'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

November 20, 2013

'Iconic': Pakuku and the Ancient Roman Shield

Pakuku and the Ancient Roman Shield
Oklahoma   11/20/2013

A lot of gods are mentioned when the ancient Roman army is taught about. The icon painted on the shield itself is questionable. These few illustrations and an excerpt from the online Louvre galleries perhaps some new information may be helpful.

The Scutum. A variation of the world scrotum, this Ancient Roman shield is the best known war accessory used by the armies of ancient Italy. The wings on the palette predate the god worships recorded by ancient history historians. As Rome is a child of Greece, it could easily be considered as the wings of Zeus, Cronin, or Hades; but, there is no evidence to support that theory. Therefore, The Greek Triad is an alternative answer to what or who do these wings belong to. Could the demon 'Pakuku' be the adapted image aspirated off-shoots of the Ancient Greek empire?

'Pakuku'. This statute is a bronze figurine owned by the Louvre Galleries in France. The wing spans are noticeable in a likeness to the wings on the roman scutum (shield). In the post 'Pompey, Julius, Augustus', the author writes that Julius Caesar is considered as, "'The Father', or 'Pontifex Maximus'", and Pompey is brother/sister with Augustus as the respecter of woman and the friend to man-kind. In today's world, Pakuku is also considered to be the transformation of the human DNA when brutal violence, sexual torture with the retaliation of a the murder of a parent, namely the father. If the 'Pakuku' wings are the wings on the ancient Roman shield, then it would stand to reason that the wings of their painted god would serve as to kill the father in devotion, honor, and protection during battles that the Roman forces bartered into.

In the History Channel series 'The Barbarians: Saxons', the 'Pakuku' demon can be seen among the warriors of King Alfred who defended a Briton homeland. Alfred is called "The Great" because he transcribed five books the bible into a readable language and converted the entire British nation to Christianity and lead the nation under Roman rule.

When all is collected it becomes obvious that the demon 'Pakuku' had an important role in shaping the ancient world. Very possibility the god Rome used to built the Roman Empire and was carried into Christianity during the conquests, battles, and finally the establishments in the new worships that were Christ driven.

The Quote is from the online Louvre that offers some information about the demon 'Pakuku'...

A spirit invoked for protection
The inscription on the back of the wings describes the figure's personality: "I am Pazuzu, son of Hanpa, king of the evil spirits of the air which issues violently from mountains, causing much havoc." The demon Pazuzu was associated with ill winds, particularly the west wind which brought the plague. His terrifying, scowling face and his scaly body repel the forces of evil, which meant that in certain circumstances the figure was considered a protective spirit. Pazuzu, a demon from the hellish underworld, had the power of repelling other demons, and was thus invoked for beneficial ends, particularly to drive his wife Lamashtu back to the underworld. Lamashtu was a demoness who attacked men to infect them with various diseases. http://www.louvre.fr/en/oeuvre-notices/statuette-demon-pazuzu-inscription.