'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

December 4, 2013

'Iconic': Converso Shadow Tattoos

Converso Shadow Tattoos
Oklahoma    Winter 2013

These images much like the
'Shadow Tattoo' that is seen on
a disclosed Converso.
This is an interesting phenomenon. In history, all counties at one time or another has had to get control ofthe Converso organizations. Many mid-century nations introduced Christianity through the Christmas festivals. Because of the rampart way that the church conducts itself in conquest, more over said...invasion,  the 'mid-century' nations in the following decades were usually the nations who suffered the most because of the forced multi-secular religious theories. Nearly all European religions were polluted with the many varies concepts of the Christian fusion tales of adventure. Over the centuries, and these varying social changes evolved into the coined, 'Shadow Tattoos'.

A shadow of figures can be seen on a Converso member by using several different objects. The term 'Shadow' usually identifies this process. It is used to identify what stage type the Converso is at, and what to look for as an everyday life style pattern. Though the technique may seem questionable, the reason it's used is because of the Converso extreme violent behaviors. As a result, identifications using the 'Shadow Tattoos' became a standard religious conduit for identification purposes.

The medium used to identify an undercover Comverso is the leader word. The paragraph that follows the lead word instructs as to how the medium is applied.

Female Clothes
Dressed in clothes that was made by females and designed for naturally born females, a male Argonaut**  will have a 'ancient roman uniform' shadow in front of the body. The highest percentage of Argonauts are from France. France holds the copyrights to the converso religion of Christianity.

The frock has been incorporated into a variety of cultures by many different ways; such as the two-sided chef apron, the girl pinafore dress, an iron-worker suede aprons, bibs, serapes, shawls, and designer scares. The religious frock is most common with the Jewish religions. If worn the Converso** who is in the stage called Jew, they will have a 'round cap shadow' on the back of their head whether they are wearing a cap or not. Making the head look like they are wearing two caps if that person happens to be working in the synagogues for whatever reason.

If the person in question is a Catha, the 'shadow tattoo' will be a 'cross on a chain' that appears to be hanging around their neck. The cross appears like one that is wrapped in cheese-cloth bandages that has the cross-beam broken off at the tip. Many times only one side appears to be off. This Argonaut, in female** clothes,  is referenced as a Christian to them.

Spider and Dog Paws are
famous among the Converso
Pagan called 'Grep'. This pagan
normally seeks out younger girls
to have them work in prostitution.
Dessert Frock
Worn by persons who live in dessert regions this coat is mainly for protection against the wind and sand. If a Converso Argonaut is wearing it they will have the shadow of a 'crescent medallion' on a chain hanging around their neck.

Traditional Dojo clothing, the Gi is the robe worn persons who are studying this very mild form of martial arts. If a Argonaut is wearing a Gi, the shadow of a 'Buddha statute' can be seen on the arm. It depends on whether or not the person is a naturally born male or female that makes the decision to which arm the Buddha can be seen on.

Greek Traditional Costume
If they wear the festival costumes from the ancient Greek festival for Zeus, the converso will have the shadow of the 'Temple of Zeus' on the chest that appears to look very much like a real tattoo. Though reports of seeing this tattoo shadow in other parts of the body, there is no proof of that so far.

'No God' Medal
Atheist can also be identified by using this technique. It has become somewhat fashionable today to see this medallion on posters, jewelry, and mod prints in the textile industry. Sometimes the words 'No God' is circled, but mostly they are not. If they are wearing this medal, a 'bird' shadow will appear on the arm. The bird looks something like a sparrow, but most professionals in that field can't agree on just what type of sparrow it might be. So, it's referred to as a 'bird'.

The shadow of the 'Ganges River' will be seen on the face of an Argonaut** when a turban is placed on their head. The shadow effect of this river is so amazing that maps have been made that resemble this tattoo, along with the cities, bridges, and all augzillery river ways that can also be seen on this Hindi.

** Dressed in clothes that was made by females and designed for naturally born females
** Male who has a profoundly facial appearance of a female while their genitals are still male, though sunken inward toward the sternum.