'FLASH': Micky D's Simcha

Micky D's Simcha
Oklahoma 5/11/2013

Just when you think you've come out of the water...up jumps the shark!

Remember, the McDonald's Restaurant post Plutonium made back in July 2012(7/11/12)...well, the debate over who was right and who was wrong in the sexual allusions surrounding 'baby flesh energy pills' has come to its close.

Today the restaurant's shift manager pictured below pulled out her electrical gun and shot volts into the kotex(vagina)of a KAPB member. The question between two shift managers held up the final posting of the iphone picture that was taken at the time of a bathtub(first) invasion. Because the resolution was still in question as to who, of the two, was the culprit the picture wasn't released until today. The manager in the picture, herself knowing this image was to be posted continued to pour on the threats of obesity and criminal harassment. She a proponent of the 'Perwing', and from Belgium in political affiliation plans to stand her ground, in this case 'water'. Good Luck! Thanks for the viewers patience.

In 2014, and with another year of education, it was discovered that the church character here is 'Simcha'. One of the Jews who survived the Spain Inquisition and became a favor for the Catholic Church's collection of select personalities. Because the church has never reality let go the the Inquisitional tortures, 'Simcha' and her children (McD's and home) are the wee people with her. TV and Internet commercials and ads run with her as the lead. The Russian music group Pussy Cat Riot has McD's Simcha as a group member. The list of espionage attempts here in the USA has been lengthy. Wonder were it will go.... We do know that Belgium is the home port for this character.