'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

June 19, 2014

'Iconic': Horned Mushroom

Horned Jew Mushroom
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

Another set of  Cedar Stonehenge mushrooms  images was taken this morning. After mowing the grounds, only one mushroom came to the surface. One that resembles a 'Horned Jew'. Several posts ago was the original Mushroom Circle report.

First, why are mushrooms important to a criminal investigation? Police Sciences use nature in this way to aid for a solution in the almost impossible crimes on humanity. Crimes involving European monarchy came be that way. Mushrooms aid in the discovery of the who, what, and where of these types of serious crimes. Mushrooms, if make able to rise above ground, will have images of the being who was miss-buried. Human waste will also create images of the deceased. With the use of pounds of red clover to fertilize the soil, mushrooms will pop up every where.

The uniqueness of this single mushroom to the right is the appearance of a face-like persona of both a king and a horned Jew. Many of the similarities between the risen mushroom and the dead person below is that most criminals come in constant contact with the gases omitting from the flesh of the decaying dead. That contact will discolor the live person's skin and even cause abnormalities to the physical structure of people. In the case of this mushroom post, that explanation is greatly real. If the mushroom show the derivations that matches his/her biography, then the stories would normally be recorded as the truth.

King Louis IX
A 'Horned Jew' is a stage of a Christian who resembles one of the Asmodeus demons in the stage of 'false king'. One such king was King Louis IX of France who was one of the finance capitols invested in the Middle Ages Jerusalem Crusades. It is believed that all the pictures of king, and queens, are replications of mushrooms that arose up from the dead.

King Louis was reported a devote Christian who inquired of the Eastern Studies of God. Seeking only some kind of relic, one that was Godly in nature. A reward for both his and the French crown as payment for faith and obedience. If the information is necessary, "King Louis IX was the only French king ever to be made a saint." says About.com. He was given the where about of the holy lance that seared Christ's side that finalized the killing of Jesus. Many of Templar stories of the middle east Jerusalem conquests were in truth details from the Iraq/Egypt civil wars of which the Archbishop of Acres was privilege to.  Louis, report by the Eastern Studies, really died in Bysteon by the French river of Pon where he and his wife, 12 children, and four goats were trying to kill off the southern Portuguese population for the bounty (land) and loot for the French crown.

Returning to the mushrooms, the 'horned cyclops' is the next DNA step after king in the DNA structure of 'Korn'.  And in the mushroom rising up at the Cedars it seems to have the very beginning traces around the lips area that might suggest the murdered being might have been a Louis entering the step of cyclops. The image of the mushroom to the right shows both the ruby lips and a beginning horn at the center of a possible head like shape.

This second set of the mushroom now clearly shows the horn. A pinkish complexion in a facial area of this mushroom image is also at the beginning stages from king into cyclops. Between changing stages, most Goetia characters will enter what is called 'Cartoom'  where a being will look like a 3-D portrait more then a an actual person.