'International' and now 'Pirates' has been added to the KAPB clusters
Both are the militant fractions created to upset Oklahoma's sovereign statehood.

October 30, 2013

'Definitions': Alfenon: The Parade Name on Bruce

Alfenon: The Parade Name on Bruce
Oklahoma   10/30/2013

Alfenon. The parade is the place where the name 'Alfenon' becomes known. When a Bruce, Al Qaeda member rolls down the road in a parade, they think in the terms of an Alfenon'. 'Alfenon' will work very slowly giving very little effort even to the smaller of details. Food, clothing, with health and sanitation as the three main issues that an 'Alfenon' considers to be valid for working through...and, usually only if it'is to maintain their living arrangements if those arrangements are safe with food, clothing, etc. But more importantly, the Bruce, Al Qaeda will never again do as the Al Qaeda tell them to do. Pulling from a well-of-resources that they accursed over the years, 'Alfenon' are able to locate the many others who rode in such a parade...within just a couple of years, Bruce will included his favorite female impersonator to ride along with him, and into a new life style so to say. Using somewhat of a Dilem pattern arrangement, this twosome manages to place themselves somewhere into, whether knowingly or not, the third person resources to advance the parade couple's new lifestyle. Even if Bruce does convince the other male counterpart, it is the female look-a-like that will be the fixative into the new lifestyle reentry. updated oct 31, 2013.

October 24, 2013

Ligature Essays of the Old and New Testament

Ligature Essays 

These essays are examples of master level essays from the academic journal Ligature: A Modern Example of the Bible in Today's Modern World. These essays are among the papers from the parent file that spear-headed the KAPB Plutonium blog. 


Other Books in Ligature...



Thanks MattDanner.net for the column code....

Article - 11-Year-Old Brings Gun to School - The Daily Beast

Article - Catholic University Social Work School Ends Relationship with NASW over Abortion | The Chronicle of Social Change

Article - ‘Gangs’ Seize and Tax Coptic Christian Property in Egypt

Article - Oarfish inspired ancient sea tales - expert | abc7.com

October 22, 2013

Did you know that...

'Did U Know That...


In the book of  Matthew at 1: 1-16 lists the genealogy of Jesus. But, at verse 16 the bible says Joseph was the father of Jesus. So what's this about? Was it...

* to remove Jesus from the notion of a divinity
* required that the head of household, regardless, to be listed in all genealogical records, alien Christians included
* the reinstatement of the pre-marriage law that the Pharisees halted during the ministry of Jesus so that he could know longer teach in the synagogues as he was labeled a bastard. Thus the reinstatement would allow Joseph as the father rather then Jesus be called to be God as Man
* the name 'Joseph' itself was one of the houses listed in 1 Samuel. As their custom, 'all males first' were duly recorded

When Matthew wrote his book any of the above choices could have been correct. Whatever the reason, Joseph is listed as the father of Jesus Christ in the Book of Matthew. 


Jesus was never referred to as a Hebrew. And, even though the New Testament apostles preached of him as without fault; that is, infallible, he's never referred to as a Hebrew! Why? 

* Some of the Hebrews fought with Moses about Pharaoh's men sitting on the straw that made the 'bricks'. Many of the new converts to the One God demanded of Moses to beg Pharaoh's forgiveness calling the conversed behavior a disobedience
* Moses refused and the Hebrews became known as Jews ; or, better, 'Conversed'
* New Testament states Jesus the Jew was repayment for the first born dead of Egypt. This made the Jews at fault for their lack of faith and not the Hebrews who didn't beg to return to worship of Pharaoh.

The result makes it perfectly clear that faith without working for salvation it is a dead belief. And at the event of Jesus' birth the story teller wrote that in the stable it was a donkey that sat on the straw.


The entire bible is written in the special language used by dogs. It is! With only a few words from the special feline, or cats, language, the bible was specially written to reflect that idea. Why?

* Abraham, to where genealogies are written from, was from the town of Sodom. Famous with it's connection to Gomorrah.
* Sodom was evil for making demon gods and then having sex with them. Gomorrah was evil for making animals of men. The highest intelligence is the canine(dog).
* As the One God called "I Am" is the victory, conversed men(and women) to the evils of Sodom learned to talk in the language of dogs.

If you ever go and study Veterinary Medicine you will learn that's it's true. The nouns and verbs are all in the special dog language.  p.s...Jesus loves you, woof! 


 Revelations 22: 21 is the single word "Amen". 


* Amun means 'unknown master'. In the first attempt to Christianize opium addicts with the use of wine was in Cairo, Egypt. Conversed lettering with the 'first and last' letters the signature of the author not included the remaining letter are UM. That Egyptian dynasty recorded that they didn't know who it was that they were seeing and sent messages throughout the known world for an answer to who the man that they would see when the sun rose each morning.

* Amen means 'eternal master'. At the conclusion of the holy book of the bible, the religious scholars in Istanbul, Turkey, the first step from Cairo, felt it was a matter of faith to understand what the words mean when   the fruit of the vine, was used to cure opium addiction. Couple with the only few words addicts can see this man speaking encourages converts to freedom and salvation.

 The words this sun/son says to you are "Follow me".


Joseph, the birth father if Jesus Christ, may have been the husband of Mary Madeline.  Contrary to current beliefs of a lover to the messiah Jesus, Mary by Jewish law would have been referred to as an out-cast. Read of it in this After thought: from the Ligature essay of Luke.
" After thought: After much study, it's felt that Mary Madeline my have been Joseph's (father of Jesus Christ) first wife. The bible details the story of how and why Joseph divorced his wife in favor of Mary. Mary tell the story of how she was surrounded by evildoers and witches yet she was chosen to be the mother of a blessed child to be considered a/the messiah. Jesus, as detailed above, lived in among demons and transgressors and among them was Mary Madeline, a barren women therefore she would have been considered as a cast-off wife if Joseph decided to divorce her, which is what he did. Mary Madeline converted to the way of Jesus after he preformed an exorcism and removed her demons, seven in total...this seven demons may be a schism for the seven primary divisions in the religious structures we know today."

Article - Why is online 'gaming' fun, but 'gambling' is shady? | Futurity

'Trash FLASH': Ambiguity or Church Cover-Up?

'Trash FLASH'
Ambiguity or Church Cover-Up?
Oklahoma   10/22/2013

Did the church cover up facts in the bible to be a self serving or a one person directed institution for world dominance?

Read the verse copies below. It's from the New Living Translation. Ask yourself if ambiguity played a key factor in the information that flowed from Christian churches which structured the American's ideas of the Christian movements and sectular religious thought.

26. John told them. "I baptize with water, but right here is the crowd is someone you do not recognize. 27. Though his ministry follows mine, I'm not even worthy to be his slave and untie the straps of his sandal." - John 1: 26-27

"27. Though his ministry follows mine"... Does this passage mean Jesus follows the teaching of John the Baptist, a Syrian pastor and prophet, or does this verse mean Jesus would preach later on after Jesus was baptized.

Where did Jesus tell us to go when wolves came in as lambs? Rethink Boanerges Brothers! 

'FYI': Religious Iconic Terms

Religious Iconic Terms
Oklahoma  10/22/2013

Here is a list of terms used by the seven divisions in world religion formally called The Converso Movement. Most of these sections should be known to the average person. The others maybe new to the gemeral public's spiritual religious attitudes.
Atheist - Indifference
Buddhist - Ritual
Christian - Cleansing
Greek - Pleasure
Hindu - Meditation
Jews - Suffering
Muslin - Sacrifice

Listed alphabetically, the message is somewhat chilling...but, oh so true! Seeing the message listed this way seems to send another, and much more wholesome information for the world in which they thrive...the end of their New World Order. “The true knowledge will become abundant (Daniel 12:4)...Amen, and again Amen.

(verse location: web search: JW.org)

Article - Illuminati Council of 13 Human Sacrifice Denver Colorado (Updated June 21) | Veterans Today

Article - Former C.I.A. Lawyer Stephen Preston's Undisclosed Answers on Detentions : The New Yorker

Article - Knights Templar - InSight Crime | Organized Crime in the Americas

Article - Knights Templar Test Narco-Insurgency Theory - InSight Crime | Organized Crime in the Americas

Article - The History Of United States Elections

October 20, 2013

'Definitions': Lacy (or Lasis)

Lacy (or Lasis)
Oklahoma   10/20/2013

Lacy. Another cluster reported by the Presidential G.W. Bush, Jr. administration. This group is some what large, but the member are all about the same they just play different parts along the way. This Al Qaeda group is free-base meaning they interact when ever they want to input or engage a victim. They are also all prisoners in some way...either in jail, in transitional situations, probation/parole, and at large fugitive.

The members and other objects that are used:
  • 1. Argonaut - Greek fraction this time.
  • 2. Bar-Jesus - This Sabnock goetia is the same as mentioned in the biblical book of Acts. Lasis (believed to be the formal form of 'Lacy') is mentioned here as an associate with the two disciple and Bar-Jesus.
  • Agares, Sabnock, Fung and Bathin - This are the three DID's that comprise 'Lacy'.  The chosen DID's from these three goetias are ones who like to inject an herbal liquor by the name of Ferrius. By using a pain soother, they are able to withstand the burning caused by the injecting of an alcohol substance. The Bathin is a religious Christian Protestant by the name of Kenneth Copeland. The Sabnock is in the stage of 'Alien' called Splem...it is at this step that a Sabnock will repeatedly do pornography.
  • 4. Kyle Hobbes - With the resent merging between rival motor gangs of 'Finks and Mongols', Hobbes from Australia (Finks) became the USA National President of the Finks. This Foras goetia motor gang will allow an Agares goetia to join their motorcycle pack if the group is small and freshly developing, such as with the resent merger. The merger made the Fink/Mongol (USA) the second larger motorcycle group in the world.
  • 5. Newspapers - Journalism is the favorite workshop place for 'Lacy's' public awareness. Here in Oklahoma, The Oklahoman is the state-wide newspaper that is used to 1. gossip, 2. fornicate, and 3. lie...these three idioms have been identified by country which are Italy, Greece, and France.
  • 6. CIA, FBI, DEA, and ATF - 'Lacy' is the largest crime group where persons from the CIA, FBI, DEA, and ATF are located. Just what they are there for is not quite understood but the numbers for these four law enforcement associations are: FBI - Transgender, CIA - persons born in bastard, ATF - known as some form of incest, and DEA - Deaist lesbian who has the power to use multi guns and equipment of making bombs, etc. 
  • 7. Cheerleaders - Using the Latin term of 'En Dominae' [In the name of], Cheerleaders in 'Lacy' have a separate identity from the average pro-port extra. Because of the Italian membership it would be safe to assume that an evolved arena madam would most likely to this cheerleader.
  • 8. Frontal - Best known in the Jewish religion, a frontal is a prayer locket that is worn over the forehead. Its purpose is to service as a reminder to the laws whether religious or religiously organized.
  • 9. Weatherford Oil Company, Houston, Texas. -  Connected with the Governor's office Weatherford Oil is the street patrol for 'Lacy'. 
  • 10. State-wide Water Conservation Policy - 'Lacy' is suspected by Oklahoma State Police of being the master-mind Al Qaeda group who was involved in the 1994 Federal Court House bombing.
  • 11. Bruce - In 'Lacy' Bruce members are in the stage of Aen.
  • 12. Mormons - There was some evidence that the religious group of LDS (Later Day Saints) were around the building sometime before the bombing. 
  • 13. Bob Stoops - KAPB believes that, after several pass throughs, Stoops is an Al Qaeda cell of its own. It is not fully known just who and how this possible cell is made up.
  • 14. Prostitution - 'Lacy' likes to use transgenders who are in prostitution. 
  • 15. Demagoguery - Based on the three kings of Saul, David, and Solomon, including their wives, concubines and lovers, KAPB believes this religious subject currently details an association to a worship of a select person for this type of a god worship.  Meaning: individual persons are assigned an individual king (one of the three above), and the biblical pattern of each king is the format used today in this king-god-victim type of demagoguery. It is believed that the Al Qaeda king adds any other necessary elements to form his worship kingdom that is funded by the victim's personal assets, such as, academic diploma/degrees, employment status, and personal art/crafts works of multiple levels. 
  • 16. Forge - Forge like to abort negro babies. They will also use the illegal procure of partial birth abortion. Living in a communal situation, Forge will have, fund, and procure abortions of the Negro fetus.
  • 17. Abraham and Sarah - Such as with the biblical impedance of Abraham/Sarah/Hagar, it is believed that the American settlements in among the Native American Indians was much the same. Indian chiefs Osceola (Creek) and Cochise(Apache) are both in a stage of Ken. Much of the stage of Ken he is an impedance. Therefore, the use of a so-called second wife had to have been used to continue on the the linage of Osceola and Cochise, or here said the Abraham factor. This is a part of the 'Lacy' foundation.
  • 18. Parties - These types of parties are used by Bedouin Arabs. As members of the Silk Trade Route, recently busted (Oklahoma, 2013), this crime organization is located primary in the USA. Silk Road in located in China, Silk Fabric is in Russia, and Silk Wear in located in Canada. These are only a few names and locations for this Bedouin Arab members. Parties are assembled by the Sabnock goetia as a 'Class Act' gathering. The private homes of private citizen are viewed during one of the 'Class Act' parties. These Bedouin Arabs are mainly in the stage of Bruce.
  • 19. Greek Orthodox Church - Under the influence of the biblical James the Lesser, this religious order is very assaulting towards women. They believe women are for the sole purpose of child-bearing. They also feel that women outside of child-bearing have no human rights. This Greek religious order also believe women are to provide both same-sex as well as childless opposite sex couples with fresh infants. This religious order believes this procedure should be done without reservation, guile, and guilt. 
  • 20. Katie/Bruce (fung) - Within 'Lacy' both Katie and Bruce (currently both are suspected to be Al Qaeda cells) works for a Greek merchants named Felix Halunlun.
  • 21. Astorah - Astorah works as a gigolo.
These are the Al Qaeda members KAPB found within the crime group known as 'Lacy'. 'Lacy' is a key figure in the USA 9/11 New York, Washington, D.CC., Pennsylvania, and Virginia bombings. The investigations into this Al Qaeda group was brought on by Former President George Bush, Jr. during his administration.

October 16, 2013

Article - Christopher Columbus was awful (but this other guy was not) - The Oatmeal

Article - Absurd Creature of the Week: The Human-Sized Salamander That Smells Like Pepper - Wired Science

Article - Was Sex With Children Ever O.K.? | TIME.com

Article - Malaysian Court Says Only Muslims Can Say "Allah" | TIME.com

Article - Trial begins in Amityville murders — History.com This Day in History — 10/14/1975

Article - Vatican Medals Misspell ‘Jesus’ - The Daily Beast

Article - Boat Full of ‘Lower Grade’ Weed Crashes Into Nude Beach | TIME.com

October 15, 2013

'Trash FLASH': Weatherford Oil Consultants

'Trash FLASH'
Weatherford Oil Consultants
Oklahoma   10/15/2013

Using much the same techniques as the Alaskan governor's office, while under the leadership of Sarah Palin, Weatherford Oil is currently patrolling the streets of  Norman, Oklahoma shocking women on their breast nipples. While passing under city traffic lights, the Weratherford (Dora) white utility trucks drivers yodel verbal profanities and pitch fire balls of electricity at a female passersby.  Here in Oklahoma these white trucks are not good guys. KAPB is also in the process of tracking an Al Qaeda cell by the name of LACY. Because of the physical assaults made today, plus the verbal assaults on earlier occasions during our LACY track-down, KAPB feels Weatherford Oil Company is most likely a member or a part of the Al Qaeda cell that is listed on the presidential watch list for Al Qaeda suspects.

Article - ‘MasterChef’ Finalist Reportedly Killed Himself - The Daily Beast

Article - Exorcism of Emily Rose (Anneliese Michel): Medical explanation | Medchrome

Article - Paralyzed by Polarization - The Daily Beast

Article - Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess and Zoroastrian Yazata.

Article - Ancient DNA reveals multiple stages of settlement in Europe | Science Codex

October 9, 2013

Article - Dangerous new breed of biker gang seeks Internet glory, taunting police - Investigations

Article - AFP: Violent gangs recruit kids from age 6 in Guatemala

Article - FBI Busts Caribbean's 'Most Powerful' Drug Trafficking Group - InSight Crime | Organized Crime in the Americas

Article - Narco-Islands: Mexico Ends One Journey, Starts Another - InSight Crime | Organized Crime in the Americas

Article - Chicago's Problems Go Beyond Gangs

October 8, 2013

'Trash FLASH': Doucheden

'Trash FLASH'
Oklahoma   10/8/2013

The dog on top is about the color a person's
hair would get if they were to inject dog
While house sitting in what we term as the 'Oklahoma Golin Heights', we were able to get the name of a girl who says she wants to changed herself into a dog.

It's... Doucheden.

Her intention was to use dog semen and then live her life as a willing subject to clients who preferred exotic animals as party partners...that is, sexual.

It was related to us that all mental health patients using this type of behavior normally did call themselves a doucheden.

The blonde headed, mixed breed (now) retorted that she was to be called the 'Doucheden' as she was able to appear in human form; wherefore, she, and only she, was to carry the privilege of being the Douche.

Here my finger, pull it!

'FYI': Satan Retreating

Satan Retreating
Oklahoma  10/8/2013

Fighting with the local Fungs, it was somewhat easy to get the names used by them as they slowly retreat backwards from power. As written, Fung is a slang term used by persons who contract Typhoid. After several generations these persons have very little recognition of who and what they are created for, only that they are the living Satan, or as said in religious terms.

These are the words used by a Satan (aka, Peril, aka, Fung) when the cluster of workers is discovered and the leader calls a halt to the activities to switch to another predetermined set of activities. On each word the followers must scale down their work until the 'all-clear' signal is given it which time the  next word is given to start a 'scale -down' at that word level.

These are the words:
  • Peril (Satan)
  • Fung
  • Alt
  • Dirt
  • Clum
  • Gelk
  • Eh
  • E ( pronounced as a short e)

 Plutonium has several posts on the Fung. Any one of them will have information about this Al Qaeda order founded among the Typhoid carriers.

Article - Tasteless Or Not? Restaurant Puts Communion Wafer On Burger : The Two-Way : NPR

Article - Interactive Diversity: A Proposed Model of Christian Origins

Article - Project MUSE - Francis Alive and Aloft: Franciscan Apocalypticism in the Colonial Andes

Article - Obesity In America

Article - North East gangs use killer dogs to hunt region's wildlife - Chronicle Live

October 7, 2013

Article - Notorious bikie gangs, the Aussie Finks and the US Mongols, join forces - TNT Magazine

'Definitions': Amp

Oklahoma   10/7/2013

Amp. Another AL Qaeda fraction that President Bush reported to the American press as a threat. Later, during the Obama administration, 'Amp' was reported to the American press as having been destroyed. The American news media, in-turn, reported to the American viewers that the truth was that, yes, 'Amp' had been removed. But, here in Oklahoma...

KAPB found a small cell who was trying to build a second 'Amp'.  These few so-called members were trying to establish a new beginning for the eliminated 'Amp', but because the group was  severely thin, financially broke, and the new group poorly managed a judicial detection was easy.

Below is what was found in learning about this Al Qaeda group.

The intended new name was to be 'Ind'.

  • Bella (Denmark, or Durek) used the tulip wars of Denmark to transition from Mock-Up(Mack). Bella stated that the former name of 'Amp' was no longer going to be used, and she had selected the new term of Ind.
  • Beginning Fung - these members were criers, chatters, and other wise those who hung-around and gossiped outside the homes.  Beginning fung was earlier posted as apart of the Fung family of Satanist, as well as, the character Bruce(Bruce), Katie, and other family members as in reality a Beginning Fung.
  • Astorah -  here Astorah is more on the behavior of a gigolo and/or prostitute. The Goetia Astorah colonies as seen mainly in Israel. Because King David, by biblical terms, was a concubine/prostitute for King Saul it would be safe to believe that the Astorah character has played an important role in Israel for a very long time.
Greece ended the attempted re-introduction of an 'Amp' cell when the Al Qaeda break-in was reported to the state distinct attorney. This ended this trespassing by the 'Ind'/'Amp'. 

Please note: KAPB feels that the Fung family is the organization who is the perpetrator in the attempt to reform this organized crime cell due to the close similarity between the name 'Ind' and 'Imp'. DID's are famous for transposing letters, names, locations, etc when they believe they are in a convert operation of some sort or another. Also, its felt the Fung family is headed up by a 'Katie' who is very possibly a 'Bruce' in drag as 'Bruce' will hydra(Bruce) into five separate characters, one of which is a girl. Lastly, because a primary character in the Katie cluster who is referred to as Katie's brother 'Tyler' (second picture) has gone into the Halphas Goetia. The Halphas demon is the character which was used to harbor among the Jews who were released from the WW2 prisoner camps. Because of the multiple appearances of the 'Katie' Fung, we feel the leader (Katie) gets to be the person who whom is used to illustrate a character of leadership in an Al Qaeda development entitled 'KATIE'...this name is more likely a acronym for something.

October 6, 2013

Article - Project MUSE - Short Words on Earth: Theological Geography in Rufinus’s Commentary on the Apostles’ Creed

Article - A cult leader kills one of his followers — History.com This Day in History — 9/28/1988

Article - 2 Phoenix-area hospital cases may be tied to flesh-eating drug

Article - Religion vs. reason: The extinction of honest leaders | Dan Casey

Article - U.N.: Humans Cause Climate Change - The Daily Beast