'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 29, 2014

"Iconic': Burial Mounds in Norman

Burial Mounds in Norman
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

1. After the mushrooms had died off, the area looked
like this. Why cannibals like to embed images
into the soil is something questionable,
of then they felt safe, and ego ruled their common
Before the dry season started in Oklahoma, a few pictures were taken of some burial mounds in Norman, OK. The wet, or tornado season, was very humid in the spring/summer of 2014 making mushrooms arise, the lawns to swell, and mounds to become more defined. KAPB photoed a few pictures from in the area of the Cedar Apartments just off of Alameda St.

In photo #1, on the right bottom corner an imprint of a Pakuku schizophrenic is clearly seen. These little monsters are sometimes known as an Incubus...other authorizes say that the two demonamanics are different.

2.  Just before the end of the wet season.
Stonehenge Mushroom Circle

Photo #2. The circle can still be seen in the grass at this mushroom site that was reported earlier at KAPB. It was later learned that a possible shaman type of doll may be the reason that this site was never excavated, thus why the imprint of the circle and trail is so vivid.

Photo #3
Photo #3. Across the road from the Cedar Apartment, is a small mound. The mound has been there for a number of years, but the shape of it is unique in that it resembles the Hill of Tara, Ireland.

The Norman, Oklahoma mound has settled down a few inches over the last five years, but drought, flooding, and extreme high humility levels could easily be the cause.

Photo #4

Photo #4. This is a close-up of the photo #3. More of the shape shows a possible entrance to the left end of the mound.

The top is somewhat flattened.
At the Hill of Tara, Ireland, the mound is flat, and it is there that the
stone monolith of 'Lia Fail' is positioned.

Photo #5
In image #5, is the Hill of Tara in Ireland. This mound is reported to be the beginning of the Irish population. The government, kings, and commoners gathered there to set down the rules of law for their people. On the bottom left image is the Lia Fail. That monolith is still a religious icon, and looks very much like a phallus when decorated for a few of the Irish pagan worships. The overhead photo at the bottom right resembles very closely 'The Astronaut' of the Nazcz Lines in Peru, South America.

Photo #6
Photo #6. On the right side the simularity is much as the Hill of Tara. Just to the upper right of the mound, the remains of a smaller mound can still be seen, but it is slowly going down. That may not last say some experts.

Photo #7 'Horseshoe Mound'

In photo #7 is again at the Cedar Apartments. This embed is called a 'Horseshoe'. At a Horseshoe several images is possible to be seen. With forensic science, it is possible to produce images of each section thus enabling law enforcement to identify who was involved in both the murders and who died, or was buried in this type of mound.

Photo #8
 Photo #8. Another snap shot of the 'Horseshoe' as images are being sought after. The horseshoe is much more visible and to type of facial imaging can be seen.
Photo #9
Photo #9 is another cut from the original enlargement. In this image, the three circle cluster is beginning to show on the bottom left end.

Photo #10. Ancient Aliens: Kings
Emperors, and Pharaohs
Photo #10. This is an image from the History Channel 'Ancient Alien' series. Concentric circles can be seen of the head of the person in this photo. It is believed that the circles in Photo #9 may be reversed to this AA photo.

Photo # 11
Photo #11. At a greater distance the circle appear somewhat the same as in the Cedar Apartment 'Horseshoe Mound'. Notice the circular orb at the top right corner. Extraterrestrials experts say that that impression may be a space orb or space craft. Because of the Hill of Tara (Nazca, The Astronaut) mound across the road, it's very possible an HIV extraterrestrial connection can be made.

Photo #12
Photo #12. Another image of the 'Horseshoe Mound'.

Photo #13
Photo #13. At the center right side of the lawn several forrenic images a barely seen. If familuar with pre-ancient history, this type of cluster is seen on mountain top around the world. Historians believe the pre-ancient sculptures are of the populations during those early eras of earth.

It's important to stop at a number that will soothe the savage breast. With this post that number is 13.

KAPB hopes this post will have something to remember, and captured photos to share.

Blessing to all.