'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

March 23, 2015

After Dog, Step 2, pg2: Latches, Pedophiles, and a Phinex Sacrifice

After Dog: Step 2, pg 2

Latches, Pedophiles,
and a Phenix Sacrifice
Winter 2014-2015

If a break happens in the chain of ranks among the cannibals, three things happen...'Latches (Hinge), 'Pedophiles' and then the call for a flesh sacrifice.

A gathering will be called for, and the groups will be divided according to the religious orders they each represent of the seven mentioned throughout this blog. The gathering is held in silence. Nothing is said and the entire meeting is understood by gestures, looks/stares, and fingers wobbles. The oy sound made was that of different latch types...with a few hinge sounds. Each religious group had a sound that announced that they were gesturing something. The Hindus seemed to be the leader as they opened the series of gesture inputsthat was accompanied with varies types of preparatory assaults...the Mamo (momalo, transgenders) are usuly the first to call for such a meeting.

Whatever the gesturing conversations detail, hordes of pedophiles were be the final outcome when the meeting is closed. Crouch to face knife slashes, chest/breast tortures, images of infant mutilation and middle child and young teen sexual rapes, animal attacks, both to and by turns the 'After Dog, Step 2' into a meat fest for cannibals. With the aid of local police authorities, the groups will call for a human sacrifice hoping to both further terrorize the locals community, as well as, bring the calling into an elaborate understanding of the discontent with the use of the police authorities.

As always, a  female person in the Goetia 'Phenix' is used for a religious human sacrifice. Though, Parsen, Marbas, and Paiman are also considered as messianic, the fourth consideration is, and always seems to be, a naturally born Goetia Phenix. They are the only demon character who is considered as beautiful...the beauty is due to a constant flow of estrogen into the blood stream in the physical transfiguration seen in demonamania (DID).