'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 4, 2012

'FLASH: Katie Brown

The Katie Brown Gang

Group families are very important in the Al Qaeda movement. This girl in the first photo is a leader though 'Katie' poses as a child among this infamous clan of Anso. 
Normally schooled in some type of law enforcement, the members will know social behaviors and attitudes of the country in which they work in crime. This female (male) is given permission by her other gang members to traffic their activities. Generally, all activities are included as in consideration that's  directed towards the gang's personal wealth. 'Katie' would use child prostitution as her financial bases, and she is a proponent of herbs potions that help to induce gene recovery and restoration to a very youthful appearance. This girl leader is the courier from Danube, a Saudi Arabia, Middle East nation and back to the USA, North America. 'Katie' will use each of he husbands identities to travel back and forth between countries.

Though there are several different types of characters in this gang. collectively they are all about in the same stage. Only one, the boy, is a halphus goetia character. It is through this personality that the gang travels on into another area and away from a failed situation such as with the Cedars Apartments in Norman, Oklahoma.
The boy, Tyler
Using a array of different gang members, the boy usually can set up another crime concentration for 'Katie'. He also would work in child prostitution, as well as, sexually servicing the older gang members. The boy, Tyler may very well also be a husband to the younger girl 'Katie' as this Al Qaeda Christian group is a Sally-O.

Jame is her Name
Paul for One

The female to the right is most time an aunt or older sister of some kind. 'Jame is her name' is an older version of 'Katie'.

'Paul for One' doesn't like the name Paula. Therefore, and, of course, everyone learns that the name for her is Paula. Paul for One is the finance capital for the Katie Brown Gang. She can have up to four trillion dollars for use to establish a 'Katie' gang. Though she knows of the money, she selectively choose to mind-change her persona so as not to have any recalculation of that fact but chooses to simply give the aurora of a person of whom people simply would pay attention to so in that she is used for that simplicity.

Pawpa , or  Bruce
Best known as their man-god Allah/Buda/Abu, 'Pawpa' is the guardian of the gang. He will sometimes appear as an Hassassin, or assassin. Hassassian is generally the term used when drugs (marijuana) is used by the guardian person. Pawpa should also be considered as a husband to 'Katie'.

Finally, this senior is also a possible husband to he girl leader named 'Katie'. 'Pawpaw' would have been the mentor. Very likely a female, Pawpaw is a founding member if they are still active in the group. Loving Germany as his father country, Pawpaw is most likely connected with a Nazi fraction in one way of another. He works in child prostitution and drugs.