'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

August 26, 2012

'Iconic': Carl Diamond's Wife

Diamond Carl's Wife
Oklahoma 2012

Only a few short weeks later, Carl's wife had something to say. Slowly driving by from the parking area, she was subdued by the public attention her friend Kody K. had brought upon them.

There's a lot of SUV's on the road today,
this one included. The only difference is
this black rider also is featured in the
Housewives of New Jersey.
Faithful to the cause, all survived the fanfare. Kody got married to a she-cat...together they started a church group using KAPB material with a slightly demonic under tone. Carl's wife stopped by a few more times before disappearing all together, and Diamond, well he turned into a farmer. KAPB found him planting tulips at a crematory homing mainly Jews from Texas.