'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

December 18, 2012

'Iconic': Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood: and the Russian Orthodoxy
Oklahoma 12/18/12

Clint Eastwood and the Russian Orthodox Church.  They are alive and doing well at the KAPB place. This came as a strange bedfellow in that who would believe these two are inter-connected.

In both opium and heroin addictions there are three main stages humans will pass through as their DNA is being altered by those plant extracts...Franks, Goth, and Viking; and, that in these three stages, persons who resemble Clint Eastwood can be found. In the Mediterranean and Western Europe's Ancient History, the three above  societies developed the entire Mid/Western continent from Italy, Greece, France, Great Britain, Belgium, and as far high as Norway. Wessex is the name of the region in Great Britian where the Goths originated.  Wessex was, and considered by some, the prison colony of England. Perhaps because the DNA, transformations, stopped at the Viking stage that the meaning to the word, Viking/prisoner, was derives as many words obtained their meanings during the Dark Ages. Also prisoners who work from prisons such as with the Illuminati are called by other prisoners "Vikings". Lastly, as Greece is the capital of the Christian religion as well as the above listed societies, the Christian Church(Roman Catholic) is a branch of this organization, with the copyright to the RCC being owned by France. Please remember that the Eastern Rite holds the copyright to the Holy Bible itself.

Clint Eastwood is perhaps the best known actor in American history. He portrails of gangsters, lawmen, and the common man rank among the Oscars of Hollywood, Calif. Little did we know that his legacy, in real life, included the Arch-Bishop Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church.

His favorite angel of course would be Gabriel, who is also, in France, an Argonaut (#2)...male who looks female, etc. Pictured here on the far right side of the second illustration is an example. The Argonaut athletics have become the favorite with Clint Eastwood. Investments came be found among the elite sport universities.

In the third illustration cluster, on the far top right is an image of what a temple looks like in the delusion created in the use of heroin and opium. It can be seen in the movie Arabian Nights. With a closer examine, the resemblance of the Franks, Goths, and Vikings is easy to see among the many images, etchings, and painting left behind from those eras...including today's.

All-in-all, Clint Eastwood is a Viking,  a sports promoter, as well as, a medical neurologist who favors cranial trepidation.