'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

June 8, 2013

Definitions: Plink-O Nig_er

Plink-O Nig_er
Oklahoma  6/8/2013

Italy"Plink-O'. The name for the behavior the Roman Catholics demonstrate. Because of the Cimejes (India) connection, plus, the bad reputation of both Catholics and Christians, the name 'Plink-O' may very well be an ancient slang term that suggests the color of the skin of the Cimejes while in the stage of 'Trash'.

There is also a Ping-Pong gambling game called Plink-O. The playing board has a checker-board of nails that the plastic ball bounces off of and down into a trough to were the winning money is kept. As India second largest religious group is the Chinese Buddha, the game of Plink-O may be a combined money maker for the two religious thoughts in Buddhism.

Love has its grounds based in everything. KAPB