'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

April 29, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Pro-Sports Female Players

'Trash FLASH'
Pro-Sports Female Players
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

It should come as no surprise that the team players would try to defend their coaches after a public exposure of their highly questionable extra activities...city bus gang prostitution! The last few posts have been the major source of 'outing' them in several criminal activities, but there is still another...female sport players.

Not just the girls leagues, but female players who looks like men. KAPB has had several posts about this public growing menace as the divisions between men and women are vastly becoming the center of attraction in American politics.Boys (transgenders) playing the girls teams while the natural girls are sent home bare footed and pregnant and the boys being over-thrown in the legally owned male sport of baseball. This post is the continuation of pro-sports players, coaches, and fraud.

The threat of violent was mentioned in another post as the university and professional stadiums still loom over private homes. Each year more and more information is released about the upside-down male-female players called 'Argonaut' that continues to pour money into the European banks as American courts files for back court fines, legal arraignments, and power of attorney in mental health issues.

Separation of religion and a state legal affairs covers every pro-sport issue as the reminders that women have been used as stadium/coliseum activities sense the founding of the Greco/Roman arenas. Little, if any, is ever mentioned about the fact that it's women who are the chosen elite to serve the nation as the soldiers, as well as, the entertainment audiences' Amazon Gladiators...such as then, so it is still now, covered up and continuing ever onward only to gather even more men who love to watch the female form through the flesh of a man's shape.

Again, at the end of WW2 (World War Two), the Maritime Court in The Hague, Poland decided that the best way to stop the second world war was to order that all properties be returned to the lawful owner. Football, basketball, soccer, tennis, are among the pro sports founded by women. Therefore, the issue becomes whoever owns is whoever plays when the chips hit the table. Because of female ownership. it's also necessary to illustrate females as football, etc players or face legal consequences. Therefore, every sport magazine must show some females in among the other pictures or off to court one goes...we've added a few for the viewer to see.

Pro-sport females are primarily Asmodeus...as the illustrations at this post clearly show. Like the Asmodeus snake so is the female pro player dangerous to talk to. Both snakes in the grass will bring on damages to the Garden and the Family if the Asmo sees fit...they always do when failed finances ever becomes the issue.

As to OU's finest..."The answer is No! Stop offering me money. Stop using me for murder of women and children. And, stop squatting in America! As for telling you when I'm finished...I'm not finished yet. I won't be until your completely done in with".

April 28, 2014

'Trash FLASH': OU's Bob Stoops

'Trash FLASH'
OU's Bob Stoops
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

KAPB got a picture of Bob Stoops, head football coach at the University of Oklahoma. We would like to share it with you and maybe you'll see what we at KAPB is referring to with the Athletics Dept at his university.

The second picture is one of his daughter or something like that anyway.


April 27, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Sharree Colin

'Trash FLASH'
Sharree Colin
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

What is real reasons for the back alley abortions, child abduction, and female prostitution factory wasn't ever allowed to surface. But, finally, one of the main culprits in a child trafficking for the sole purpose of cannibalism has come to the surface. His first name is 'Colin', the last name is still the alias that has to be used...'Cole'. It's felt that the last name is really 'Strep' thereby the real name of 'Colin' is Colin Strep. And the two names became 'Sharree Colin'

Admitting to the murder, etc by way of transferring the information to his partner and lover, Colin talked about the child prostitution center he and Bruce made with the parentless children who were abducted at the corner of a cross road by the apartments near the area middle school. The state adoption agency personal were killed in the capture. The bus of kids and adults were on the way to the middle school to join in a city- wide gathering for a childhood social event, and to way the bus of children were in the area and on a back street entrance to the event...the bus had be diverted to that road in the hopes of eliminating the mass of buses in and around the middle school.

The state police agencies are waiting to here from their connections on any further information before an arrest is to be made.

'Trash FLASH': Journey Church TV

'Trash FLASH'
Journey Church TV
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014
Appoo, Known

Asmodeus favorite girl
Along with the master of the twelve space station disciples was Journey Church TV.

As much as KAPB tries to avoid ridiculous rumors, this report has to have a place among the entries here at KAPB's 'Plutonium'.

The story goes as is. Unawares, he fact that the board directors for the Journey Church. tv believe they are communicating with upper church authorities are really talking to one of the Greek Alapalo (Germanic) organizations. Alapalo's are the fungal side to the Greek Orthodox Church. Alapalo's also believe they are some kind of Appoo physical determiner (Scientist).

The Greek Orthodox is also the major leader in Christian church authorities who are not fully understood

What a church Known looks like
 that the orthodox are Islamic, third generation. Inportantly, the snake is both the healer and tempter in that religion. Snakes were used from Asclepius (healer) to Hercules (villain). In catechistic lessons, the snake was the tempter in the Garden of Eden. All in all, in church theories the snake is a major player. At Journey Church TV things are no different!

The Greek Alapalo while studying the Asmodeus purple snakes began to place devices on the vocal cords of these snakes in the attempt to discover that creature's unknown language, if any.

An often seen pose
The entire project somewhere along the way developed into seeing just how Christians would react to: one, not knowing about the snake, and, two, believing the person's the church board member were talking to were humans when in reality it was the preposed purple snake from the Garden of Eden. Snookers!

An often seen pose
Here in Norman, Oklahoma, well, we did discover the church, the steeple, and here are the sneeple.

Only in America! God Bless Us All.

'Trash FLASH': Beauty Rest Pillows

'Trash FLASH'
Beauty Rest Pillows
Oklahoma  Summer, 2014

We found the person who does the 12 disciples all at once!  'Beauty Rest'

During  the early morning hours, a female sounding voice calls into the KAPB apartments and starts a full fan-fare with very little understanding as to just what the words were. After a few rounds of verbal action it was resolved that the CEO of Beauty Rest was the person who was conducting the invasion. Beauty Rest Spa Pillows is a division of Simmons Bedding Company from Atlanta, Georgia. With the further understanding by the space station disciples, twelve in all, that the person to whom they were taking orders from was not Senator Horton, but the former University of Oklahoma cheerleader named Melissa Willsson...spelt with two 's'.

During the night, and after a family picnic, the dog throw-up, urinated, and pooped in 12 different areas around one KAPB person's home. With an asmo confession by Beauty Rest, that night time rest aid demon has been located. For Ever Thereafter, the U.S. Military was called to the area, and the mess began to overt.

Again, the Stoops gang was involved. They in turn made the dog vomit up another pile of picnic bone fragments, but this last one also had blood in the mucus. Opium dealers have no mercy!

April 26, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Drones and Completes

'Trash FLASH'
'Drones' and 'Complete'
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Beginning yesterday afternoon, shortly after the 'Ball' post was published the 'Drones' and 'Complete' started patterns of invasion in surrounding neighborhoods, the Cedars Apartments was no different.

The information about these two groups is little to nothing other then the 'Drones' are something of a bumble bee type of personality who pushes off other drones who are now, to say 'unemployed'...the name for this drone section is the 'Complete'.

It this point, both the 'Drones' and the 'Complete' gangs are working in the neighborhoods, but very little connection is made with the university they are created at. "Drones' are stalkers who work only for making money for the school when a failure takes place, such as, the information release about both of the 'Baseball/Caim' and 'Ball'.
'Completes' are quieter at this point by they too are working to secure money to re-establish themselves somewhere within the university system.

Whether or not this post will change these matters has yet to be known.

April 25, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Ball

'Trash FLASH'
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Shortly after the KAPB Baseball post on Caim the lead Al Qaeda sport group sent the KKK gang 'Ball' into the KAPB business offices.

Briefly, 'Ball' is a KKK group that is centered around any sport school or center where there is a large sport sales profit. So, the leader of this AQ group could either be the head coach of football, basketball, soccer, or even tennis. 'Ball also exists on website game rooms, such as Games.com or GSN.com. At gaming site, the 'Ball' member's avatar will be wearing something that indicated a ball sport, such as a football helmet, baseball cap, etc...Teamsprt44 is an example. When 'Ball' is the case for that player, they will be very aggressive, unprofessional in play, and most time violent. Using the website to locate other players home computer, this KKK gang group will generally push their way into the home internet computer and begin several selective sexual assaults, batteries, and verbal sexual gravities.

Most leader have come from or has had connection in the country of Mexico, hence the KKK (Knight Templar) connections. The crime, or course, is generally murder. Therefore, if the 'coach' has a 'Ball' gang working from the school or center, etc. then the likelihood that coach committed a murder in Mexico is 100%. If the, again, coach, made something of the school's sport division it is also very likely that the lead coach's name will head up and Al Qaeda cell...for instance a 'Stoops' cell could likely be a Templar cell operating in and from Mexico from the University of Oklahoma.

"Ball' is on the President's watch list, and has been sense the administration of President George Bush.

April 24, 2014

'Trash FLASH': OU Baseball and Caim

'Trash FLASH'
OU Baseball and Caim
 Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Camio - Dictionnaire Infernal
Caym (Caim)

University of Oklahoma late night woke up the neighborhood just after the Asmodeus and Eligos entry was fully published...throughout all time zones.

Confessing the OU baseball team had gone all girl,  they followed through with the pronouncement  that they also had fully changed themselves into the Goetia character of Caim.

Images of baseball were seen being thrown at people's faces with sneers about noses, teeth, and other body parts. Rubbing baseballs against the teeth of older women and calling them 'bucked teeth' just before chucking the baseball image of the OU ball straight into their face and teeth. The imaging also included balls being thrown at genitals of both men and women who came to assist the victims.

The Fifty-third Spirit is Camio, or Caim. He is a Great President, and appeareth in the Form of the Bird called a Thrush at first, but afterwards he putteth on the Shape of a Man carrying in his Hand a Sharp Sword. He seemeth to answer in Burning Ashes, or in Coals of Fire. He is a Good Disputer. His Office is to give unto Men the Understanding of all Birds, Lowing of Bullocks, Barking of Dogs, and other Creatures; and also of the Voice of the Waters. He giveth True Answers of Things to Come. He was of the Order of Angels, but now ruleth over 30 Legions of Spirits Infernal. His Seal is this, which wear thou, etc.  Delirium

The UN (United Nations) was contacted, and the result was that the Russian embassy claiming for Russia the ownership of the sport Baseball, and  "they had not allowed the University of Oklahoma, nor any other university, to change the game of baseball into a female only sport. The sport had been developed by and for men. Though the game can be played by women, it is not exclusively for women to play at universities."

The situation was subdued when Oklahoma state legal authorities informed OU that Oklahoma was going to sue the university for the midnight attack on females in the neighboring communities.

Supplemental - The Secret World of Drug-Addict Doctors - The Daily Beast

Supplemental - Photo Feature: Speed Faithing | The Penn

Supplemental - Theory of Mind Deficit in Subjects with Alcohol Use Disorder: An Analysis of Mindreading Processes

Supplemental - The "Sword of a Woman:" Gossip and Female Aggression

Supplemental - Tame-to-torture-psychosexual-correlations-of-sex-violence-and-torture.pdf

April 23, 2014

'Iconic': Asmodeus and Eligos

Asmodeus and Eligos
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Asmodeus shaped snake with the
coloring of an Eligos snake
A lot of attention is paid to the demon Asmodeus, and this post will most likely be no different.

Most know the name of Asmodeus from the Jewish stories surrounding King Solomon and his Lesser Key Book...Solomon sealed 72 demons in a brass bottle and throw the entire collection into a sea or deep pool of water somewhere in the then territory of Israel. Another tale written in the Arabian Nights sagas tells that Solomon tried to re-create the evocations from the Mosaic Era and was over-taken by the demon Asmodeus...to which the demon began to rule over all of Israel. The third story is about the Garden of Eden. It was there that one of the snakes from the tree of knowledge provoked Eve into submission to his will. Which ever story sound reasonable Asmodeus has been in the Middle East for 2500 years.

Turquoise Asmodeus
Eligos is also a demon and consort with Asmodeus...where one is so is the other. Eligos is also a demon who is considered to be a snake, but this snake is somewhat subdued when compared to the snake behaviors of the Asmodeus variety. The lead picture for this post is an Asmodeus snake. The normal color is Turquoise. The face of this unusual creature is like the one in the picture above. Quiet Different! The image to the left is the general coloring. While the image just below is the weight and length and the scale pattern is to the far right of the same photo.

Now Eligos is the friend and consort to the Prince Asmodeus. Not as resourceful as the demon Asmodeus, Eligos is still in all a type of assassin. Generally cloaked in a pale white, very little is seen of this demon's features. A shawl like covering appears over the face of a Eligos demon which heightens the alliance of the assassin aviance as both he and Asmodeus are considered to be in the pirate family, or more established notion of the 'Thieves of Baghdad' fables.
Eligos. Right side is early - mid stages.
Left side is very late stages.
Eligos is the second in this twosome who is more said to be the solid rock between the two. Eligos is subdued where Asmodeus is flamboyant. Eligos is nontalkative, and Asmodeus rarely ever stops talking or better said 'hussling'. Both still like to live in the better side of town, but little is seen of Eligos among the community as Asmodeus is a total kibbutz member.

The Eligos snake is just like the human side. The Eligos snake is in the garden or garner snake family. Most gardeners mistake the green garden snake that is very possibility an Eligos. Somewhat chubby in weight, the green neon colored variety of metamorphosis snakes is poisonous and can kill a person with a single bite, no matter what the person's size is.

 In the photo to the left are two example of the Eligos green snake. The lead picture at the top of this post is the fabled color while the Eligos head is very normal to the tradition snake known in the Americas.

Finally, Both Asmodeus and Eligos are considered to be in the Middle Eastern fables of the "Thieves of Baghdad'. Eligos is very much the figure of an assassin, and the country of Iraq has the greatest collections of images associated with the Eligos thief. Asmodeus on the other hand, has the larger collections in Israel, where this demon is still a favorite among the country's settlers.

On the right in the white turban is Eligos. On the left is Asmodeus
as the 'Prince of Thieves'. 
Today, these two thieves are still in the business of looting and plundering. Always on the prowl for something to steal, Asmodeus works in the framing of a prostitute. Eligos does not. Asmodeus works everything in ambiguity for the act of prostitution. And. Eligos simply likes to steal things, sell them to the highest buyer, and leave the area as quickly as possible. Asmodeus is likened to 'gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe'.

Baghdad Sword
To close this post one final thing is important...the sword! As all fables go the 'Thieves of Baghdad' also has a recovery for failure. With the sword starts a new life, the new living to which fortune can be re-acquired. When an evocation of an Asmodeus is preformed, most say here "Not the thing to do", if the conditions are not correct, which they never are, Asmodeus seems to appear with a sword in his hand with which he will stab any and everyone in the room when this demon appears. Asmodeus always starts afresh with the use of his personal sword, whether or not he has an Asmodeus snake with him. Big danger sign here. Eligos also carried a knife similar to a sword, but the hilt has a leather covering on it where the Asmodeus knife/sword does not have a covering. Which ever the case both weapons are dangerous and both demons should be avoided at all costs to the person.

April 22, 2014

'Definitions': 'Christianza'

Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Both of these females are in the stage
of 'Christianza'. Google Images
The Al Qaeda 'Christianza' is the elite order of females who have passed through several stage in DID. They are primary in stages of ANNA in some form or another. The 'Christianza' is best associated with the behaviors of the Amazon women stories where no men exist.

In the Al Qaeda 'Christianza', these women fairly much own and operate the Christian Church around the world. 'Christianza' is also a major player in the religious orders of Islam, Hindu, and Buddhism.

'Definitions': Al Qaeda 'Shirt'

Al Qaeda 'Shirt'
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

It is believed that the home port for this Al Qaeda group is the country of Turkey in the middle east. 'Shirt' also consists primary of pirates such as the sect in the Disney movie, Prince of Persia, the detailed story of the demon Asmodeus.

'Shirt' is the organization that manufactures clothing for major outlets around the world. 'Shirt' has successfully created a flow of products by stealing custom designs from, primary, students, but they also try to get new creations from establish designers.

Some of the outlets that sell clothing black marketed through 'Shirt' are Bugle Boy, GAP, and Fruit of the Loom. Large department stores also market for 'Shirt', included are Holstroms, K Mart, and Sears.

The mystical Prince of Persia, in reality with KAPB, as a pirate is more of a house nig_er who works more as a prostitute then actually working as a kingdom prince as understood within the stories in our modern propaganda themes. (The Holy Bible strongly suggests that King David also started as a Suza (transgender lover) for King Saul.) 'Shirt' also uses space stations to broadcast into homes and repetitiously uses the same dialogue as Aner. One thing is for sure about the prince for 'Shirt' he is always the one person who is sent out first, and that the Asmodeus side-kick is Eligos. Both of them like to carry a snake that develops inside of their body in latter stages of these DID's development.

April 17, 2014

'Tracking Bruce': Ill. officer brawls with suspect at gas station

Supplemental - The First Photograph of an Execution by Electric Chair - LightBox

Supplemental - Outbreak of Measles Among Persons With Prior Evidence of Immunity, New York City, 2011

Supplemental - Our Photo of the Day - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

'Tracking Bruce': Okla. cop narrowly avoids careening car

'Tracking Bruce'
Oklahoma  2014


Perhaps this may fit or not, but at about the age of 18-20, Art and Kara were standing along side their personal car that was parked along side the curb which allowed for vehicles to stand, etc near a traffic intersection. It was at this place that a car came careening towards Kara who was standing by the driver's door. Art stepped in front of Kara when he too noticed this car coming in towards her. The careening car just missed the two of them. Little else is known about this as Kara didn't have the authority to take the situation any further. 

This Oklahoma report may or may not stem from that incident, because both Kara and Ernie have stalkers who video play the Maryland incident every now and then for them to see or watch. Last night is one such video play (april 16, 2014)

April 15, 2014

'The Vatican: Untucked': GIRTH in Reverse

'The Vatican: Untucked'
GIRTH in Reverse
Oklahoma   Summer, 2014

Untucked is a slang term popularized by reality TV shows when describing the untucking of the male phallus from the "Scrotum... the loose pouch-like sac of skin that hangs behind and below the penis." It is with that function in mind that this post is published.

At the end of KAPB's 'The Submarine' several characters rose to prominence. As KAPB had already thoroughly covered all of them, and it must be said again, completely detailed all there was about the Catholic organization, there was little left to say about this fraternal order. Leaving only the most unpopular entities as the final output left at hand. So...

KAPB has chosen to UNTUCK'em.

D. P. Upham
Aner, or the Avertin, is the bottom of the protocol for the Vatican inner-circle.  There is not a lot of published information abut this individual, but they have been around for many, many years. North Carolina has the greatest number of Aner as they re-settled that state after the U.S. Civil War. Famed for war and soldiering, Aner's will carry the virus of gonorrhea, which will be the sole purpose for this KAPB publication...the Vatican hierarchy and the diseases they represent. All Aner's in the Christian Church must have had some kind of contact with Gonorrhea or they simply will not qualify for this first position in the Vatican fraternal order.

Gonorrhea (STD) is generally known to come from some kind of contact with human feces...whether sexually or in a living situation. Though not eaten, the feces in introduced to the body by way of some other functioning organ such as the vagina. Gonorrhea is also contactable by eating dog meat.

Though, this post is not the intention to name names, Aner's from the stage illustrated by the first photo is the only one who ever crossed the KAPB path. There for the Aner stage in which the U.S. Civil War General D.P. Upham get the headliner.
This person is a foot man for the Vatican.

The Monsignor normally follows in rank just behind, no pun intended, the Aner, though there have been changes. The only way a person can get to be a monsignor is to have contracted the Asian flu virus (bird flu) and survived the most sever case 'known to man', or so its said.

Monsignors are always colored in blue, They also produce the blue jay bird at extreme stage of the Asian flu as the bird has been observed leaving the body of a monsignor who died of the Asian flu. Monsignors love to form posses and be in groups that scourer neighborhoods for bounty and loot.

The Bob Lowry gang is one of the largest gangs that formed just after the U.S. Civil War of 1861-1865. That gang leader is an excellent example of the personality and career-minded monsignor.

In the KAPB section entitled, "Disciple Mania" the space station section is perhaps the best example of a Lowry gang in today's society. There is where a monsignor is most likely to have the greatest influence on the church's activities inside of organized crime cells.

It's little wonder that most gangsters run around with colds and flues as this blue bird lover will not let a person run the criminal road without some kind of flu or virus in their nose. Some say a monsignor is a Goetia Cimejes, but that is not fully the truth. They are more likely to love being a Goetia Bune.

In between the Monsignor and Archbishop is a few lesser known positions that really never leave far from the Vatican, most likely because of their looks...disfigurements is the general understanding.

So, Archbishop is the next in line. An archbishop must have some sign of Rubeola, also known as measles. The childhood disease of measles can be contracted as an adult if the situation is ripe for it.

Pagan Molock worshipers who have consumed the internal organs of infants and child who has measles at the time of their death is about the only way for adults can contact that virus. The affects of Rubeola if contracted during adulthood will leave damages in mouth and cheek area that will cause a childish appearance to the face around the mouth and outer cheeks.

 The Cardinal who is associated with the color of red is primary due to their affinity with the virus called Typhoid. In deep stages of Typhoid the body will produce a red bird called Red Cardinal. Typhoid Mary started the epidemic in the  USA during the turn of the 19th century (NYC), and sense then most cases have been isolated in Europe.

 All Popes are chosen from the cardinal group of hierarchical clergy persons. They run the earth searching for persons who have Typhoid and at the same time share their fortunes with Jesus. There is where most contract the deep stages of Typhoid and ultimately die from the virus. Though most do find ways to combat the disease, they generally have some disfigurements, such as, an enlarged head and penis.

It is from the salmonella red stage that the red bird is found, and it's also there where the color red became the icon for the position of Cardinal in the Catholic Church.

Finally, the Pope. Now this is a character...HIV/AIDS! The priests of the Holy Bible's Old Testament were about the only ones who were permitted to say whether or not a person who clean of leprosy. Leprosy being a stage of HIV, the chances of contacting that virus is fairly good as the white mount have to be cleaned and pampered if it was draining of any mucus.

Each week the wound have to be administered to until only a scab remained on the skin. The most high counselors of the religious Christian nations has to have been in some kind of contact with lepers and HIV/AIDS.

Enough said.

Thanks for Viewing!

Supplemental - Papal Primer: 10 Most Intriguing Popes : Discovery News

April 12, 2014

'Trash FLASH': Gameloft

'Trash FLASH'
Oklahoma  Spring, 2014

For Android users, Gameloft is the primary gaming app. But, this little gaming developer has a shady background. Those games collect and stop a varies levels allowing only nations who's name in connected within the game format.

But, another problem is the Molock connection. In the logo the letter 'G' is in reality of infant's penis in roll up. Living in a former crime zone of child sexual assault and murder, the Gameloft has shown very poor taste in the allowance of Molock worships to invade homes using the Gameloft iPhone apps, as well as, using the so-called victories to hood-wink, deface, and debate a crime scene. Good Luck Dubai.

April 11, 2014

'Iconic': Ars' Seals (Lemegeton)

Ars' Seals (Lemegeton)
Oklahoma   Spring, 2014

Ar Agares
Whether a person is studying religion or science, the word 'demon' will sooner or later become a part of the studies' concentration. The Lemegeton is simple the collection of seals of which either religious or scientist use to maintain control over both the positive and negative energies; that is, energy forces. Very little is said about these seals other then their part in the occult world of magic, but they 'are' (exists) use by medical scientist such as Physicist and Social Physiologist. How they came is be known is another area that is vague other then the authors discovered the seals while dabbling in the black art. The 'Shemhamphorasch' an acronym formed from the first letter of each word in the biblical passage at Exodus 14:19-21.

Coming to be known as spiritualist, and, later as occultist, scientist from the Esoteric religious movements continued the human mind studies started as early as 1500 BC Egypt. These studies preceded the Age of the Pharaoh and very well may have been an absolute mannerism of studies extended at what the bible authors classify as Eden and the fall when Cain was marked in the face with a 'red' mark on his face as a sign for everyone to see and be afraid in persecution of him because of sinfulness. 

Ar Sitri
There is not much more mention about those marks or 'seals', if a seal is what was placed on Cain's face, but that special segment of that biblical detail is important to this post as the 'seals' are a part of the establishment for identity of mankind on the earth. A divine course was created for mankind who were to be identified as 'in the evil way' by a simple mark that rises to the surface of the skin. The mark is the transformation of the genetic structure (DNA) when humans make fatal decisions an enter into the dark side of the brain. Children who are born of parents in a seal are too marked with the seal of the mother. In other words, creationist, here with GOD, made the identification of wayward man with the Ars 'seals'.

The 'seals' themselves are divided into several categories. Animal, Object, Propulsion (travel), and Cartume (person). Each Lemegeton seals was finely crafted through the human genetics for identification purposes. As written in biblical history and mentioned above, the occultist scientist fully formed the entire collection for scientific purpose. The 'seals' are still used today to aid in the social and medical professions. 

Ar Gamigin
The entire collection of the seals were assembled over the centuries through special Hermetic groups like Order of the Golden Dawn who recorded the werewolf demons created through the drinking of blood; and, the altruistic Hermetic Qabalah that gathered reports on faith-based occult demons among Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Today the name of name in demonology is the occultist Carroll 'Poke' Runyon. His work among the demonic seals is a major interest to professionals in religious cultism. His study is in Western Hermetism.


Ar Leraje