'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

December 21, 2016

Flash TRASH: Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year
Nov 2016

Delayed or Early, all the same Happy Chinese New Year. Whatever the year is....

December 12, 2016

Trash FLASH: Lamb Chops...Happy Holidays!

Lamb Chops
Dec 2016

As KAPB settles in for the winter, and the holidays are within days, it's time to wish everyone a wonderful season of joy.

From all of us, to all of you...Happy Holidays!

December 3, 2016

Endocrine:Self Procreation in Hermetics, Pg 3

Self Procreation in Hermetics, Pg 3
Dec 2016

Self Procreation in Hermetics, Pg 1
Self Procreation in Hermetics, Pg 2
Please drop in Plutonium search to read

Saladin, Marijuana Recovery

Saladin, super hero, savior of the Muslim, and defender of the country known as Persia.

Saladin rose to power during the second Christian crusade. In a political shift to save the middle east for debauchery and cannibalism, a national torch to end Christian slavery was mandated through the creed to stop the flow of marijuana and hashish, and begin a campaign to a soulful cleansing of both body and temple. With that, a new Islam.

Saladin adventure stories saving his people reigned supreme as the recoverying Islamic nation slowly gathered the necessary forces to end an outsideer occupation of their homeland. With an equal stand in both Islam and Christiandom, the Eastern Church confused issues as well as the masses when agreeing to support both political interests. Though fighting to obtain a free homeland, the political rift, derived from plagerized Heretics, made a duel homeland for the suzas from the days of the self procreation temples.  Once again the 12 tribes split, this time it was Jerrod who splintered...before, it was Calib.

As posted in other essays, KAPB learned that Saladin is a delusion seen while in withdraw from an extreme marijuana addiction. Slowly the brilliant red and white colors were included with black and green...yellow was added later. As the middle eastern recovered from their hemp addiction, Saladin slowly disappeared until he was reported a having died if a good old age.

This is the information KAPB discovered about the self procreation. The story of Mary and Jesus, how the world got to Santa Claus and Christmas Trees, holiday gifts, tinsel, adornment lighting, and today legal hemp shops. A story all to its own self.

December 2, 2016

Endocrine:Self Procreation in Heretics, pg 2

Self Procreation in Heretics, pg 2
Dec 2016

Self Procreation in Hermetics, Pg 1
Self Procreation in Hermetics, Pg 3
Please drop in Plutonium search to read

Sol Invictus and Santa Clause

The generations of a self procreation colony had a few flaws. Without a solid and intrical genetic recovery such as long term family DNA and atomic connections, selfies have no depth for a self recovery, as well as, no understanding in extreme indulgence...the Sol Invictus and Santa Claus factors.

Generations from the self procreation temples developed two systems of worship. Sol Invictus for failure, hopefulness, and transference.
Santa Claus (no saint) is the over indulgence, extreme gluttony, and a "no God needed" concept.

Sol Invictus found its way into the Roman lifestyle during the Hindi Cush invasions at about the 12th century AD.
From there that God formed into the vestal virgins written about throughout Roman history. Surprisingly, Greece had no reference to Sol Invictus, so that God was considered to be a false dirty.

America (USA), insomuch, published Santa Claus as the world knows it today. But, in Roman and European colonies Claus was a self indulgence personality.

Claus was first seen publicly as revelry in the 15th century Rome
when popes began to live in extreme indulgence and superor splender without concern for opposing views.

Stemming from the 11th century crusades, Romans had eliminated everyone who could have posed a problem, so decadence reigned.

As did morose orgies, seditious cannery, and cauldron captives of mankind for absolute states of slavery. All of which continued much after all of the western Europe populations were deceased.

America turned Claus into Santa Claus. Some historians say to counter the debauchery and stop the orgy flow into the western hemisphere an the reconstructing post WW1 USA. Leaving behind, in Arabia, Saladin, the counter to Santa, and known publicly well before Claus.

Saladin is detailed in the next post for this series.

December 1, 2016

Endocrine:Self Procreation in HermeticsHermetics

Self Procreation in Hermetics
Dec 2016

Self Procreation in Hermetics, Pg 2
Self Procreation in Hermetics, Pg 3
Please drop in Plutonium search to read

Mary's Self Procreation

 A few years ago, KAPB found an article about snakes and self procreation, including, females forming a fetus and giving birth to live baby snakes. With so many suggestions of snakes both in the Holy Bible, as well as, fabled stories, an interest in that natural occurrence started among KAPB members.

From Eve in the Garden comes the story of self procreation as she was the single female who was accused, by what fables suggest, a snake...and snakes are the first published in modern science as achieving this wonder.

Early in the creation of mankind one key component became necessary for the functioning of the flash...THC (Cannabinoids are chemicals related to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), marijuana’s main mind-altering ingredient. Other than THC, the marijuana plant contains more than 100 other cannabinoids.)
The reason THC is important is that it hypers genetic components that would otherwise lay dorment. Smoking marijuana increases the THC levels thus aiding in a cycle of excellerated genetics. Because females are the child carrying body in creationism, it is the female who naturally would form a fetus to enable self procreation. From the time of Eve, a natural evolution was aided to preserve mankind.

The first known instance was when Eve travel down from the garden where she met the people who lived in villages outside of the garden...the bible reads it as all females who were Eve's people. Historians suggest that a comparison people would be that of the Spartans, Greece.

The crucible of self procreation is New Testament Mary. Where was Mary if developing a fetus and birthing a child was possible. She had to had been among single females and living in a heavy THC environment...Temple. The Bible's New Testament Gospels suggest Mary was living in such a place. Mary said she was surrounded by sinners, waywardness, and corruptions. Thus, suggesting temple life and Mary as a possible vestal virgin. But, THC Marys are also somewhat of a tart. All the same, the traditional terms of 'Virgin' and 'Named Mary' is how a girl refers to herself when she discovies she pregnant without the aid of a husband.

So where dies this put self procreation in a modern world? Belgium.Occult historians point at Belgium as an example of a natural self procreation colony outside of a Godly creationism.

Hindu Cush marijuana was the THC used, and the Church, naturally, is their benefactors. Aiding also as to why Belgium is the financial capital of the Converso (Christianity).