'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 31, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Native Alaskan Orca

'Trash FLASH'
Native Alaskan Orca
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

Attention Alaskan State Troopers.

It has been a few days sense the 'Mounds in Norman' was posted. It was felt that something would be said about the closeness of the mound at Chalmette St. and the Irish historical park of Hill of Tara. With hundreds of informants, familiars, etc hanging around with the hopes of up-grading their status in gangsterville, it wasn't long before the Irish and a child murder scene became the issue.

Being the legal authorities and having the better between the two, it wasn't long before the online connection with them was tossed around and landing on yet another possibility in this crime spree...Alaska!

In 1996, while in the City of Juneau, it was reported that several large carvings of whales had been stolen from one of the smaller seaside towns along the southeastern coastline. The report read as "they had no idea where the whale carvings had gone to".

Now between these two, the legals and familiars, it seems those carvings may very will be buried here on the property of  The Cedars Apartments. Alone, the legals discussed the possibility of the carved Orcas, and the mention of the Irish/Juneau seemed a good reality. Juneau, Alaska is mainly Scottish settlers, but the Irish has a large community there also.

This following smartphone pictures may help to maximize what The Cedars is trying to say about these odd looking bald spots in the front lawn. True or not, it's worth the look.

Full view

First, it should be said that the Oklahoma state police believe that both the Alaskan report and the current conversations about these Orca beds is the trail of gangsters. In another photo below, the size of a large 'crab' may also be possible.Six years ago, when first arriving in Norman, OK, a very similar conversation was created by a local crab shack...large carving, etc was stolen. The state police in Norman, OK has a crime report on this possibility.

A closer shot of the area
The property is just swarming with some type of army ant with looks something like a trim roach. As seen in this photo, the dirt hills are everywhere.

It is also possible that the smaller, furling Orca carving may lay in this area...sometimes, when the area is very dry, an impression can be seen of a large fish curled around as if it where in a jumping state.

 This is another photo of the crab area. And, at the bottom of the image is the bottom of the first possible larger whale as suggested above.

July 29, 2014

"Iconic': Burial Mounds in Norman

Burial Mounds in Norman
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

1. After the mushrooms had died off, the area looked
like this. Why cannibals like to embed images
into the soil is something questionable,
of then they felt safe, and ego ruled their common
Before the dry season started in Oklahoma, a few pictures were taken of some burial mounds in Norman, OK. The wet, or tornado season, was very humid in the spring/summer of 2014 making mushrooms arise, the lawns to swell, and mounds to become more defined. KAPB photoed a few pictures from in the area of the Cedar Apartments just off of Alameda St.

In photo #1, on the right bottom corner an imprint of a Pakuku schizophrenic is clearly seen. These little monsters are sometimes known as an Incubus...other authorizes say that the two demonamanics are different.

2.  Just before the end of the wet season.
Stonehenge Mushroom Circle

Photo #2. The circle can still be seen in the grass at this mushroom site that was reported earlier at KAPB. It was later learned that a possible shaman type of doll may be the reason that this site was never excavated, thus why the imprint of the circle and trail is so vivid.

Photo #3
Photo #3. Across the road from the Cedar Apartment, is a small mound. The mound has been there for a number of years, but the shape of it is unique in that it resembles the Hill of Tara, Ireland.

The Norman, Oklahoma mound has settled down a few inches over the last five years, but drought, flooding, and extreme high humility levels could easily be the cause.

Photo #4

Photo #4. This is a close-up of the photo #3. More of the shape shows a possible entrance to the left end of the mound.

The top is somewhat flattened.
At the Hill of Tara, Ireland, the mound is flat, and it is there that the
stone monolith of 'Lia Fail' is positioned.

Photo #5
In image #5, is the Hill of Tara in Ireland. This mound is reported to be the beginning of the Irish population. The government, kings, and commoners gathered there to set down the rules of law for their people. On the bottom left image is the Lia Fail. That monolith is still a religious icon, and looks very much like a phallus when decorated for a few of the Irish pagan worships. The overhead photo at the bottom right resembles very closely 'The Astronaut' of the Nazcz Lines in Peru, South America.

Photo #6
Photo #6. On the right side the simularity is much as the Hill of Tara. Just to the upper right of the mound, the remains of a smaller mound can still be seen, but it is slowly going down. That may not last say some experts.

Photo #7 'Horseshoe Mound'

In photo #7 is again at the Cedar Apartments. This embed is called a 'Horseshoe'. At a Horseshoe several images is possible to be seen. With forensic science, it is possible to produce images of each section thus enabling law enforcement to identify who was involved in both the murders and who died, or was buried in this type of mound.

Photo #8
 Photo #8. Another snap shot of the 'Horseshoe' as images are being sought after. The horseshoe is much more visible and to type of facial imaging can be seen.
Photo #9
Photo #9 is another cut from the original enlargement. In this image, the three circle cluster is beginning to show on the bottom left end.

Photo #10. Ancient Aliens: Kings
Emperors, and Pharaohs
Photo #10. This is an image from the History Channel 'Ancient Alien' series. Concentric circles can be seen of the head of the person in this photo. It is believed that the circles in Photo #9 may be reversed to this AA photo.

Photo # 11
Photo #11. At a greater distance the circle appear somewhat the same as in the Cedar Apartment 'Horseshoe Mound'. Notice the circular orb at the top right corner. Extraterrestrials experts say that that impression may be a space orb or space craft. Because of the Hill of Tara (Nazca, The Astronaut) mound across the road, it's very possible an HIV extraterrestrial connection can be made.

Photo #12
Photo #12. Another image of the 'Horseshoe Mound'.

Photo #13
Photo #13. At the center right side of the lawn several forrenic images a barely seen. If familuar with pre-ancient history, this type of cluster is seen on mountain top around the world. Historians believe the pre-ancient sculptures are of the populations during those early eras of earth.

It's important to stop at a number that will soothe the savage breast. With this post that number is 13.

KAPB hopes this post will have something to remember, and captured photos to share.

Blessing to all.

July 25, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Message from Micky D's Simcha

'Trash FLASH'
Message from Micky D's Simcha
Oklahoma  7/25/2014

Is that a gun up there by the arches...
Hey, Mc what's upper here?
Between the updates of McDonald's employees and Vontage (we've learned it's pronounced Von-Tage), a stern message was left in our lawn.

MickyD's is the strong suspect to the vandalism because her live-in partner was waiting at the dumpster with his Waggoners AirCon truck for a KAPB pooch to place the pet waste in a proper disposal facility. And, the skinny same one from the apartment behind us.

Now known a the Inqua McManager, applause must be resounded for yet another attempt a levity.

Note this, the dog poo had a faint odor of a flower.
Read this...

Have you ever heard the America term of "eat sh_t"? It appears McDonald's has a long history of it.

July 24, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Vontage and the Vicars

'Trash FLASH'
Vontage and the Vicars
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

KAPB has had its share of strange fellows during the years it has been publishing at Google.

Vicar is the name of a form of priest. They originated within the Church of England and have something of a long and mysterious history. Sorcerers such as John Dee, Nostradamus, and the Russian Rasputin were all associated with the rank of Vicar during their service to the Christian church. The Roman Catholics refer to a Vicar when detailing the personage of the Pope, that is, one who is next to God, or better said, the Christian's god. Sorcerers is the western version of the magi of the eastern religions. Each have a definition for magic and each use magic for the purpose of their own beliefs. Machines of the Gods, a documentary about the sorcerers and the Science of the Magi. The worships of Serupus (Apollo) and the different type of trickery use to get money from followers and the curious.

To come to the point of this, the phone company of Vontage is using the female uterus for its smartphone service. The device, a roller blade used in TV reception chips, was put on KL Aghijlar' uterus was implanted during an cervical exam at a Providence Hospital in Anchorage, Alaska. The business that funneled the internet exchange was stared by the charity organization of The Salvation Army.  The device also uses the bowel as an emergency contact...just what is attached to the bowel area that's near the uterus is not known yet, but it's almost certain that is only temporary.

Hundreds of Vontage customers will learn soon of the porn being aired across the internet via smartphones. The Vicars, funneling the monies through the charity mentioned, Millions of dollars have been stolen from state and federal agencies through the misuse of the human body as the Vontage device cause cancers, boils, and other types of tumors on the phallus as well as the uterus...Vontage customers will be held responsible also in the forth coming legal processes against the three companies mentioned at this post.

July 23, 2014

'FYI': The God Odin

The God Odin
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

Odin is the Norse god who is derived from the stories of the Old Testament. It was after the fall of the original Norse colonies, Christianity began at this time, that the church changed the Norse biblical stories from the Norse dialect to the Christian god worships. The Eastern Studies Society (ESS), copyright holder of the Holy Bible, details the life of the Norse before the exodus to North America. They suggest that the Norse citizens in North America were the seventh child of Old Testament Moses. Because of this ESS population study, it may be very well possible as to the reason that the Norse colony and Holy Bible stories resemble each other.

Odin with Freyr and Hod are also suggested to be the trinity favored by the early Christians some 100 years after the Norse exodus to America.

In modern society Odin still holds a major place among Christian paganism, and is considered to be the chief deity worshiped around the world by Christian fundamentalist though they still refer to the tales with the use of biblical terms and characters. The list below is where Odin worshipers have the strongest percentage of Odin followers.

2 Birds (Ravens, Messengers)
  1. Huginn - CIA
  2. Muninn - FBI

2 Dogs (Decipher)
  1. Valefor - Iran (Duke who worships Marbas, or yellow)
  2. Marchosias - Rome (Marquis who worships Satarn)

2 Gears (Workers)
  1. Morphindike -  homosexual
  2. Mornphingrawl - lesbian

2 Demi Gods (Balance)
  1. Woden - United Kingdom
  2. Voden - Greece

'FYI': Hand Signals

Hand Signals
Oklahoma   Summer, 2012

Issac Newton
Most statutes in the Ancient Roman Empire have the appropriate hand signal that keep the viewers in the appropriate state of mind while in the area that surrounds the statute. Statutes of humans are used to maintain the flow of either the pedestrian or the city's auto traffic. This technique obviously has been used for thousands of years, as said above,the maintenance is evident even during the ancient empires.

Earlier in the development of 'Plutonium', members of the KAPB team of authors had to post several hand signals at the door way entrance, sort of like a  mezuzah,  in order to maintain the flow of trespassers who were trying to invite themselves into their homes and offices. Of course, as this blog grew in size along with the availability of religious information, the use of the  'something like a  mezuzah' in the early years seemed to follow through with itself.
If viewers has had the ability to read read each pas through of the very many trespassers then most of our readers know that the Christian Vatican if more Jewish then Christian like...again, this type of religious branching is called 'Zentar'.
That is, Zoroastrianism (Judaism) who uses the Christlike personas to create an atmosphere of love while really having a closed culture that must obey the Old Testament laws or be ostracized from the entire organization...that is, Church.

The images of drawn hands are the signals KAPB used at the doorway, and later pinned on a corkboard where it still hangs. KAPB hopes that they might come in handy for viewers. Good luck. - From Us.

July 21, 2014

'Art-a-Fact': Saint King Louie and the Sho-Gun

Saint King Louie and Sho-Gun
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

These guys look similar. All are in the stage of Louis. All of them do Cascades. All of them are Asian.
Sung dynasty is from Marbas (Yellow Emperor) kingdom of China. Middle Eastern Cascades was on lower eastern steeps. Art-a-Fact!

'TTD' Comb

Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

Word: Comb
Red Word: Asho
Location: Breast cleavage
Relative Information: Local Panda Garden Buffet quickly used the word 'Comb'. With it several small black balls rose to the surface of the skin in the  area.Tthese tiny black dots rolling on the skin know about the burning that is accompanied with the release of the balls from the skin, and believed to be connected to larger plastic forms located at the arm pit. Read Panda post...

'Trash FLASH': Panda's Black Balls

'Trash FLASH'
Panda's Black Balls
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Panda Garden! Should have known it.

During the late night hours, the temperature reached as high as 92 degrees. Very questionable.

When checking into who was using heaters in the bathroom area of the apartment at The Cedars, a staff member at the local Panda Garden Buffet quickly used the word 'Comb'. With it several small black balls rose to the surface of the skin in the breast cleavage area.

Persons who have seen these tiny black dots rolling on the skin know about the burning that is accompanied with the release of the balls from the skin.

KAPB believes that the cluster of black balls from the breast cleavage area is connected to the larger, plastic forms under the arm pit. The illustration is exactly what is seen on the skin in Oklahoma. If the Anso Converso (Asian) have the balls located in the breast area, and the two are connected then it serves to say the underarm clusters likewise were implanted by Asians.

Sooner or later, dude. All crimes go to hell.


July 20, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Child Rock

'Trash FLASH'
Child Rock
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

Every Sunday KAPB get Christians, Jews and Hindu who want to fight about this illegal abortion center that was cleverly named The OU Care and Happiness Center...OU is the abbreviation for University of Oklahoma.
Colddeep and black souls is all we have to say.

July 19, 2014

'Iconic': Infants and Dog Roses

Infants and Dog Roses: with Mushroom
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Experts say that this picture is a
very good likeness to an image
that can appear in the tiny mushroom. Pink
is generally the color of the flower used
to hide the burial site and scrub (dog)
rose is the favorite bush that is used.
Sitting for years and listening to the ambivalence from scurvy Christians criminals coupled with demonic quips of "so as it goes', sometimes requires a person to direct more attention to the macabre their infanticide intentions. With this post, KAPB wants to illustrate a few things about infants, the unborn fetus, and what happens after death. America has an array of artwork that shows the natural result of the miss-buried dead children, and very few Americans know that is what they are looking at as well as occasional gift purchasing.

As is known, high humidity and extreme rainfall after a short hot spell will make mushrooms appear above the soil. Where the "miss-buried" graves are found tiny mushrooms in flowerbeds, around rocks, etc should be expected.

Some of the more questionable designs these murders use are the dog rose (shrub rose). The less then ornamental bush is not indigenous to America, but came here from Europe. Why this bush is a favorite is because most of the criminal who kill infants and children eat dog flesh. Though dogs are biblically listed as not a food source, many bible-bases church group consider dog flesh as savory and affordable. It's the aftermath of eating canine that is regarded with no concern.

The mushrooms have not fully encircled this rose bush but, as can be seen in the other photos, these tiny spouts are trying to surface.

If the circle pattern is deliberate or simply the way nature pushes up the mushrooms is left up to the viewer to determine. KAPB says the circle is deliberate...to create a halo effect. The bible suggests, through the writing of Jesus, that all children are blessed and will see heaven. Through the sciences of both psychology and forensic, this biblical information suggests the mushroom circle, or halo, is a definite meaning to "blessed" and "heaven".

The bevel in the rose bed is also a biblical suggestion. The bow can be found in books such as Exodus, Jeremiah, and of course the New Testament gospels with Jesus Christ as the mystic leader.

The bevel bow at this site is created to offer customers, who are coming into the illegal abortion center, a way to appease the gods, so to say. Nurses, doctors, and attendants will encourage pregnant females to pray at the entrance of the parking lot before entering into what the abortion medical staff refers to as "heaven", or "the place of the dead".

Graphic artist have long associated babies, especially the new born, with roses, asleep, and winged angels. The color of pink is the favorite. Believed to be used by demonic artists because the hue of the human skin turns pink just after eating human baby flesh. If the human is an opium addict, which most are if extreme exercise is a part of the daily lifestyle, then the odor of rose pedals is noticeable. The rose odor can be smelt on both an alive cannibal, as well as, a dead one.

As said above, the 'Halo' is always present at infanticide
crime scenes. Graphic artists, where witting or
unwitting, seem to offer the idea that all babies are
"heavenly" or "send from heaven" as apposed to "dead"
and "going to heaven" as with the original source
of the meaning.

Several clusters of shrub roses at this particular rose bed shows that the outer side by the parking lot has more mushrooms then the other spoutings. this is because roses like auto exhaust. Auto exhaust is many times used to enhance the smell of the rose via the buried babies. Why? Experts say the cannibals like the idea of a 'boosted baby'. Much like drinking or injecting liquidized baby flesh. Again the experts say, "that's in a cannibals logic and not based on fact. Auto exhausting babies or expectant females doesn't do anything more to the flesh then the typical auto exhaust poisoning".

This cannibal 'auto exhaust' myth may be derived from the over-dosing babies with orange juice. The kidneys of babies are used to disguise ground weeds used in street drug marijuana strains. Orange juice caused the kidney enzymes to smell very much like the herb marijuana, thus creating a cannibal street hashish called 'Weed' as apposed to the hemp varies as most people give that reference to. This type of infanticide is noticeable when a child is only given orange juice to drink.

On the far left side of this photo auto tires can be seem. The comments
in paragraph 9 say the dog rose, as most roses, like automobile. The smell
of rubber tires, motor oils, as well as, exhaust help to create a growing
environment that is favorable for roses.

Though no color change will be in the blossoms, the orange juice odor will be noticeable in the burial grounds if a large amount of orange juice children were killed and buried together.

The larger the mushrooms spray the larger the amount of infant and fetus have been stored and finally covered over with the shrub rose bush. Why, no odor? There is a faint smell of dead flesh in the rose bed itself. Soil examples from around the bush in question will generally indicate the amount of flesh that was buried in that bed.

Something that could use answers is to just why the modern medical practices that originate from the Greek physician Ascelpius have such a wide range of criminal patterns in infanticide when the founder and patron saint, being Ascelpius, had nothing to do with the unborn fetes, infants, or children. And,there is no connected with children in any way in Greek literature! Where did this "heavenly and blessed" belief come from when the topic includes criminal medical teams? Doesn't fit!

Over-head snapshot of the
mushrooms in a pattern that can only
be answered by the ones who buried the
infants at this rose bed garden.

Thanks for viewing...

July 15, 2014

'Iconic': Pope Urban and the Hindu Kush

Pope Urban and the Hindu Kush
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

After learning the truth of the little known pope of the Christian Crusades, KAPB has assembled a few pictures from both the movie Prince of Persia and a Google image search in the hopes of making an interesting collection for future references.

The following pictures and images are both Pope Urban. This pope served for two thirds of the Christian Crusades of 900-1200 AD. It was during this era that the Knights Templar, Saladin, King Xerxus, and Richard the Lionheart became household name around the world.

Pope Urban is believed to written his autobiography telling the story of his delusions during his addiction to the hemp called Hindu Kush. The written story is entitled, "The Prince of Persia'.

These are the images collected....

Clip from 'Prince of Persia'. Urban (Dusdan) in Hindu Kush.
Disney Productions

Very typical of hemp addiction is the belief that it's possible to give salvation to sinners. Pope Urban, it's reported, offered salvation to any who would go to the Middle East and fight for Jerusalem. The word Jerusalem is believed to be a very holy place by addicts of marijuana.
Most famous in the mountains of the Hindu Kush is the pyramid mountain that contains the oldest civilization known to man. Just where that race vanished to is not known, but several images were left behind for historians to search for descendants in later years.  Pictures of these graven images can be seen in the 'Ancient Aliens, Season 5' series.
the village in the foreground is a possible first settlement where the hemp Hindu Kush was first used. Evidence of pipes, water bongs, and parchment papers were found in varies caves inside the fortified city atop of this front mountain.
Cities on top mountains are made by chiseling the walls and structures out of the mountain bed rock.
The pyramid mountain in the Hindu Kush created stories and fables that served as the foundations for many delusions within the oh so many wonder stories while on the herb marijuana. Pyramids are perhaps the number one creation that has derailed mankind for hundreds of thousands of years, Iraq is no different.

The fuzzy appearance of the hemp is famous for the fact that it's the number one product sold in Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, and even in Egypt. This strain, as marijuana is referred as,  has very few seeds wherefore highly coveted. Not many nations have the mountain resources to grow this strain and trying to steal anything connected to this hemp certainly means death for the attempt.
This photo is from a tourist website. It's the coloring that's important for this post, as the blue/green appearance signals persons that the Hindu Kush hemp is grown in the area. In movies, the blue/green color blend indicates that the hemp is a major factor to understand just what is happening. 

Coming out of the delusional stage called Hindu, the coloring turns into a golden bronze. Some scholars suggest that the 'Bronze Age' is in reality coming out of Hindu as the early settlers traveled down the mountain as the ice shelf slowly melted and the land became more inhabitable. Ye halo around Urban;s head is simply an icon effect created by artists during the age of portraits.

Also while in the stage of Hindu Kush, persons who are addicted to this hemp will  believe they are directed by their god to work as assassins. The famous Hassassins of Middle Eastern folklore is perhaps the number one character movies and television is riddled with. The 'H' in front of the word assassins simply means a strain of the Hindu Kush herb. The blue eyes, yellow splotches, and  mound on the face are all signs of a Hindu smoker. It should be remembered also that these smokers hear their god telling them to assassinate when necessary.

As this Cimejes likes to impersonate an Asmodeus, this Hindu Kush will also carry the that the hemp make a snake inside to the torso. From the arm pit to the hip runs a muscle that will transform into a snake like creature from the abuse of this herb. Historians believe that the Cimejes is in reality the demon who tormented Solomon of Israel because the Cimejes will copy anything that's royal. Cimejes will leave no one uncovered. The Cimejes work mainly in medicine, so experimental studies of the physical form is a high level medical research to discover any possible transforming to any of the other demons in the human brain. 

The man behind the girl is Urban is Multa Nig-er. The girl is Urban when he went through that transformation change , which Hindu Kush addicts also do. Though not shown in this image the individual being carried is called a 'Jaba' or a 'Mammam'.  Haba (Jaba) is the hidden study written of in the biblical Old Testament story of Adam and Eve. Haba meaning 'Habitat'. The word Jaba is still pronounced with an 'H' in some middle eastern countries. 

Most scholars agree that the Mongols of the Asian Steppes are the hoards that flooded the western European counties. It is also shared by historians that the royal female "Harthaenut' of the Denmark strain is mostly likely Pope Urban while in his female stage. The western Europe monarchy was created, so to say, by the French aristocrats during the Dark Ages. Roman Generals Claudius, Constantine, and Clovis formed the royal monarchy known today in just about all the modern European countries. It is believed that Claudius set it in as Roman law that the Roman Generals had to serve this duty when in female or not be considered a candidate for any Roman rule, or at any time in the future from his decree.
There is the account of Pope Urban. The delusion can be seen, as said, in the Disney Production, "Prince of Persai'.

Thanks for viewing...