'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

June 30, 2014

'Art-a-Fact': A Koden for Satan as God

A Koden (Codex) for Satan as God
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014
Stef, Clap, Clep

Kody K has been in and out of Plutonium. Why there is a constant resurgence of attention to this rather poor personality character is questionable to most educated persons. The Hindu see Kody as a God, as do both the Christians and Jews. The image with this post is how Kody looks after eating human flesh, usually a young boy.  El Daug.

The Kodex (Codex) is the name for the Satanic Bible. It has a lot of mysterious verses that resemble the Holy Bible. Most Christians are unaware of the fact that the Codex (Kodex) is from where the many Christian translations of the bible are derived from.

'Vehicles', one of the news sub-files has a brief detail of who Kody is, but the history to this Satanic worship of athletics goes back for centuries.

KAPB felt it necessary to add this image of a Satan/God to this blog.

June 27, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Homeland Groceries

'Trash FLASH' 
Homeland Groceries
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

Al Qaeda: Dalougya of the Crystal Skull Gangs

Believed to be the first 'Dalougya'
witnessed on  East Coast, USA
Again an Oklahoma Food Store chain has reopened serious issues of trespassing and abuse. Located Alameda St in Norman, OK, the cashiers, and now, accounting office, are in a struggle to keep open the 'fibers' of communication.

Soon after the last few things, purchased at the above local grocery, had been tossed into the trash, a squad of store security opened an assault on the former customer. The customer, it seems, told the food chain employees that she was going to stop coming into Homeland Grocery because of the continual trespassing and willful surveillance of her private home.

Changes in policies of carrying backpacks into the stores started a snowball effect that ended with customers choosing other food stores to shop at.
Seen in Alaska., US at
Governor Knowls picnic.
After removing the damaged items to the dumpster at the residence, the woman returned to her home, and was assaulted with an electrical current flow at the skull. The purchased items had been tampered with and fiber optics had been glued to the interior plastic bag on blown sugar and on the bottom of an Argo corn starch can.

Viewed on TV during soap opera
daytime drama
The former customer reported that she "wasn't happy with the cashier's trespassing and the store's employees personal inference of slavery they had imposed upon her".

'Dalougya', a crystal skull gang, is the main crime gang who will burn down farms and crop fields for fractured FBI clusters. 'Dalougya' members like to terrorize people by imaging pictures of crystallized skulls on the faces of its members.

Imaged on TV glass while using
DVD player (Ancient
From that they try to cause farmer and families to halt attempts to extinguish the flames even if the fire is moving in upon the household members. This criminal activity is of the purpose to steal the farming land and any current or future government substitutes.
Seen at fast food

It should be understood that if any of these activities are noticed at local food products businesses, that the situation could be dangerous. Oklahoma State Police added, "Avoiding this type of crime area is the best thing a person could do."

June 26, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Dear Dark General

'Trash FLASH'
Dear Dark General
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

Dear Dark General:

Your sudden appearance and then an even slower disappearance suggests that perhaps the many has-been scholars that serve you are beyond the simple martini.

Three short slogans with a bit of information attached:

Suggestion One:
 Achaemenid Imperial Army The Achaemenian/Achaemenid army is well known through descriptions by Herodotus, Xenophon, and Arrian as well as by illustrations on Persepolitan and Greco-Persian monuments. Of particular importance for the topic are the Greek representations of Persian warriors and the evidence of the so-called Alexander Sarcophagus from Sidon The Persians whom Cyrus united did not possess a professional army: as in days of old, the "people" of a region was represented by its backbone, the "military force," so the two words were used synonymously in one Old Persian term, k gra (cognate with Lithuaniank grias/k gris "war, army," Gothic harjis "army," and German Heer "army," , a sense still retained in the New Persian term kas-o k gr "relatives and supporters." 
Ancient Persia: Miitary History
Wars, battles, weapons, and warfare history of the ancient Persians
Suggestion Two:
 26. If, however, you are indulgent, but unable to make your authority felt; kind-hearted, but unable to enforce your commands; and incapable, moreover, of quelling disorder: then your soldiers must be likened to spoilt children; they are useless for any practical purpose. 
The Art of War 
By Sun Tzu 

Suggestion Three:
31. Hence it is not enough to put one's trust in the tethering of horses, and the burying of chariot wheels in the ground 
The Art of War
By Sun Tzu

Nor should you truth the enemy when the enemy has had two thousands years to fully understand your tactics. With you, the Yellow Emperor; with him; the Game Over!

No reason to return comment,
KAPB and crew

June 24, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Christian War Zone

'Trash FLASH'
Christian War Zone
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Amid the chaos of Christian church's financial recovery, the words of 'war' were spoken by the Christian Protestant denomination. The president of that religious order, that is perhaps the largest section in the Converso Movement, was confronted by sitting President Barack Obama on the allegations of slavery and abuse of American females during investigations on murder and ritual sacrifices in the state of Oklahoma. Refusing to answer any further questions on the subject of vicious murder, the Western Christian Protestant (Archbishop of American) religious leader struck out at President Obama and declared an declaration of war on the USA.

In turn, President Barack Obama entered the religious leader's creed to a US Christian war as a declaration of aggression (war) against the Converso Movement, namely the seven prominent religious orders in the world today.

No one seems to know about just what did happen to the Christian movements in the USA. Where did that religious order go to? Where are all the people who supported and personality contributed to a religious concentration that began several thousand years ago? In America, the Christian are at war with the American people. Jesus, You are Lord!

June 23, 2014

'Iconic': Last Days of Peter the Rock

Last Days of Peter the Rock
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Peter in Cimejes Camp
In an Eastern Studies: Ligature of the Holy Bible the fables and myths are put aside for small children. Milk is for children and Adults have to have the meat (Hebrews 5:12). Wherefore, when the story of Saint Peter is told it's should follow that the last days of Peter likewise should be addressed as adults.

Peter, as most interested followers know, was called the Rock by Jesus, There are a lot of stories as to just what this means, but very few have any proof, so the story of Peter goes onward with no biblical facts of it reality. Sad but true.

The bible does clearly say that Jesus had the disciple drinking wine with each meal, as well as in between. In a ligature study, it's necessary to find out way 'wine' was a major issue with the Lord. One such theory here at KAPB is that the Disciple Peter is a prelude to a Xerxes. Through the use of wine, the human body coloring is altered to a golden yellow, much like a Goetia Marchosias would look...both Marchosias, Cimejes, and Asmoseus have important roles in the Western Christian orders.

Peter entering the stage of Xerxes
through the use of red wine
Serving as a Goetia Cimejes character, the thieves of Baghdad, Iraq has a stage where they appear as a Goetia Asmodeus...In today's societies, Asmodues serves as the second in an order of four related to demi-god worship among the USA's demonomania sub-culture. Beelzebub, Moleck, Mammon (Ancient Aliens) are the other three. As well as, the character Cimejes will take over any and all other Goetia characteristics when ever and where ever.

In the Disney movie production entitled, Prince of Persia, the adventure centers around the fable of a ghetto boy who become a prince of Iraq. The father king is an aging Xerxes and the brother in line for the crown is a younger King Xerxes. Whether a fable or the visual delusion, the tale is about returning to times before a great disaster happened called, by them, an 'Armageddon'. In history, King Xerxes is the grandson of  King Darius. Darius, though over-throw the Greek world, returned home in defeat because of a horrific tempest at sea that destroyed the Persian world as it was known.

P of Persia, Dasdan aka Peter
With Peter, the desert is the tempest and the victory is returning to a better time in history to insure Dasdan (Peter's) seat on a throne of Persia, a true destiny.

The similarities are numerous between the Holy Bible's disciple Peter and Iraqi fable of a ghetto prince. All in all, the two persons are inter-connected because of the use of wine to create a king from a simple peasant fisherman...fisherman being the connection between the stories.

P of Persia, Dasdan aka Peter
Most catholic stories usually have Saint Peter as heir to the throne of Christ, as Peter was left as personage (to follow) of Christ the Savior.

Wherefore, it's no surprise that portraits of both men seem to resemble each other. And, with the Nazarene Christian Church is really a Muslim Christian church, it's little wonder that the two men, Peter and Dasdan would look much like each other. Does it make a realistic assumption between the two? Yes, it does. A good Eastern Studies bible lesson will show a reader why the two are one and the same.

June 19, 2014

'Iconic': Horned Mushroom

Horned Jew Mushroom
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

Another set of  Cedar Stonehenge mushrooms  images was taken this morning. After mowing the grounds, only one mushroom came to the surface. One that resembles a 'Horned Jew'. Several posts ago was the original Mushroom Circle report.

First, why are mushrooms important to a criminal investigation? Police Sciences use nature in this way to aid for a solution in the almost impossible crimes on humanity. Crimes involving European monarchy came be that way. Mushrooms aid in the discovery of the who, what, and where of these types of serious crimes. Mushrooms, if make able to rise above ground, will have images of the being who was miss-buried. Human waste will also create images of the deceased. With the use of pounds of red clover to fertilize the soil, mushrooms will pop up every where.

The uniqueness of this single mushroom to the right is the appearance of a face-like persona of both a king and a horned Jew. Many of the similarities between the risen mushroom and the dead person below is that most criminals come in constant contact with the gases omitting from the flesh of the decaying dead. That contact will discolor the live person's skin and even cause abnormalities to the physical structure of people. In the case of this mushroom post, that explanation is greatly real. If the mushroom show the derivations that matches his/her biography, then the stories would normally be recorded as the truth.

King Louis IX
A 'Horned Jew' is a stage of a Christian who resembles one of the Asmodeus demons in the stage of 'false king'. One such king was King Louis IX of France who was one of the finance capitols invested in the Middle Ages Jerusalem Crusades. It is believed that all the pictures of king, and queens, are replications of mushrooms that arose up from the dead.

King Louis was reported a devote Christian who inquired of the Eastern Studies of God. Seeking only some kind of relic, one that was Godly in nature. A reward for both his and the French crown as payment for faith and obedience. If the information is necessary, "King Louis IX was the only French king ever to be made a saint." says About.com. He was given the where about of the holy lance that seared Christ's side that finalized the killing of Jesus. Many of Templar stories of the middle east Jerusalem conquests were in truth details from the Iraq/Egypt civil wars of which the Archbishop of Acres was privilege to.  Louis, report by the Eastern Studies, really died in Bysteon by the French river of Pon where he and his wife, 12 children, and four goats were trying to kill off the southern Portuguese population for the bounty (land) and loot for the French crown.

Returning to the mushrooms, the 'horned cyclops' is the next DNA step after king in the DNA structure of 'Korn'.  And in the mushroom rising up at the Cedars it seems to have the very beginning traces around the lips area that might suggest the murdered being might have been a Louis entering the step of cyclops. The image of the mushroom to the right shows both the ruby lips and a beginning horn at the center of a possible head like shape.

This second set of the mushroom now clearly shows the horn. A pinkish complexion in a facial area of this mushroom image is also at the beginning stages from king into cyclops. Between changing stages, most Goetia characters will enter what is called 'Cartoom'  where a being will look like a 3-D portrait more then a an actual person.

June 17, 2014

'Iconic': Greek Medical Mushrooms

Greek Medical Mushrooms
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

In the Garden there were two trees. One was laurel
(bay leaf), and the other was Acacia
As a follow-up to the June 16th Stonehenge Mushrooms, this post is also about the mushrooms popping up in circles and other wild shapes resembling a vary of ancient medical devices. In this post KAPB will show another set of mushrooms in Norman, OK.

Because of the many LG digital images associated with this subject, it became necessary to change the order of things and put one image after another with some information beside each of the major points of interest.

Just across the road from the Cedars Stonehenge report is another sprouting of mushrooms. The shape of this new set also has suggestions of foul play in this part of town. But the iconic interest is very important because of the means and devices used predates the Egyptian Pharaohs.

In the yard of the Witch Lair  on Plutonium posted
two years earlier
As more images are added, KAPB hopes to illustrate the consensus of a worship to the god Orion. The three mushrooms at the bottom of the picture are positioned in the frame of the three major stars in this peculiar constellation. The mushrooms in the far ground will be talked about in the next few pictures.

Is it possible to prearrange human issues (stool, body parts) in order to mark the ground with mushrooms? Forensic pathologists all say yes! As a matter of fact, that is exactly the way this type of religious worship is done. Either from the air or ground any ritual site can be located by this technique of territorial marking.

Here is a medical tool called a 'Placker Rack'. Readers may have seen a version of this ancient tool in the dentist office. A lesser type of this Placker Rack is sometimes used to hold the tongue down to capture X-rays positions. In this image, the Placker is the icon being used to identify an area where ritual sacrifices were held, or to be held.

The top side of the Placker can be seen in this image. The far right mushroom illustrates a protrusion that is sometimes used to drain fluids from the surface, such as, blood, saliva, or internal organ tissue.

This area is believed to hold the instruments, medical tools,
used at this ritual site. with a landmine effect that suggests
possible booby-traps to anyone who is not authorized
to open the crypt
The bottom side has an indentation of a smaller Placker with the handle moving downward towards the bottom center of the picture.

It is in the next image below the similarly of Stonehenge is also noticeable. Each set of mushrooms has a circle mound and ditch. This is very similar to the mounds at Avebury, England.

Similar to the Stonehenge at Avebury, England, this mushroom pattern also has moots and a mound
Just across the road at the Cedars Apartments are four rocks, some of which KAPB has already posted on. What unique with these four is that they all face the Placker Rack. This rock image is the largest and sits straight forward about 200 feet from the mushroom pattern. In further pictures, as well as this one, boring marks are visible. They either make some kind of face, flower, or symbol...this rock has a very distinguished 'heart' cut into the surface of the stone. A few other markings around the heart suggests a Goetia Beleth might have been a master at this ritual site.

Of the 72 Goetia seals only two have a noticeable heart in the icon, Beleth and Vapula. Because Vapula normally serves as a gateway to Glasya-Labolas, were speaking phyco sciences of the brain, Beleth would be culprit in this crime scene rock as as an example of physical evidence.

These are image close-up of the heart area as well as a cluster of blue pebbles
that are embedded into the large stone
Directly across from the heart and blue pebbles is this cut-away. Between the cuts, fume, and pebbles, the scrupture left impressions in the rock that suggest a likeness of which the religious Jews consider as one of a Satan.

Groves, cuts, and holes have been punched into this rock. Leaving marks that resemble a variety of icons


As written before, the Placker Rack mushroom pattern has four rocks that face directly at that location. The other three rocks sit in a direct line of each other. Each one of these large stone also has some kind of scripture chiseled into the surface. In the next few images KAPB will help illustrate the markings and give some information about it.

The embed in the lower image is a flower. Possibly the floral designfrom the seal of Purson.
On the further rock back, is a small flower. ..most likely a flower of Purson that can be seen in the Goetia character's seal.
A cut-way of that flower is on the right side image. It's possible to see some of the bores and discolorations used
to create impressions of characters and other symbols. The discolorations may be caused by select herbs and berries
that are used in the apothecary field of medicine.
This is the second, or middle, rock in the diagonal line pointing towards the Placker Rack Mushrooms. At the right end
of this stone a face has been sculptured into the side. The impression seems to be one of a cimejes (goetia) in 'puff'
This is the first stone in the line facing the Placker Rack Mushrooms.  There are two distinguishable images: one of a cimejes 'Krupt' (right) and a female goat seeming to be hugging the 'Krupt' with the two's lips close to each other.
The front of this first rock has a faint impression chiseled into the
surface that seems to resemble a cimejes (goetia) 'Krowgel'.
This images shows a better impression of the
'Krowgel', while other impressions are either
of friends or relatives. A small impression
of a cat can be seen on the second rock back,
which suggests that the Orion god is the central
figure with this group when linked to the mushrooms
across the road.
That is the final image. KAPB hopes you have gotten some information from this posting, and it will serve the viewers well. Thanks for viewing and God Bless you all.

June 15, 2014

'FYI': Converso Positions in the Crime Movements

Converso Positions in the Crime Movements
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

There are seven members in the Converso Movement: Jews, Christians, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Multi-Gods, and Atheist.

And, that the...

  • Jews are the pirates
  • Christian are the great thieves
  • Muslim are the carpet baggers
  • Buddhist are the drug dealers
  • Hindu are the doctors
  • Multi-Gods are the religious leaders, and the
  • Atheist are the advice givers.

'Iconic': Goetia and the American Indains

Goetia and the American Indians
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

To US. Americans is recognizable when the immigrate situation from Mexico is bringing scores of Sioux Indians into the USA. It's understood that the European Dark Age Inquisition built a huge colony of what is termed today as indigenous natives Americans. Hundreds of undesirable Christians were sent via galley boats to South and Central American as well as the country of  Mexico. From the decade of the 800's until the 1400's the religious fever swelled the heat of the church and Jews, Muslims, and Christians were all transported across the ocean. The fourth religious division was the Hindu who worked more as a post guard over the other groups because of the disciple Thomas being the avaunt guard among the 12 special individuals who the New Testament Jesus spoke of.

Historical documentation leaves very little information about the early south central other then a few North American relics suggested to be from the varies Indian tribes. What little there is is a part of the Catholic Church collection and notes from that church's clergy. Though it seems suspicious, in this case the information Plutonium would need is the religious activity anyway.

The four major Indian tribes that settled in North America are these listed below. The small table is to help illustrate the European location, current American, which Goetia character favored which tribe, and their financial capitals today.

  • Apache  .... France .... South Central .... Sitri .... tourism
  • Comanche .... Not known .... South Central .... Berith ....business farming
  • Navajo  ... Great Britain .... South Central --- Belam .... none known
  • Sioux.... India .... Northern Central ... Cimejes .... medical research and investments 
Below are some selected insets of two of the above tribes, just simply some information for your interest.

  I am copying below the article (a review of the exhibit) from The New York Times in its entirety.  cite link
“The Three Mulattoes of Esmereldas” (1599), by Andrés Sánchez Gallque, depicts a father and his two sons, descendants of African plantation slaves and New World natives, who were leaders of an Afro-Indian community.  This is one of the works in “Revealing the African Presence in Renaissance Europe," at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore.  (From: Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid)

Most scholars find that the Afro-Indians are really Cimejes Goetia in 'Darkened'. familiar jewelry is a central adornment for the East Indian culture. Where the Sioux Indian wear jewelry in the nose, the East Indian wears the jewelry around on the entire facial features. Cimejes prefer to work as house attendants while in 'Darkened' just as the Sioux tribesmen prefers to do.

This excerpt is from the Plutoium DM- Mark...

Nudging out the indigenous natives of the south central USA, the Comanches Indians became the  residents of several US states...their reservations are still in Texas and all of the tribe's men (and, women) are Berith in the stage of Cooling or sometimes called White. Originally created from the herb cardamom (used for consumption), the latter generation Comanche developed the name 'Comanche' from the Corleone : by way of Corleone, Commander, and then to Comanche. The lower picture here is the image used in the Dreamweaver as the eyes are glistening before the hair coloring become a reddish blonde.

The Comanche Indians of Texas home the largest population of the Goetia Berith in the world. They made it to the USA through Mexico, via, the Spanish inquisition galleys (boats).

June 13, 2014

'Iconic': Stonehenge Mushrooms

Stonehenge Mushrooms
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Mushrooms always come up where both human sediment and body parts have been thrown into the grass, soil, etc. With a lot of rain fall, like Norman, Oklahoma has had so far this year, mushrooms are for sure to arise within months of a large rainfall accumulation.

The next few images were taken at the Cedars Apartments in Norman, OK. The mushrooms in the images are all in the shape as the famous ancient monument called 'Stonehenge', located in the British Isles. Pushing up through the lawn, in a perfect circle, the toadstools, no pun intended, range in size with the larger ones at the eastern perimeter.

Notice the 'Casket Rock' just across the sidewalk. KAPB published a post in June 2, 2012 after some very strange activities began to take place at this tiny apartment complex.

Ultimately, this blog became the publication site for this extraterrestrials occurrence in Norman, OK. Extraterrestrials at Plutonium are persons within HIV/AIDS communities who are in stages that enjoy the work of inner space sciences, that is, interplanetary industries, or to pilot interplanetary travel. these types of industrues normally mine for minerals and ores on both Mars and Jupiter's moons. The word 'casket' is one of a few used in space travel...it's associated with the cargo holds, like "the Lockheed C-5 is among the largest military aircraft in the world", Wiki.

There are several other hinges located around the world. Some of them have a second circle in the center, or there about. Slightly visible is a possible second circle near the center. But, the next image has lines shooting outward towards the north.

Extending nearly the entire length of the lawn on the northern side, these two long lines are visible in the grass. In the image below a small inset was placed hoping to illustrated what was seen. At the far end of the image a black arrow was inserted to show the distance of these Norman, Oklahoma Nazca Lines.

uneatable mushrooms
The mushrooms are the usual kind that develop from, as stated above, the mishandling of human waste materials, or the improper burials of humans.

This cluster image is a close-up of the largest clump at the far southeastern side of the circle itself, with a second largest clump at the northern end.

man pod 
In the image to the right, the circle of mushrooms have arose just next to the sidewalk suggesting the circle may have been created after the concrete was pored, but that's not completely known.

The little man pod shape at the lower right corner is very famous in ancient art and monoliths. The mushroom shaped stones at Easter Island and the Sundra Islands are upright stone groupings suggesting something like this oddly shaped figure of a person. Some scholars say those island stones may just be that, ancient mushrooms that arose from the dead.

Was the Cedars Apartments in Norman, Oklahoma visited by extraterrestrials, probably! University towns are known to have space science taught at the institution campused in the city. What of the possible murders or rituals sacrifices? What attracted these fortune hunters to a small apartment complex? Lots of questions, no answers, but plenty of evidence.

June 9, 2014

'Art-a-Fact': Novgorod in Christ

Prince Novgorod of Russia
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

On this day (30 May) Alexander Nevsky was born in 1220.
Wikipedia nicely sums up: was the Prince of Novgorod, Grand Prince of Kiev and Grand Prince of Vladimir during some of the most trying times in the city’s history. Commonly regarded as the key figure of medieval Rus’, Alexander rose to legendary status on account of his military victories over the German and Swedish invaders.
Is it KAPB, or does the two of them look alike. Remember your oatmeal.

On this day (30 May) Alexander Nevsky was born in 1220.

Wikipedia nicely sums up: was the Prince of Novgorod, Grand Prince of Kiev and Grand Prince of Vladimir during some of the most trying times in the city’s history. Commonly regarded as the key figure of medieval Rus’, Alexander rose to legendary status on account of his military victories over the German and Swedish invaders. Tumblr

June 6, 2014

'Iconic': Crystal Balls and Crystal Skulls

The Crystal Ball and Crystal Skull
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Hermetic Shustone used to call in
the Archangel Micael
'Crystal Skulls' are again becoming ever more popular in the USA. Very little is said about why a sub-culture like this seems to repeatedly rise into the attention of the American public, but again it has. At this post, the Crystal Ball and its Skull is the topic for this post.

The Crystal Ball is better known as the Shustone in the ancient temple of Israel. Just how this ball ended there is a long, detailed story with many different versions including one of King Solomon. Whatever the intriguing tale, the biblical Shustone in reality is a crystal ball.

To enhance a quieted assembly, religious theorists report that the Shustone, Crystal Ball, ceremony is necessary for the peace in a Hermetic temple. The ball itself is used to relax the mind so to enable the brain to see images of the Archangel Michael, the defender of true believers in the Jesus as Lord.

It mandatory for the quartz Crystal Ball be from the purple amethyst variety, or the energy simply isn't there. It's the purple color that most ancient religious artist used to denote rulers,
British Nobleman John Dee
including emperors, saviors, and any other messianic figure who proved to work well for a peculiar culture.

John Dee, the Bristch Nobleman in Western Hermetic societies, is about what one might call the founder to the use of Crystal Balls in modern western civilizations. He used them as Jewish ritualism with a Christian inference. During the Dark Ages, both noblemen and the allowable common workers would partake to the use of famous mineral apothecary studies within the Roman Catholic Church. So to broaden the followers of the British crown, Dee sought out new Christian communities of worshipers during the extreme rise of a pure Christianity nested in the Dark Age Church Inquisition era.

 Following the example of the French Good Fellows monks, Dee likewise traveled as a Catholic monk baptizing children and adults across the Southern Alps of France and Northern Alps of Italy. Just as the French Good Fellows used 'harden bread' as a signature to baptism, John Dee used a variety of quartz crystals amulets...if a person had a small crystal in their possession then they belonged to the faith of the Church of England. Eventually, the crystal ball amulets became prayer beads for the noblemen of England as the nobility mounted the numbered the followers carrying the Dee beads. 'Turning-over' the small crystal balls to the British court ensure the new Christian worshipers a place in the new Christian heavens to come.

It wasn't long before the purple quartz crystal became endangered. Mountains of these stone were quarried for both amulets of power, as well as, signature jewelry worn by the aristocrats around the world. Slowly, the Hermetic religions, also called Esoteric, had to secure ways to preserve their temple icons. They also had to find, transport, and seek out resources to secure these stones for the Crystal Balls, as said above, for the peace of mind with their religious worshipers.

Then, as now, the Hermetic Saton worked with people who drove their lives into the darkest realms of their brain. It's through the use of the Saton outreach societies that the Crystal Skulls became a fade. Saton priests today appears a little corny, but in the medieval era the appearance of the Saton were considered as very hidden and very sinister. And, the oblong 'Crystal Skulls' were the fashion brocade for every smoke tendrilled (thanks, Poke Runyun) table of an esoteric exorcist in Medieval Europe.

Evidence today shows that the quartz crystal can't be carbine dated; therefore, there is no true way to date the skulls. But, the quartz ball are called the 'egg' of societies by the early Egyptians.

Some Skull Theorists believe the sculptured quartz are really data storage devices with discoveries from the ancients soon to be found. Most simply say, the skulls are ornaments. Or, some kind of a dark, funk-pop culture icon. Today quartz is used to make computer chips that hold thousands of bits of data. Whatever the fable, the Hermetic temples still seek and secure Crystal Skulls, that are the right size, for the peace of their temple worshipers as the oblong skull can easily be turned into a Shustone for their ceremonial temple table. It is believed that whenever there is a rise in the interest for quartz there is also an unexpected rise in the popularity of the Crystal Skull  in a pop-culture current.

There it is. The mystery to the popularity of the Crystal Ball and Skull. Quartz crystals and a demand for the use of their mystical powers. Whichever way you read it, it's all in the Crystal Ball.