'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

December 2, 2016

Endocrine:Self Procreation in Heretics, pg 2

Self Procreation in Heretics, pg 2
Dec 2016

Self Procreation in Hermetics, Pg 1
Self Procreation in Hermetics, Pg 3
Please drop in Plutonium search to read

Sol Invictus and Santa Clause

The generations of a self procreation colony had a few flaws. Without a solid and intrical genetic recovery such as long term family DNA and atomic connections, selfies have no depth for a self recovery, as well as, no understanding in extreme indulgence...the Sol Invictus and Santa Claus factors.

Generations from the self procreation temples developed two systems of worship. Sol Invictus for failure, hopefulness, and transference.
Santa Claus (no saint) is the over indulgence, extreme gluttony, and a "no God needed" concept.

Sol Invictus found its way into the Roman lifestyle during the Hindi Cush invasions at about the 12th century AD.
From there that God formed into the vestal virgins written about throughout Roman history. Surprisingly, Greece had no reference to Sol Invictus, so that God was considered to be a false dirty.

America (USA), insomuch, published Santa Claus as the world knows it today. But, in Roman and European colonies Claus was a self indulgence personality.

Claus was first seen publicly as revelry in the 15th century Rome
when popes began to live in extreme indulgence and superor splender without concern for opposing views.

Stemming from the 11th century crusades, Romans had eliminated everyone who could have posed a problem, so decadence reigned.

As did morose orgies, seditious cannery, and cauldron captives of mankind for absolute states of slavery. All of which continued much after all of the western Europe populations were deceased.

America turned Claus into Santa Claus. Some historians say to counter the debauchery and stop the orgy flow into the western hemisphere an the reconstructing post WW1 USA. Leaving behind, in Arabia, Saladin, the counter to Santa, and known publicly well before Claus.

Saladin is detailed in the next post for this series.