'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

June 12, 2013

Article - Response to the AIDS Pandemic — A Global Health Model — NEJM - okla


Learning to live with the threat of extension. New World Order, or same old shit!

World - New Homosexuality - okla

New Homosexuality, or old time religion?

"In addition: Volcanos; that is, sulphur, is now suspected to create a type of HIV...that grow in volcanic hot springs, thus creating a dual dependency of both blood and feces, or a combination of the two. In one word...homosexuality." link

June 10, 2013

'Iconic': Marbas Cross

Marbas Cross
Oklahoma   6/10/2013

Google image search

Marbas Tattoo Cross.  Worn on the chest, this image is very close to the tattoo a Marbas demon would wear. Lots of ink!

Marbas really like to stay in or around water. Swimming pools are a favorite in urban areas. It is also believed that there is a relationship between Marbas and Purson because of a scene in the movie 'Pulp Fiction'...a hollywood film depicting a life course of a Purson gang.  In a sofa scene, one member of the drug dealer gang suggests that in order to join in with a Purson group a Marbas tattoo must be worn on the chest. Something to think about when derailing demons.

'FLASH' Purson Lips

Purson Lips
Oklahoma 6/10/2013

Lips of Purson. This is a picture very near to the icon that Purson(Goetia) is using to alert persons to a Purson presentence.
Other then ego, this behavior has no bering on the behavior of Purson demon.

Using the very sharp defined lip edges with a center color as a rich purple hue, the imaging lips will be seen by anyone a Purson is stalking. Usually during the night time hours. Cimejes FBI use the Cimejes stage of Purson to roam during the night.

The picture on the left is a Purson. If the person has a long projecting nose, it's a good guess that Purson is smoking marijuana. Purson's like to do hospital type work, therefore, medical hemp is easy to obtain.

Definitions: Slabo Nig_er

Slabo Nig_er
Oklahoma  6/10/2013

Slabo Nig_er. Greek. Converso. Believed that 'Slabo Nig_er' may have started during the era of the Greek Oracles...Apollo being the favorite god to conjure.  Sulfur and the particles from volcanic fall-out if inhaled will cause a mis-function in the brain. As the oracle sat directly over the sulfur pits while under the influence of the herb laurel (bay leaves), the condition of coprophilia. Copros associate themselves, when referred of, to the word 'Jesus'. They also believes that not only feces, but they themselves should be enjoyable to consume.

In addition: volcanoes; that is, sulfur, are now suspected to create a type of HIV that is found in volcanic hot springs,. Between the two a dual dependency was created.

As the second largest colloquial group are the homosexuals and homosexuals use purified volcanic particles for hemophilia, the consensuses is that this is perhaps the only male pattern of god worships in the Greek mythological concentrations. Homosexuals are generally used as a 'Jesus' in sub-occult religious beliefs.

June 8, 2013

Definitions: Plink-O Nig_er

Plink-O Nig_er
Oklahoma  6/8/2013

Italy"Plink-O'. The name for the behavior the Roman Catholics demonstrate. Because of the Cimejes (India) connection, plus, the bad reputation of both Catholics and Christians, the name 'Plink-O' may very well be an ancient slang term that suggests the color of the skin of the Cimejes while in the stage of 'Trash'.

There is also a Ping-Pong gambling game called Plink-O. The playing board has a checker-board of nails that the plastic ball bounces off of and down into a trough to were the winning money is kept. As India second largest religious group is the Chinese Buddha, the game of Plink-O may be a combined money maker for the two religious thoughts in Buddhism.

Love has its grounds based in everything. KAPB

June 3, 2013

'Escalade': Sector Split: Clep

Sector Split: Clep
Oklahoma   6/3/2013

'Clep' will have quiet a few personalities.
They will wear costumes, images, etc when
 they feel like it.  Hero characters
Batman and Robin, Superman, and Knight
Rider are all 'Clep' personalities
And, yes, 'Clep' steals
a lot.
'Clep' (Stef) is the second member of a grouped crime mix entitled 'Sector Split'. 'Clep' likes to work alone, but will work with others only until a 'Clep' can disposed of them.

It should be understood that not all demons of the Goetia will present themselves, many ignore any request to communicate, so a consiterable among of information is never covered. Another factor is a language difference. Society has literally forces goetia demons to learn the language words, all the while, society not understanding that the goetia character has placed their own meaning to a nation's common language.

Medical Psychiatry, Law Enforcement Forensics, and the Hermetic Science are three studies in demonomania, and it is that and mental health sciences that proves the maximum information about the 'Dissociative Identity Disorder'.

The rope in this image is specific. When 'Clep' gets caught at crime, mainly a serious crime, they will act-out poses with some kind of a rope, thin belt, or cords, such as a Venetian blind cord. Generally, the flipping of a cord means the 'Clep' person is a felon at large.

'Escalade' Sector Split: 'Quiet'

Sector Split: 'Quiet'
Oklahoma   6/2/2013

The group with only two Goetia characters is called 'Quiet'. 'The name 'Sector Split Goetia' was formed by forensic specialists for this crime cluster.

The two members that make up a  'Quiet' group are generally the character passed over because 'Quiet' members are just that, quite. Perhaps physically mute or by goetia development made as less involved. Whichever, 'Quite' characters may be the two any crime family would have to use to re-develop a Sector Split.

To identify the two characters in 'Quiet' someone would have to research for the two best possible fit in the community in which the Sector Split is working, such as, meme could be in artistic areas. Look for mutes in social developments of hearing impaired. As well as, language barrier profiles that would aid in the effect for a quite persona.

June 2, 2013

'Escalade': 'Granmoire` Jill, Set 1

'Granmoire` Jill, Set 1
Oklahoma  6/2/2013

Set 1: Asmodeus, Bifrons, and Caim.

The third and final 'Granmoire`' set among the KPAB offices is 'Jill'. Jill is very simple...it has a type of set suggests simplicity. As a dictation for obedience, and it's a simple as A,B,C.

In the image at this post is a very good likeness of just how 'Jill' and Jack looked when this granmoire` was collected. It seems they like the look when they go on a hurt to kill. Go figure....

It seems all three Goetia characters travel together. They work online casino sites and cheat like all hell. Jumping onto a playing table, this Granmoire` will cause the cards to play a digital software developed especially for cheating...mostly likely, developed especially for them.  'Jill' also uses familiars. And, both Bifrons and Caim believe that Astaroth is Asmodeus, but most scholars say that it is just the way 'Jill' wants it to be and no real evidence suggests anything else.

Again, remembering KAPB is moving backwards to get to the beginning of who set this monster takeover up, personal here learn that there is a special group of Goetia that should following this posting. One that is normally overlooked because they are very, very quite. After that group, we will again be in the odd side out...5, 3, (2), 1 assemblies. 

'Escalade' Granmoire` Candy Cane, Set 2

Granmoire` Candy Cane, Set 2
Oklahoma  6/2/2013

This post was delayed by the cyclone that drenched the Oklahoma interior the last few days. We had plenty of time to cross-check our information.

Set 2 - 'Candy Cane': Furfur, Vual, and Andromalius.

'Candy Cane' is the name of the middle set of three in the Granmoire` arranged to invade KAPB. This group consists of all low ranking Goetia characters...two counts and one duke.

Though the mascot is the candy cane colored snake, the main importance with this middle set of three is that each like the dinosaur form; therefore, the mind-set is predatory and carnage. Though low rank seems to indict a sense of security for a person, predators believing dinosaur and carnage to a safety zone will likely be sneaky and immature.