'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

December 27, 2012

'FLASH': T.T. Nutter

T.T. Nutter
Oklahoma  12/28/2012

Theresa Nutter. Just what did you do in high school? You are beginning to look more and more like your grandma Jean.

Again, returning to set up still another causeway for the FBI criminals to sit inside our homes.

Madness is sometimes a blessing...use it!

'FLASH': Burning 'V': Passion Art

Burning 'V': Passion Art
Oklahoma   12/27/2012

Gay Howard and her husband
Somewhere I have this person posted in among the V people.I really have to get this blog searchable...I will work on it!

I finally got an image of the person who worked at prisons, or there about, in Oregon. She likes to burn the letter 'V' into your skin as she drills you with her Nazi chants...maddening!

Because she is listed in the alphabetical/definitions bitmap plates, it difficult to get them to surface...they are painted on so no general search will bring them out. With that, here is a picture of that demon goddess and her firer, electrical torch that burns 'V''s into the skin of humans.

She sits on the left. I presume the fella on the right is her husband, though it was reported to KAPB this past year that she may be a transgender.

She sure hates KAPB, and she's back here again. Whoop, whoop, whoosh, away!

KAPB. American English Primers

December 24, 2012

'FYI': 1000 Years of War

1000 Years of War
Oklahoma  12/24/2012

kolomaire...a YouTube channel

'Iconic': Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Oklahoma  12/25/2012

Have a Great Christmas! KAPB

December 21, 2012

'Iconic' The Mongols

The Mongols: the British Monarchy Personage
Oklahoma   12/21/2012

The Mongols is the next in line. Believe it or not, they are still around today. And the most famous Mongol is Leonardo DiCaprio. As a paulist (actor), DiCaprio is the character who plays the roles of the  Mongols in today's world. To see their activities, you simply have to get some of the favorite areas of interest and view them one-by-one.

This ancient society spread over the world through their conquest of the planet, and many groups still pop-up among nations as tribesmen under the same influence of as their forefathers. Nomadic, today's Mongols travel the roads in caravans and they love the colder climates.

Pictures here are several images of Gengs. Though thought to be Asian, Mongols in reality are the 5th step from the Roman Italian. Because opium has its root in Sumter, Iran, Mongols would be earlier in the DNA stages of alterations from that addiction.

It is believed that a Greek tycoon named DiAnpalo is the finance power behind the Mongol activities in America; and, perhaps around the world. Little is known of him other then he lives from country to country playing roles of Greek drama. He most favorite is Dante, whom he believes he is a child of.

Whatever the truth of DiAnpalo personality, it is true that the money capital comes from crime.

Sharing homes with church members, again the lady in scarlet purple has a special greeting for those who love the lord, well someone's lord anyway. And all Greek/Roman theorist love the lord! Yes?

It was in 2014, with an enormous amount of study that the many historical documentaries showed a very serious connection between the Mongols of the Asian Steppes and the British Empire. That is way the British primer's office was included in this post. The modern day Mongols are, and have been, established in the UK for at lease a century, via, the child swapping favored among the royals of the European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern nations. Preponderant!

December 20, 2012

'FLASH' Clint Eastwood: rebuttal

Clint Eastwood: rebuttal
Oklahoma   12/20/2012

Clint Eastwood post

Plutonium heard from the UK via across the iPhone internet conduit. The UK was concerned about the Clint Eastwood post. It appears that he is a wanted person in the United Kingdom. Reason. He was in jail, but was released on a questionable court order given to by the church. The UK further states, "The Christian Church also aided Mr. Eastwood by assisting him with a new identity plus a re-location to the USA".

It's reported that Eastwood was imprisoned as he liked forming harems of four women; then, refer to the females as 'wives'. To upgrade the quality of his feminine stock, he'd kill one of the women in this special and control harem.

 The UK said he left the UK in 1957.

December 19, 2012

'Iconic': Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas: the Vandal and Twish Twon Jew
Oklahoma    12/19/2012

Augustine, Luther, Douglas
Considered to be among the followers of the flame, Michael Douglas' family has been known in the Christian world for many years. Starting at St Augustine, who served as the Pope during the time of the Dark Age Vandals, agreed to let the Vandals rule Italy in place of destruction of the Italian city of Rome, the 'Michael' line among the Vandals became the person as leader, ruler, etc. It was a Michael, under the leadership called King Gaiseric that the legacy of the Lutheran branch of 'The Church began. Gaiseric ruled for 100 years.

Today the Vandals work at vandalizing properties. Still mainly working for the church of Rome, they can be found just about everywhere. It's also believed that Gaiseric served as Pope for the last few years of his life without his son Haiseric knowing that was the fact. Ancient Historians believe that Haiseric didn't understand that the reformation of 'The Church" was to build the secrecy of the carnal beliefs of the Rome Church; wherefore, the son never made it to the position of Pope even though Haiseric did become the Vandal king who ruled Italy after his father's death.

Michael Douglas is the current leader of this famous religious group among the Lutherans, the flame is the insignia, and his Christian order dates back to the 4th Century A.D.C.

King Arthur Flour Italian-Style Flour, 3 lbs. (Google Affiliate Ad)

December 18, 2012

'Iconic': Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood: and the Russian Orthodoxy
Oklahoma 12/18/12

Clint Eastwood and the Russian Orthodox Church.  They are alive and doing well at the KAPB place. This came as a strange bedfellow in that who would believe these two are inter-connected.

In both opium and heroin addictions there are three main stages humans will pass through as their DNA is being altered by those plant extracts...Franks, Goth, and Viking; and, that in these three stages, persons who resemble Clint Eastwood can be found. In the Mediterranean and Western Europe's Ancient History, the three above  societies developed the entire Mid/Western continent from Italy, Greece, France, Great Britain, Belgium, and as far high as Norway. Wessex is the name of the region in Great Britian where the Goths originated.  Wessex was, and considered by some, the prison colony of England. Perhaps because the DNA, transformations, stopped at the Viking stage that the meaning to the word, Viking/prisoner, was derives as many words obtained their meanings during the Dark Ages. Also prisoners who work from prisons such as with the Illuminati are called by other prisoners "Vikings". Lastly, as Greece is the capital of the Christian religion as well as the above listed societies, the Christian Church(Roman Catholic) is a branch of this organization, with the copyright to the RCC being owned by France. Please remember that the Eastern Rite holds the copyright to the Holy Bible itself.

Clint Eastwood is perhaps the best known actor in American history. He portrails of gangsters, lawmen, and the common man rank among the Oscars of Hollywood, Calif. Little did we know that his legacy, in real life, included the Arch-Bishop Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church.

His favorite angel of course would be Gabriel, who is also, in France, an Argonaut (#2)...male who looks female, etc. Pictured here on the far right side of the second illustration is an example. The Argonaut athletics have become the favorite with Clint Eastwood. Investments came be found among the elite sport universities.

In the third illustration cluster, on the far top right is an image of what a temple looks like in the delusion created in the use of heroin and opium. It can be seen in the movie Arabian Nights. With a closer examine, the resemblance of the Franks, Goths, and Vikings is easy to see among the many images, etchings, and painting left behind from those eras...including today's.

All-in-all, Clint Eastwood is a Viking,  a sports promoter, as well as, a medical neurologist who favors cranial trepidation.

December 16, 2012

'Iconic': X Dous

X Dous and the Liquor Disaronno
Oklahoma  12/16/2012
Shutterstock, Google

X Dous. This elite group of voyagers are best famed by the recent TV commercial for the Almond flavored liquor "Disaronno'. It's assumed that the liquor Disaronno is named for the religious movement of Diaspora.

And, this is the next group that follows the Pope Paul. It should be noted here that we are travelling backwards, so the Disaronno alcoholics set themselves up in America before Pope Paul, with Pope Paul setting up before Our Gang.

After years of abuse, this whiskey will cause delusions that are always paved in "Gold". Much like the herb Acacia every edge of everything has a golden hue. But with the Disaronno whiskey the gold become a 'mule' as written about in William Shakespeare's Don Quixote...of whom most Disaronno addicts resemble. Aphrodite is their goddess, they wear gold earrings (normally pierced), and they will set fire anything that they feel gets in their way to the alcohol. They have an imaginary friend who's name changes around to a number of different names that match the occasion. This delusional friend works, as the 'X Dous' sees it, as a bellhop, porter, and hotel manager for the most part.

Most recent fire bomb that 'X Dous' ignited was in Louisiana when they blew up the BP oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico...of which 'X Dous' believe they own, that is, Mexico. Besides believing great wealth, they will steal valuable properties and live a high life by removing any threats that may cause their status to fall, along with the Disaronno. Some members of this Al Qaeda group are British Royal Family children of Charles and Diana, the country of Jordan Royal Family children, Saudi Arabia Royal Family children with favorite girls on Disaronno.

December 15, 2012

'FLASH' : Alien Baby Sell Itself

Alien Baby Sell Itself
Oklahoma 12/15/2012

Alien Baby Needs Help!

We can appreciate a society that favors fairness for all. This ad on Facebook proves American is becoming a nation who cares...a lot! Those of you who shirked the validity of Kara's Alien Bug encounters(filter:alien bug. for the full story) will now have to reconsider their position  Above is the proof that America, and more and more Americans, see a necessity for Affordable Health Care regarding all citizens of the USA. Power to the People, baby! And, Baby Above.

'FLASH' Notre Dame: Pope Paul

Notre Dame: Pope Paul
Oklahoma   12/14/2012

And then came Paul(James 2).

The story continues with the distinguished Professor Thomas Noble (both Notre Dame and UWMich).

Following along with the saga of 'Our Gang", here is the pope who implemented the plans, or episodes, seen in that vintage television series. Professor Noble is one of a few who teach ancient history as well as Roman Church History, the church organization founded by the French Aristocratic through the Emperor Constantine(306 to 337) and his father Constantius I.

Much rumor follows when personalities happen to fall into the public attention, and people want to talk. Whether invited or uninvited it is better not to feel too comfortable knowing the public has a clamor for the information. But lecture on moral behavior is not what is here. It seems Pope Paul VI is the sponsor who invited the Roman Catholic Church into the homes of million of Americans with the technical invention of television. Technology has always been a dark shadow that The Church is either using or getting rid of. It has been nearly 100 years sense the first viewing of the early TV variety shows, and perhaps time for their plot purposes to be discussed.

Well the confession now is honorary PhD Thomas Noble is the footprint of Pope Paul. Holding onto the histories of the church as his reward for faithful service, Phr. Noble also teaches on YouTube/History.

With that, KAPB must now move into whoever is the next person to decided a sub-fate for we mire mortals.

December 14, 2012

'Iconic': Jeff Bridges:

Jeff Bridges: Marax Commander
Oklahoma   12/14/2012

Bridges at the premiere of The Men Who Stare at Goats, during
2009 Toronto International Film Festival.
Jeff Bridges. From 1950 to 2013 this actor has been on the open current of one of the biggest confidence rackets known in the USA. Following the "Our Gang" tradition, Jeff Bridges opened the door for thousands to steal motion picture productions and studios by illustrating ways to accomplish it through the scenes he portrayed nestled among the many movies he has either made or starred in through his long film making history. J Bridges working with his father in varies small business was soon the sole heir to the Lloyd Bridges fortune when he suffocated his brother in the back of his father's car trunk that had been built to aid the running of moonshine through the Tuscany Valley of Mid Northern California..the moonshine contained arsenic that killed thousands which was blamed * on the Asian population during the Internment Camp era of WW2. Beau became the framework for muti-characters with which whom Jeff used for the lesser side of the over-all effect to gain control of the Northern California forest regions for the Spain converso movements of the Atheist division...converso is the term used by Spain during the Dark Ages/Medieval Ages for the conversion from secularism to a christian worship.

* Bridges has studied Buddhism. He meditates for half an hour before beginning work on a film set. Concerning the matter further is: The papers to the above statement are still located among the paneling in the restored camp depicting the WW2 era that effected mainly the Chinese, though the "return to imprisonment" agreements also included "all opium users". Another possible reason the papers never came to light is the rumors of a co-signer of the country itself of Korea. 

Lloyd Bridges signed muti-agreements to preserve a dynasty that would include his heirs to the 'Vatican Right" that provided an apostolic future through herbal medicine that focused Jeff's DNA to the elite of both Rome and Greece...thus creating in him the line to also 'rule the masses' by way of the 'crown',that is, immortality. Though KAPB has had very little contact with this family for decades, all members of KAPB know Jeff Bridges through varies police work activities both sides have been involved with. With this arise in information, KAPB can only say about this actor is that "he was a likable guy" and "so sorry that's what his career was all for."...to get rid of us! Wow, I befiriended the guy those here to cut my head off...Surreal, I'm the Big Lebowski .

Below is a particle list of his movies accomplishments. The entire list can be viewed at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Bridges

In 2014, KAPB added this about the the person Jeff Bridges. "Bridges is a very good look-alike of a Goetia 'Marax'. Several very important facts about the Marax should be understood. First, the Marax was, and is, a key component in the ancient history of Egypt. The Goetia 'Marax' held the that nation's dynasty before the Andrealphus (Ptolemy: Cleopatra). The huge statutes of famous Ramos temple are those of the 'Marax'. Therefore, Marax is associated with inter-space travels. As this planet Earth becomes more uninhabitable, someone who looks like Jeff Bridges will most likely be the captain, or better." Something to think about...

Bridges at the 2010 Independent Spirit Awards.

 born December 4, 1949) is an American actor, musician, producer, photographer, cartoonist, storyteller, and occasional vintner...His first screen appearance at the age of four months in The Company She Keeps in 1950. In his youth, Bridges and brother Beau made occasional appearances on their father's show Sea Hunt (1958–1961) and the CBS anthology seriesThe LloydBridges Show (1962–1963). In 1971 he played the lead role Mike in the TV movie In Search of America. His first major role came in the 1971 film The Last Picture Show, for which he garnered a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor...1972 critically acclaimed neo-noir boxing film Fat City, directed by legendary director, John Huston. He was nominated again for Best Supporting Actor for his performance opposite Clint Eastwood in the 1974 film Thunderbolt and Lightfoot.[6] In 1976, he starred as the protagonist Jack Prescott in the first remake of King Kong,..1982 science fiction cult classic Tron, in which he played Kevin Flynn, a video game programmer (a role he reprised in late 2010 with the sequel Tron: Legacy). He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actorin 1984, for playing the alien in Starman....
Bridges narrated the documentary Lost in La Mancha (2002), about the "unmaking" of a Terry Gilliam retelling of Don Quixote, tentatively titled The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, which would have starred Johnny Depp as Sancho Panza and Jean Rochefort as the quixotic hero...

December 12, 2012

'Iconic': Vintage TV: Our Gang

Vintage TV: Our Gang
Oklahoma 12/12/2012

photo now at auction
Vintage "Our Gang". This group from the early 1900's is still alive and well working at the same antics featured on that vintage television show. Unknowingly;y, KAPB with Plutonium has been collecting photo and activities of grandchildren, grand-niece and nephews, and of the actual cast members themselves.

What is interesting here is that this vintage cast is still working for the church which they claimed in separate episodes during that early variety show's era. The persons selected now a days are either related to the original cast members or resemble them very closely. Such as the French guy at Starkey OU gym featured below.

french guy at starkeys
gym OU campus
What's also important is "Pete" the dog. Without ever seeing the truth behind the cast's set up, the figurine found by Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom is a pictorial of the Our Gang pooch. The Judean figurine is called a

Pete the dog
Judean figurine

  "Concord" the dog illustrated in numerous early/middle age to early 19th century painting by artist during those eras. It is a French dog. And considered the logo for the Christian religion in which they founded, Roman Catholic Church. The room used to decide who will be Pope is called the Concorde. And, by way of Emperor Constantine...his father being a French king and Constantine's consort in such matters.

LtoR: Jack, Bob, Ghost, Judy
KAPB, unwittingly  has featured several of the Our Gang members in varies places throughout this blog. Such as R. Blake, Jack, Jamie to mention a few. We were told that the versions on the "Our Gang" series are still being played out even today. Those episodes is pretty such what, as Americans, are living inside of as "The Church" muddles around featuring themselves in one way or another while using TV and radio as their medium. The characters and producers once featured are now nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. And they are running around in America acting out the parts from that vintage variety show. While controlling their christian religious markets.

KAPB has no reason to disbelieve the authorities that informed us here, but still-in-all "Our Gang". It has taken nearly 4 years for us at this book publishing company to see this for real...yep, it's real! Jesus!

cast members

A real example of the eRumor as it has appeared on the Internet:

Remember The Little Rascals...... Our Gang?  What ever happened to those people?

Alfalfa -- Carl Switzer was shot to death at age 31.
Chubby -- 300-pound Norman Chaney died at age 22 following an operation.
Buckwheat -- William Thomas died at age 49 of a heart attack.
Darla Hood -- The 
Our Gang leading lady contracted hepatitis and died at age 47.
Brisbane -- Kendall McCormas, known as Breezy Brisbane, committed suicide at age 64.
Froggy -- William Robert Laughline was killed in a motor scooter accident at age 16.
Mickey Daniels -- He died of liver disease at 55.
Stymie -- Mathew Bear led a life of crime and drugs. He died of a stroke at age 56.
Scotty Beckett -- He died at age 38 following a brutal beating.
Wheezer -- Robert Hutchins was killed in an airplane accident at age 19.
Pete the Pup -- He was poisoned by an unknown assailant.

and Spanky. . .Robert Blake - is accused of murdering his wife <---------
THIS PART IS OVIOUSLY FALSE - http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/o/ourgang.htm

December 10, 2012

'Iconic': Benedictine Monks

Benedictine Monks
Oklahoma 12/2012

Benedictine Monks. Founded during the Dark Ages in England by a man, or better said, prisoner, named Bead who was sent to live in a castle to reflect better on his personal circumstances. Sent into a personal exile in lofty towers was also common during the Inquisition imposed upon standard community persons of a clan group or a catholic religious order. Good, the founder of the Benedictine monks became St. Benedict after he was commissioned to build and train monks in his own personal devotions that became popular during the 7th Century.

Three things are common among these monks. First, they are an abstract of the Buddhist monks who became most popular in Tibet. Meaning, Benedictine monks are Chinese. Simply, two steps away( going out) from the Buddhist religious order. Second, they use sodomy for corporeal punishment.  Benedict also trained only boys who were, and are, sent to live in a Benedictine Abbey. Most boys die before they reach the age of seven as the punishment od sodomy is implemented for the slightest reasons. And, third, the monks are normally removed from "the church" roster if any suspension come from their behaviors...only to return when the situation has been resolved, which the monks must do by hook-or-crook as their crimes usually end up in the general public's attention. Thus giving rise to the Roman Catholic's decree of apposed to sodomy. One such event is the return of the Gypsies to the Vatican's grace...Gypsies, Romanian, use sodomy for corporeal punishment as well.

The Monks and Monasteries of Constantinople, CA. 350 850 (Google Affiliate Ad)

This YouTube video clip is what a christian monk or friar would look like. These monks were first developed around about the time of Emperor Domitian, Trajan, etc. as assassins for the new order of imperial Rome and the developing religious order of pagan christianity...better known as the Western Empire/Church.

December 7, 2012

'FLASH' RuPaul: JuJuBee

RuPaul: JuJuBee
Oklahoma 12/6/2012

KAPB's collection of reality shows has made appearance. This time is Rupaul's Drag Race. Though the show itself isn't the culprit, one of the major players is...Jujubee.!

This Asian drag queen is spinning around Oklahoma with guess who? Panda Garden...go figure.

Seems time travel and time machines have become the in thing among the Asian population in the USA. After the Asian discovery of time travel, from one plane to another, the interest has sparked thousands to detail their role in time machines and extra-terrestrial space travels. Tales of this science form is even coming in from the White House, USA. Whatever the source, citizens of Oklahoma is now the body experiment for these futurist.

Jujubee, star on Rupul's Drag Race, has entered into the lime light as the dealer of humans to scientists who seek out the orbital planes of the cosmos. Go home Jujubee! Go sit back down at the plastic clothe table, eat up some spun rice, and throw in a chicken-on-a-stick. Surrender Dorothy.

We don't want torture to rebuild your oriental black market. Family Dollar sucks and stop eating at Walmart...the food disquieting for you.

KAPB. Home of the American English Primer!

December 4, 2012

'Iconic': Friars' Slow Cooker

Friars' Slow Cooker
Oklahoma 12/04/2012

 Parked just outside KAPB member Kara, is a slow cooker brought into Oklahoma from Texas. I'm sure the cooker is for the Colosseum a little under two miles form her apartment. With all the rumors concerning abortions, micros, and infant fuel one would think this to be the poorest place to park the beast.

Sorry, but Google maps hasn't loaded an image with the thing parked just outside...believe me if they had a picture would be posted here. Anyway, with all the pictures combined, the huge, black black beast sits waiting to go over to the park.

It could be that the bedlam games are going to have roast pork again. In Texas, they cook the stuff in Coca-Cola. They also make donuts that way!