'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

December 22, 2013

'Disciple Mania': Mark, John

'Disciple Mania'
Mark, John
Oklahoma   January, 2014
 Mark, John

Beginning: December 22, 2013 .... Ending: December 29, 2013

MARK  is a Goetia Berith. John Mark is the biblical name used for this Disciple.

It is believed that for Disciple Mania that 'Mark', as listed in several books in the Holy Bible, are somehow connected with each other, meaning, there may be only one post for both Mark and John. Even though both John Mark and John are presumed different, if John does present him/herself, KAPB feels the information may well be the same as the two disciples are about the same person...John in the gospels.

Mark ends the year on the first Sunday of the week of Christmas the 25th as celebrated by the western Christian church, or said, Rome. He used two way to announce he was on the premises. Both were with the use of a Canine... waste and urine. The  urine was on the bathtub mat, and the feces was in two locations...by the dirty laundry and at the front exit door.

“This network serves as the core pipeline through which al Qaeda moves money, facilitators and operatives,” according to Treasury. “Without this network, al Qaeda’s ability to recruit and collect funds would be severely damaged,” an Obama administration official involved in the designations tells The Weekly Standard. - Weekly Standard. 


This is an image of  a MARKSHA.
This is also the disciple MARK.

Mark also is a female in the stage of a male. This happens with the abuse of several different substances: such as, wine, whiskey, drugs, and herbs. The female counter-part can be seen when an image is spliced off just below the nose at about the area of the nose bridge. In the image below, when using this technique, the girl favors a girl in 'Sherry'. Therefore, it's possible that the person in this image used the liquor called 'Sherry' to create his personality. Something important is the menstruation of the natural female is physically halted while she is in a stage of male. Because of this she will develop a 'schrill' in the vocal tones. The tones will sound doubled, or split...one male sounding and the other a female sound. Important also is Mark will have some trouble with varies natural female cognitive conditions and associations that the average female experiences during the natural life span.

Mark As a disciple, this Al Qaeda member can't run off even if his operation is compromised. He must stay and find a way to resolve the matter for his network. Unlike the clusters, cells, groups, etc. 'disciples' must stay until the next disciple is scheduled to enter into the battle, conquest, etc. area.

Mark Important is the mental mindset of Mark. The term used is 'Fixed' or 'Defixed from culture'. In medical or ancient historical studies the term used is 'Leonidas'. This type of person most likely won't have many followers around with him. Leonidas, the mental condition, is groomed over decades of cultural wars and cultural conditioning. Leonidas is very much the Al Qaeda today. Though there are earlier recorded events of this type of cultural cleansing the battles between Persia and Greece is the standard eras to study to watch this mind set develop. Alexander the Great carried the behavior into Iran, India, and Israel.
"Although Leonidas lost the battle, his death at Thermopylae was seen as a heroic sacrifice because he sent most of his army away when he realized that the Persians had outmaneuvered him. Three hundred of his fellow Spartans stayed with him to fight and die. Almost everything that is known about Leonidas comes from the work of the Greek historian Herodotus (c. 484-c. 425 B.C.).'" http://www.history.com/topics/leonidas.
In today's societies, cultural examples of this type of sociological developments entitled 'Leonidas structures' is among street gangs, defiant student, or school gangs, and released prisoner colonies. Studies of these sub-cultural groups are limited, so very little is known about just where the level a gang is at in the Leonidas structures.

Mark claims to be with the CIA through the use of dream imaging (Dreamweaver) were he follows along with the dream state of a personal assault by students at the university who has hired him. Cigarette smokers crowding around and stopping the victim from exiting all the while puffing large amounts of cigarette smoke into the face to inhale as the only source of oxygen. Loud fighting erupts the class and the room is emptied by a crowd around Mark who at that point announces he is with the CIA. The image inside the fieldset is the very beginning of the crowd around Mark as well as Mark himself. They each in turn fade into a Caucasian personality each having their own look. Mark, or Marksha, coloring become a reddish blonde very similar to the Russian Orthodox, or Amish, field hand.

Mark so far was found to be with, and in,  the Knights Templar, Shiefhs, Wikipedia, Nazarene Church. Therefore it is very possible that Mark will have several wives or husbands which ever way his church is travelling. Currently (2013) they are moving around with multiple husbands.

Mark He is a swindler.

Mark uses the Al Qaeda hashishin (assassin) called 'Forty Five'. Forty Five is on the President's watch list. Forty Five is better known on the Playboy Porn Channel. Mark also has an association with members of the TV Reality shows of Project Runway (PR), Top Chef (TC), and Housewives of New Jersey (HNJ). Contact with Project Runway is continual, while TC is very little, HNJ is constant but quiet.

Mark also is now (2013) known to use another Al Qaeda group called 'Playful'. But, what is important (and,we have yet to located any more, most likely is) is how Mark uses these varies groups: Via, space stations! Playful, in personal nature, is located by clock wise, when facing west the station is sitting just about at 1:00. While Forty Five is sitting at about 10:00 if you're facing west. Something important about is type of station: They range from about 600 thousand dollars rental for one month: but, it's possible to rent them at a much lower price if you work for an organization that uses air traffic as its only means of transportation. Rentals in this kind of outfit could be as low as 200 thousand a month, making the profits much greater. Cast societies are formed through out business simply by education and/or experience. 200 thousand dollars in such a society could be in the low-income brackets, thus, answering the question of why would Mark, who like living poor, be working with space-stations. Hun Hurt* (3:00) and Kcblown* (8:00) followed within days of each other.
* Space Stations in Religion... 

Important to Remember: Whether a person chooses to believes in demonomania or not to believe in this psychological condition is really up to the individual, but remember mental patients who have demonomania many times act on what is detailed in the Goetia.

Space Stations*: Face West:
1:00 'Playful' ... varies, 2:00 'Caesar' ... Benedictine Friar, 3:00 'Hun Hurt', 4:00 'Sparta' ... Greek, Royalty, 5:00 (London Russian Syndicate), 6:00 (Fung), 7:00 (Silk Road/Trade gamblers), 8:00 'Kcblown' ... pedophile in clown, 9:00 'Jealous' or Jealously'... Asian females, 10:00 'Forty Five' ... child prostitutes, 11:00 'Duel' ... female football players, 

12:00 'Kherali' ... Roman Catholic Church. 

Straight over the head is called 'North' or 'Jesu' (Jesuit priest/monk) who are Goetia Paimon. This is the third in the line of the demon messiah...Purson and Marbas being first and second.
"The Ninth Spirit in this Order is Paimon, a Great King, and very obedient unto LUCIFER".  - S. L. MacGregor Mathers (1904)
* Space Stations in Religion...  - Plutonium blogspot.com

Mark likes the demon Cimejes. Because of that he also will be around persons who are frequently on the poor list, welfare, emergency shelters, camps, and hobo corners (beg for booze), etc. due to the amount of drugs and alcohol that cause vomiting...something of which a Cimejes demon smells like.

Mark enjoys the practice of Hanoi (jabbing sharp objects under a fingernail and into the flesh beneath). Learning onward, the Siciline pirates, who have been around for centuries, is the best example of how 'Mark' may have traveled into the USA. The below fieldset images are examples of those used in the Dreamweaver* as the eyes are glistening before the hair coloring become a reddish blonde.
* Cigarette smokers crowding around and stopping the victim...

In the mid 1200's the Corleone family moved onto the British Isles splintering from the Italian royal families. They left behind many members of the DNA structure as many of them had been selected to be used in the new world as immigrant workers. Most of this took place during the Dark Age Inquisition era. Though most of the so called Italian citizens had been left out of the beginning fray of tortures a few were considered as 'demons filled' and were added among the many others who were deported to the new world. Why? Because those immigrant had chosen to live as the Goetia character Berith.

Nudging out the indigenous natives of the south central USA, the Comanches Indians became the  residents of several US states...their reservations are still in Texas and all of the tribe's men (and, women) are Berith in the stage of Cooling or sometimes called White. Originally created from the herb cardamom (used for consumption), the latter generation Comanche developed the name 'Comanche' from the Corleone : by way of Corleone, Commander, and then to Comanche. The lower picture here is the image used in the Dreamweaver as the eyes are glistening before the hair coloring become a reddish blonde.

The Comanche Indians of Texas home the largest population of the goetia Berith in the world. They made it to the USA through Mexico, via, the Spanish inquisition galleys (boats).

Mark while in gymnastic environment, will work with person who favor type that resemble cast member of Project Runway, this includes cast family members as well. All will have a bit of a low-income gear and persona. While in this type of environment, Mark will try to appear as a Russian Orthodox Church member called 'Grim'. Grim is most often seen among the persons who are Yugoslavian.

Mark favorite gangster is the goetia character of Bune. This Bune like to be called June or Jane. Three things became apparent when Mark was with Bune: dust that smelt like syphilis, the followers sounded like they were retarded, and the constant talk of rodents.

Mark when the apartments was assumed by a new title holder, the leader, or was Mark, was the voice of a female. When questioned she said her name was Jane, like above, and that she was in a space station while using a 'manhole' cover that was just across the street from the apartments she was transmitting in to.

Mark left at about 4:00pm and he was replaced by Judas.