'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

March 21, 2015

After Dog, Stage Two

After Dog,
Stage 2: Carahoon, Catamaroom, and Cacoon
Winter, 2014-2015

Throughout the developments of 'After Dog' the primary Goetia characters are the before mentioned groups told of in step.1.

Again, KAPB will list them as these seven characteristics are important--they are the only groups that is ever seen or heard from throughout the four stages that have passed through the KAPB homes and businesses.

Vikings, snaked charmers, nipples, athletes (pro sports), dragons, transgender and the Pope (three in all--west, east, and copyright holder, Tyndale).

Depression is the greatest motivator for the actions of the seven listed while the groups are in stage 2. Perhaps the reality  that the dog features are premenant and that all will travel again the next stages with each move even more dog features to hold in place, whatever the cause, they begin a series of behavior of isolation.

Carahoon is the deep voiced beginning in a variety of sex for money. With a noticeable Satan like green tattoo on the ear lobgonArrhey start again with gigolo sex stunts shows religious behaviors they settle into a placid, nonconformist lifestyle. They favor the Viking personality the most. The Hindu members also favor Carahoon, and it is there that the space stations are active. Living mainly in an isolationistic persona, Carahoon, like the other two developments, build a "prison like' lifestyle.  Pick pockets and con men are important resources as they are regarded as skilled workers. Pakuku, Zeroastarisiun, and crime vice circles are the locations inhabited.

With each development stage, animal STD's increasing get worse. Ciris temples become more popular and house nig-er behaviors increase.

Catamaroom follows next. As FAS is the now greatest influence, the six groups and the seventh leaders start a series of role playing fashioned much like the novel , Lord of the Flies. Frigits (Egyptian) are used as an outside resource--may here are sold into slavery as they willfully concise to the wealth and fortunes of the desert caravan society. Living out an island lifestyle while never on an island should be noticed in them. Here, also, the stages of 'Merivick' begins. 'Merivick' is one (daylight), of two, secret police used by the German Nazis of WW2.

Cacoon is the final stage before entering into 'After Dog, 3. Consisting mainly of the transgender, cacoon like to roll up into a gooy like paste that they create from saliva. One famous Merivick was the Old Testament King David. The source reads that David would return to his area and roll up until King Saul would call for him again. David worked in the palace suza, or boarding house, as Saul's playlist to rid Saul of the offending God, as to say. The Cacoons moved into France and developed in to the religious movement we know today as the Cathors, or first Christians.