'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 28, 2015

Iconic: Merlin the Sorcerer, or Magician

Merlin the Sorcerer, or Magician
Summer 2015

Recently, while studying myth gods, etc. it was viewed in an Ancient Alien video a type of hidden object collection of images that detail the coven of Merlin the Magician. Interesting enough, this post hopes to add info for Plutonium viewers about that fable sorcerer.

Merlin, in reality, is an occult that uses and creates herbs potions from poisonous plant... such as with demons, evil, or satani like Devil'Claw, Helabore, Nightcloud.Catnip, and Garam are two of the lesser dangerous weeds that are inhaled or eaten.

Scholars also say Merlin is the lowest in dangerous occults. That could explain why Merlin images are everywhere in America...some are questionable, while others are may be very familiar to viewers.

 Christmas, Easter, and Halloween are among national holidays that have been built from the personalities of the Merlin occult. When referring to the first two holidays, the term of cult is normally used, while Halloween, October Feast, and Hanukkah are thought of as occult festivals.

Bar-Jesus, the Jewish sorcerer, is also in the occult of Merlin. Mainly injecting a Merlin tincture formula causes the DNA alteration into a Bar, but it has been known to see bars on alot of others occult members who hasn't used that type of infusion.

White Peter, called SaintPeter, is another famous biblical character. Changing the levels of magnification it's possible to see a few different images of the so called, Rock as well as the Christian Church's foundation of faith...there are also images of Peter in the first image post above.

There are dark sides of the Merlin coven. Dracula, Dark Man, and White Minnow are three large orders in that occult. White Minnow has been written about several times at Plutonium. Caligula, the Roman Emperor was a White Minnow and reported as insane from sexual abuse. Dark Man has been shown in many occult movies, and he's sometime referred to as an Goetia demon, but, in reality, he's a victim. Dracula is very well known. He is the result of Kava abuse, a favorite Merlin herb.

Many, many researchers, scholars, and law enforcement agencies use the Merlin enclaves to watch persons within madman occults. To say it again, Merlin is the least dangerous.

Famous person in the stage of Merlin the Magician or Sorcerer...the artist, Claude Monet.

As for Norman, Oklahoma's Merlin, it's Dr. Don Baker, plus a few others who wonder around looking like Merlin. Baker is the former director to the School of Social Work at the University of Oklahoma.