'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 15, 2014

'Art-a-Fact': Double Birth

Double Births
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

This is something different. The herb 'faundel' causes birth defects. What is surprising is the fact that this statute is one of "rustic god Pan" (below).

This boy/girl most probably is a depiction of a birth defect known a 'span'. This statue is a perfect example of that birth defect.

Janiform Herm with Young Male and Female Fauns
Roman, 1st century BC - 1st century AD
The term ‘janiform’ derives from the Roman divinity Janus, the god of doors and openings, who is usually depicted with two faces back to back. Here, the smiling faces are diminutive forms of the rustic god Pan, one male (Paniskos), one female (Paniske). The Paniskos head has two goat-horns in his hair and wears a goat-skin. The hooves are visible at his shoulders. The long-haired Paniske wears a wreath of ivy and berries. The eyes of both faces would probably have been inlaid with precious stones and silver, traces of which remain.
Source: Los Angeles County Museum of Art

As the female side seems to have beginning breasts, the age is estimated to be about 12 years old. The boy certainly appears to look like the god Pan.

Different, all the same.
