'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

March 24, 2015

After Dog: Step 2, pg3

After Dog: Step 2, pg3
Casino in After Dog
Fall/Winter 2014
Norman, OK

Casino is pronounced as Cas-i-no.

'Casino' for KAPB refers to a select group of prostitutes who generally have some social connections that enable them to move freely among middle income communities. Termed as 'long term workers' these sex workers are not visible to the everyday law enforcement official. Normally working in offices or social, 'Casino' will travel within the USA as well as internationally.

Historians suggest the Roman era of Emperor Claudius (Augustinian chronicles) wS perhaps the first transgender to officiate a national level for a truly transgender nation...Britain and those island colonies.  Messalina, a "first cousin"...as she was referred, is said to be the first "Mezzo", or dirty prostitute...open to all sexual worker.
Cass-i-na is the name used on and over brothels door mantels that indicated the type of sex being offered. As saloon liquor, and gaming of all kinds, women were also available. Evolving into whorehouse entertainment, Cassina begain a copy to astronomy's temples of magic, and the two bore something of the same name.

The term 'Outsider' was the favorite word for a 'Casino' prostitute. Oddly, that term was a theme call during the USA Gay marital movements. There's no doubt that these prostitutes were numbered among those who demonstrated during that era as the Church of Rome formed the largest groups of transgenders known in the world.

Casinos are the only prostitutes working within the stages of 'After Dog'.