'Disciple Mania'
Jadas, Peter, Simon
Oklahoma January, 2014
Jadas, Peter, Simon
Oklahoma January, 2014
Judas, Peter, Simon
Gusion's Goetic seal deliriumsrealm.com |
Judas is a Goetia Gusion. It may be necessary to display a Gusion seal because of Judas' poor temperament when being exposed in any type of criminal behaviors. Gusion will use the name 'Judas' just before he enters into the stage of monkey. Judas Simon is used just before he leaves the stage of appeal. Appeal is a darker complexioned type of monkey that will eat grapes all day long, in fact, if you don't have grapes available he will bomb your place of residence, office, or church. It is believed the Shiefh bombing in Colorado (2013) was due to not have grapes in a bowl by his bed every minute.
Judas is also favored to be on the right side of the brain. Where Peter is favored to be on the left side of the brain. Peter is darker then Judas and Peter is also referred to as being Thomas "Peter is to Thomas, as Thomas is to Peter".
Judas on December 29, 2013, Judas followed John Mark. He used 'urine' only. It was left in the dining room floor area.
Judas like to live well. It is believed that King Richard III of Great Briton was a Judas.
Judas Three person types were introduced as personal company of Judas. The Asians females, female football players, and Kody (he has one of the earliest post as a stalker). Kody is also a Benedictine Friar. It is believed that all persons here are either in or have some connection with the space stations...2:00 called 'Caesar'. The Asian females are believed to be in the 9:00 position, from facing west, that they call 'Jealous' or Jealously' (these rob and will loot pretty women). The female football players are normally girls who passed into the male character through taking on a goetia demon character...they are located at 11:00 called 'Duel', from west. It is believed that the 12:00 space station is most likely the Roman Catholic Church and it is most likely called Kherali. Totally in the sky, with the arrival of Judas, there were 6 space stations. 1:00, 2:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00.
Judas the Judas that is involved at KAPB is also named 'Allen'.
Judas works with another person of a darker complexion who is mostly likely even quieter then the lighter complexioned disciple...he also is a Judas. Pictured here is one who is in darkness, as it is called. The darker of the two has a higher pitched tone of voice of the Judas pair, the lighter has a very deep voice and is also called Iscariot. The darker is referred to as Simon (the Zealot ).
Judas Judas traditionally means 'Jew'. Perhaps it's the manner of the betrayal that is associated with the betrayals of the vast majority of Egyptian Hebrews that gave rise to the new description to the word 'Jew', and Judas' betrayal of Jesus that the two are linked together and most often compared in a biblical likeness.
Judas It is not possible to offer Judas money like his biblical counterpart because Judas through the money back to the bribers as reported in the Holy Bible. With the closeness of western and eastern parallels, any money offered to Judas for information would only server to, so called, 'rat out' yourself...with the money being given to the bribers as if thrown back at them. Note: They will set up the situation in which money becomes an issue, but the above should be applied or Judas will not leave calling the situation 'a hanging'.
Judas His Asian females work within his online gambling sites that are normally transmitted from community apartment developments rather then high rise building such as hotels or casinos. So far any type of satellite dish has not been noticed, but an implant in a building roof should not be left off as a possible consideration. These types of transmitters are very much like the Sirius radio, ESPN, etc strips affixed on the automobile shield and back windows. Oriental card game 'Ping' is the only game that seemed to be played.
Judas uses multiple partner, so called marriages, to make and produce pornography in home type environments...whether or not the others are knowingly or not aware of this Judas practice. His uses the porn industry in Germany who will conduct the filming all along the way. Urine and toilet paper play an important role in the setting up of this type of crime. Just how, in Oklahoma, it is not truly known other then human organs became another factor with the darker Judas.
Judas will work as a Muslim Hashashin for the Christian Church blogs, websites, groups, etc. confidence, protection, and insider tid-bits of information. Whichever form of help a Church may need, Judas' will offer as service to them is his situation is in grave danger.
Judas will use the service of criminal patrolled prisoners along with the co-habituating sexual partners to help defend in a dangerous situation.