'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

April 8, 2015

Trash FLASH: 4F, Christians Crisstian

4F, Christians Crisstian
Late Spring 2015 Norman, OK

The term 4F is used mainly by the military when referring to persons who are not able to be employed by the US military. During the Civil War, two types of persons were classified as 4F, deserters and property owners. The CW property owners became the crucible to Christianity as we know today.

The term '4F' today stands for those early Christians, or better known by religious scholars as 'Crisstian'.  During anger fits of violence, 'Crisstian' will toss back the head, show the teeth, and pop out their eyes to indicate an anger of violence and cannibalisms.

The spray paintings of varies symbols that they use today are graffiti on the side of buildings, dumpsters, and government enclosure fencing. The most seen in Norman, OK of the 'Crisstian' graffiti are in the pictures below.