'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

July 11, 2012

'FLASH': Penis Poop

Penis Poop
Oklahoma  7/11/12

Warning! Fecal pictures accompany this post.

The pictures below are of somebody's poop. The poop was a suggestion to the new property owners, via, state police investigation, that any type of law enforcement would not matter to the crime family that had tries to siese control of a private property apartment complex in Norman, Oklahoma.

The poop is most likely human waste that a gang member shaped into something like the shape of a penis. Usually it is a mixture of both human and dog poop from a cannibal who also eats dogs. quite a few cannibals ritually sacrifice dogs in order to consumed the animal's flesh. This type of individual will have syphilis.

The poop several days ago really resembled the shape of a man's penis. The fecal matter was very disturbing to see. Directed towards a Negro man who lives at the apartment complex, a legal concern quickly came into focus among the many other legal conduits.

Being informed that this type of behavior was common place by aggressiveness from a failing university, the concern for further attention was passed into public record has having happened to the Negro resident.

Remember when Christians were putting signs on the grass of, "No Sailors Allowed the Grass"; will, now it's, "Don't Crap on the Lawn Students". Hope it works for ya!

Kara's Primers!