'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

May 26, 2015

Iconic: The Sabine Personage

The Sabine Personage
Summer 2015

To refresh, the Sabine women are given the history of Rome for the account of a published rape or cross bred attempt that lead to the mass production of light complexion people who are speckled.

Some say the Scottish are direct descendants of the Sabine colonies because of three outstanding issues. The first, and best known in America, is the red hair. The second is the broad weight of the lower torso, common among the Scottish, and third is the lump, or lumps, the male gets in his thighs.

In the illustration with this post the inset shows show both the broad hips and the thigh lumps. The painting's tone, color hue, depicts the redness known as Scottish.

If the Sabine doesn't have broad hips, they are considered as Roman, or Romulus. If they have the hips and lumps, they are considered as Orius. Orius are leaders, Romulus are followers. Both Orius and Romulus are Goetia demons.