'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 1, 2015

Iconic:Palace Ward to Hospital Recovery

Palace Ward to Hospital Recovery
Summer 2015

Scholars have been interested in the ancient structures of Greece, here by Crete, for a very long time.

Historical records suggest a modern connection between the Minos (Minatar), Hera, Zeus, Momalo, and Malekith of which a linage that has lead into America.

The similarity seems to be in the medical practices, ancient temples, and the colligiums of ancient Rome. Pictured in this post, it's the hope to show a way in which temple worships (Minos/Transgenderism) may have influenced cultures today.

The red and black or red and white pillars in any Greek or Roman temple indicates a brothel (Hera and Zeus). White pillars is government and when blue it's a hospital. Brothels are a sub culture that was located in colligeums--literally, a bar room (alcohol) where legal matters (Momalo/Church) could also be considered as proper.

If a change of political power happened, so did the religious and policial systems... colligeums became temples, temples became hospitals, temple hospitals became churches, etc.

Along with the new medical system also came hygienic practice (Malekith/Transgenders). Hygienics was a must according to ancient records. Not to be crude, restrooms were and essential part of the temple treatments. Bowel waste had to be removed for one to heal. Waste in body, no treatment!

The snakes in the picture indicate a restroom...slang terms also indicted the word 'snake' as trouble, a stool, or forbiden of communication with health matters.

As tinctures became vogue, colligeum became temples, and, as Latin medicine gained popularity, hospitals created medical alcohols, such as wine and herbal tinctures. The bright red pillars suggest that a political system change caused a alcohol popularity because the rock palace walls appear much older in age. Tincture fusions could very well have caused the brothel (colligeum) ward to the modern hospital wards.

As the political system grew, tincture was mass produced, changing raw alcohol consumption into tinctures and powered wines to cure the soul. The depth of the palace building in this post also suggest cool wine cellars, again a must for a colligeum as wine will mildew in warm tempatures. Slowly the crude alcohol infusions crossed over into the daily use, and presented as a daily supplement for everything that hurt.

Rubbing, inhaling, and drinking the temple fusions into our lives developed a like culture of the Crete...Waste, no treatment! 

Theory, yes. It all seems to add up. So, palace or church, the truth lies within.