'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

June 24, 2015

Iconic: Asgard's Malekith in America, pt 3

Asgard's Malekith in America, pt 3
Summer 2015

Post 1
Post 2

In this third post, KAPB hopes to show the Malekith in America. We found it very interesting and at the same time rather deadly.

As most have learned, the Christian church is basically a transgender cult...though they will never say the truth to it, they do live in the female side, or the Hera, as well as the male persona.

Gathering from a country's young male populations, the church built a sub-culture that also became a part of America...eventhough, America was constructed to forsake the Church's creeds and cult constructions.

By the decade of 1890's, America was expanding to the mid western prairies and land for farming was the national quest. Believed to have been through the church, thousands of immigrants from the western regions of the easter hemisphere sailed and flooded into the grass lands to get themselves parcels of free land.

With them came thesub-cultures...transgenders, pediphiles, incest, etc. All of them not really farmers but freemen from the churches looking to get accusation land in exchange for freedom.

Those immigrants, as reported by histoy, were the worst farmers America had ever seen!  After turning the grass lands into a dust bowl, the immigrants moved off into California carrying with them only what would serve them the best.

Using the FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt) government recovery programs for work, food, and medicine service, the failed farmers left leaving behind children, animals, and tons of bills for the dust bowl states to repay.

After a few years of the steady stream of immigrants into California, that state started to forbide entrance unless the travelers had enough money to keep themselves until they, again immigrants, could find a physical working and wage earning job...southern California was that location.

On the way, and through the Painted Desert of Utah, the stream of the Malekith stopped in nearby desert villages where a mountain monolith rose above the highway leading in and out of the desert. There the Malekith stopped and prayed for help, guidance, and cash. The Norse Malekith spacecrafts and the Utah monolith resemble each other very much. PBS.org and Ken Burns documented that the poor and improvished travelers spent months at that location fearing to travel again until the season seemed correct.

The Norse (Oden,Thor) spacecraft was the home for the leading Malekith for thousands of years. The monolith in Utah has been standing there for equally the same amount of time.

Whichever, the Great Plains survived the drought and dust storms, plagues, and bankruptcies to grow a strange new wild flower, the milk trestle sunflower. The flower the Malekith say is a sign of damnation.

KAPB found in America the Norse mythology of Thor's Malekith and The Dark Elve's Dark World. They traveled down Route 66 to California.