'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

May 7, 2015

Vehicles: Gold Car, After Dog

Gold Car, After Dog
2014 __ Norman, Oklahoma

 The hypercar, supercar, as they are called, is the trademark in the worldwide international spy mecca. These super sports look like future space vehicles, but sadly they drive like wimps. Looks is everything among spies, and this little 'Gold Car' is no exception. From among the 'After Dog' hit men, this autos serve as the motivator to spy, steal, sell, and procur trade goods, including humans...mainly children...to continue to support the huge needs of this type of automobile.

The next two plates are the notes collected whilE Kara Aghijlar was on vacation. Just why the activity was so extreme after her KAPB went offline is not clearly known, but most agree the 'Golds' like to stay out of the lime light. The plates say that these cars are driven by the dukes who succeed to a trusted position an become involved in the work of spying. As usual, if the person is successful, they get a 'Gold' car...including the expense, hence the procured trades.

It should be noted that the Cathor Hashassassin don't drive this car type. They are more of a horse and buggy type...only goes to show who runs things. The game is 'Barbie' and this Barbie likes to murder.