'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

August 6, 2012

'Aliens On Us': Spyrex Images

'Aliens On Us'
Spyrex Images
Oklahoma  8/5/12

In the first attempts to photo capture a 'Spyrex' ball,
the orb was removed from the first pit inside the right ear.

Removed from the neck this ball was on an artery 
just behind the jaw bone. 

This ball was in a vein just behind the ear on the right side. 
Pulled along with the orbs is the scab that had formed after a
previous org removal. One large ball and a piece of a broken string 
is on the near left. A smaller ball is horizontal of the large orb. 

'Spyrex' balls are placed in the skin by a varity of ways. Medical equipment, unscrupulous doctors,  false fingernails, restaurant seating and serving sets, as well as, mechanical insect, metal chard, hard paper chads, and ball point pen ink.

These tiny objects swell into large balls inside the skin as they fill with plasma creating their own sculptures around the facial features, fingers, and breasts. The more 'Spyrex' balls planted in the face, the more likely the person will appear different then their original birth features. Thus, using this type of local robotic imaging, criminal behaviors of identity thief, false identities, fake ID cards, human impersonations, etc are easily affordable as only one string of 50 balls may cost a criminal only $5.00. 

Something to think about...

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