'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 19, 2014

'Iconic': Infants and Dog Roses

Infants and Dog Roses: with Mushroom
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Experts say that this picture is a
very good likeness to an image
that can appear in the tiny mushroom. Pink
is generally the color of the flower used
to hide the burial site and scrub (dog)
rose is the favorite bush that is used.
Sitting for years and listening to the ambivalence from scurvy Christians criminals coupled with demonic quips of "so as it goes', sometimes requires a person to direct more attention to the macabre their infanticide intentions. With this post, KAPB wants to illustrate a few things about infants, the unborn fetus, and what happens after death. America has an array of artwork that shows the natural result of the miss-buried dead children, and very few Americans know that is what they are looking at as well as occasional gift purchasing.

As is known, high humidity and extreme rainfall after a short hot spell will make mushrooms appear above the soil. Where the "miss-buried" graves are found tiny mushrooms in flowerbeds, around rocks, etc should be expected.

Some of the more questionable designs these murders use are the dog rose (shrub rose). The less then ornamental bush is not indigenous to America, but came here from Europe. Why this bush is a favorite is because most of the criminal who kill infants and children eat dog flesh. Though dogs are biblically listed as not a food source, many bible-bases church group consider dog flesh as savory and affordable. It's the aftermath of eating canine that is regarded with no concern.

The mushrooms have not fully encircled this rose bush but, as can be seen in the other photos, these tiny spouts are trying to surface.

If the circle pattern is deliberate or simply the way nature pushes up the mushrooms is left up to the viewer to determine. KAPB says the circle is deliberate...to create a halo effect. The bible suggests, through the writing of Jesus, that all children are blessed and will see heaven. Through the sciences of both psychology and forensic, this biblical information suggests the mushroom circle, or halo, is a definite meaning to "blessed" and "heaven".

The bevel in the rose bed is also a biblical suggestion. The bow can be found in books such as Exodus, Jeremiah, and of course the New Testament gospels with Jesus Christ as the mystic leader.

The bevel bow at this site is created to offer customers, who are coming into the illegal abortion center, a way to appease the gods, so to say. Nurses, doctors, and attendants will encourage pregnant females to pray at the entrance of the parking lot before entering into what the abortion medical staff refers to as "heaven", or "the place of the dead".

Graphic artist have long associated babies, especially the new born, with roses, asleep, and winged angels. The color of pink is the favorite. Believed to be used by demonic artists because the hue of the human skin turns pink just after eating human baby flesh. If the human is an opium addict, which most are if extreme exercise is a part of the daily lifestyle, then the odor of rose pedals is noticeable. The rose odor can be smelt on both an alive cannibal, as well as, a dead one.

As said above, the 'Halo' is always present at infanticide
crime scenes. Graphic artists, where witting or
unwitting, seem to offer the idea that all babies are
"heavenly" or "send from heaven" as apposed to "dead"
and "going to heaven" as with the original source
of the meaning.

Several clusters of shrub roses at this particular rose bed shows that the outer side by the parking lot has more mushrooms then the other spoutings. this is because roses like auto exhaust. Auto exhaust is many times used to enhance the smell of the rose via the buried babies. Why? Experts say the cannibals like the idea of a 'boosted baby'. Much like drinking or injecting liquidized baby flesh. Again the experts say, "that's in a cannibals logic and not based on fact. Auto exhausting babies or expectant females doesn't do anything more to the flesh then the typical auto exhaust poisoning".

This cannibal 'auto exhaust' myth may be derived from the over-dosing babies with orange juice. The kidneys of babies are used to disguise ground weeds used in street drug marijuana strains. Orange juice caused the kidney enzymes to smell very much like the herb marijuana, thus creating a cannibal street hashish called 'Weed' as apposed to the hemp varies as most people give that reference to. This type of infanticide is noticeable when a child is only given orange juice to drink.

On the far left side of this photo auto tires can be seem. The comments
in paragraph 9 say the dog rose, as most roses, like automobile. The smell
of rubber tires, motor oils, as well as, exhaust help to create a growing
environment that is favorable for roses.

Though no color change will be in the blossoms, the orange juice odor will be noticeable in the burial grounds if a large amount of orange juice children were killed and buried together.

The larger the mushrooms spray the larger the amount of infant and fetus have been stored and finally covered over with the shrub rose bush. Why, no odor? There is a faint smell of dead flesh in the rose bed itself. Soil examples from around the bush in question will generally indicate the amount of flesh that was buried in that bed.

Something that could use answers is to just why the modern medical practices that originate from the Greek physician Ascelpius have such a wide range of criminal patterns in infanticide when the founder and patron saint, being Ascelpius, had nothing to do with the unborn fetes, infants, or children. And,there is no connected with children in any way in Greek literature! Where did this "heavenly and blessed" belief come from when the topic includes criminal medical teams? Doesn't fit!

Over-head snapshot of the
mushrooms in a pattern that can only
be answered by the ones who buried the
infants at this rose bed garden.

Thanks for viewing...