'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

November 8, 2013

'Iconic': Pompey, Julius, Augustus

Pompey, Julius, Augustus
Oklahoma   11/8/2013

After much study it is believed that the three leading rulers of Ancient Rome were more of an anomaly (collection of events) them actually a single person. Within each anomaly there are central characters that were selected to serve a single purpose contributing to the over all single anomaly...meaning Pompey to Pompey, Julius to Julius, etc. What the intended purpose was and is believed was to build three separate sociopathic, demonic enclaves. For what purpose is unknown, but the demonic enclaves still exist today.

Pompey was the first ruler who established the Roman hierarchy. A favored  Roman general, posthumous and pleasant, he excelled from a common field-worker to the birth of Italy coupled with Greece the parent intended. Following the siblings of Ramos and Remus the great army of the parent Marchosias was born into public awareness. As an army of marching foot troops the Greek Spartans had moved into its next stage of mind-control. As considered, the two brothers siblings suckled the she-wolf and formed a Greek literate nation ruled under the earliest professor in the Goetia, the usher Marquis Naberius. Thus creating the anomaly of the brother/sister murder demon named 'MORE'.

Julius Caesar was the next general who gained acclaim and rose up the ranks trough both society and war...thus, naming himself 'The Father', or 'Pontifex Maximus'.  It is believed Julius also was married into the family of medical learners who served under the instructions of Apollo's Son Asclepius (About.com) the Greek medical hero. And as with the typical behaviors of a religious father, Julius began an ethnic cleansing also called an a sepsis. It was through this one god (man-god) notion of the Roman monarchy that the demon 'Pakuku' was developed and maintained into this present day. Thus, in the anomaly of Julius the Roman era of a cleansing morality by the absolute father was the power guidance for the demon Pakuku to be set into place.

Lastly, Augustus Caesar. The friend of the Romans, he respected the rights of women and honored his mother even though raped by his mother's lover who was also the husband of Augustus's favorite lover, his sister. Augustus shared his fortune of land, money, and respect with his female counterpart in all his affairs until his death. Piety and good morals was the vogue for all women. If not followed to the script, Augustus would have them eaten by lamprey ells at the home of senators who adherently followed the rules of the Cesarean. Within that anomaly matricide was developed, cultivated, and cured into a fine, blood-red wine. And, the demon 'Sleff' became the icon for an angelic presence who fought for the Augustinian justice while the captured soul strove forward downing the presence of their heroine 'Sleff'.

Though little is known about this triad, it has formed the world of mankind as we know it today. Shape serving for at least four thousand years the Cesarean triad will never be taken down. It can only be made known of and then tempered into the schizophrenic molding it needs for control or mankind will become extinct.