'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

August 26, 2012

'FLASH': John Hopkins Hospital

John Hopkins
Oklahoma  8/26/2012

With the Plutonium post of 'Jack',  the Christian church awoke the sleeping giant hospital of John Hopkins located in Washington, D.C. 
Among the first in transgender surgeries (1960's), John Hopkins has famed itself with multi medical miracles including those in early childhood diabetes and pre-natal polio.  Following along the therapeutic needs of female impersonations, Hopkins started a French revolution of cross sexual body changes that lasted until the late 1990's. 

Though very little, if none, of the stalkers following 'Jack' seemed connected to the Hopkins Hospital, yet the hospital's name returned repeatedly during questioning the trespassers.

Questionable queries on kidnapping, slavery, and multi concubine marriages towards the homeowner carried the subtle appearance of a kidnapping.Church common wealth, was the over-all message. 

In 2013, the John Hopkins Hospital sent a voice mail message expressing their thoughts about this 2012 Plutonium post. Though the message seemed calm and motivated, their Jewish mentor said very little that was of service.  The end result was a beginning effort with one of the first governmental investigations about the varies body implants ('Aliens On Us').