'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

August 18, 2014

'Aliens On Us': Comet Probe

'Aliens On Us'
Comet Probe
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

One of the primary embeds is the 'Comet Probe.' It will normally be near the end of the removal of most of the alien embeds and implants, such as the Spyrex balls, etc.

The photo with the post is the last stages of it's removal. The tail of the comet is perhaps a fiber used to either stabilize the comet or help in it's transmission. Which ever reason for it being attached, it comes off in such as way as resembling scotch tape pulling off. The round pit is the area that needs constant attention as the matter rises to the skin surface each time it erupts. With a final burst both the center and protruding fiber can be yanked loose.

The visible swelling developed very soon after the probe was removed, and it remained swollen for nearly week before it became to go down.  The second wound is another 'Comet Probe' that has not fully developed, but the fiber is beginning to pull to the surface. Each time the center mass is removed a swelling does develop.